Nätverk för infrastruktur

TZS har ett brett nationellt och internationellt samarbetsnätverk, vilket omfattar forskningsinfrastrukturnätverk, forskningssamarbete, samarbete med näringslivet, samt verksamhet riktad till skolor, allmänheten, beslutsfattare och media (outreach).

TZS is part of the FINMARI infrastructure network, with the aim of providing easy access to all major Finnish marine research infrastructures. The network consists of coastal field stations, research vessels, laboratories, fixed measurement platforms and buoys in the Northern Baltic Sea.


TZS belongs to a broader network of Finnish University research stations, which is spread across the whole country.


The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is a distributed research infrastructure consortium for marine biology and ecology research, especially providing access to biological resources and research platforms. As of 2024, Finland is a full member of EMBRC. EMBRC Finland’s activities are organised as part of FINMARI and lead by TZS. Together, the Finnish partners, which also include the Archipelago Research Institute at Seili (University of Turku), Husö Biological Station and Archipelago Centre Korpoström (Åbo Akademi University) and the marine research laboratory of the Finnish Environment Institute, offer access to marine stations and institutes along the Finnish coastline.


TZS is a full member of the EuroMarine network, which is a consortium of research and academic organisations advancing marine science. EuroMarine aims at identifying and addressing important emerging scientific topics or issues and at fostering new services relevant to the marine scientific community.


AQUACOSM (followed by AQUACOSM-plus) was an EU H2020-INFRAIA infrastructure network of mesocosm facilities for large-scale experimental research on marine and freshwater ecosystems. Transnational access (TNA) was offered at partner institutions in 2018-2023, including TZS and SYKE in Finland. While the EU-funded project has ended, collaboration between the network partners continues.

Baltic Sea Centre, Stockholm University

The University of Helsinki and Stockholm University have a strategic partnership where one of the key areas is Baltic Sea research. Therefore TZS is closely collaborating with the Baltic Sea Centre at Stockholm University under the umbrella of the CoastClim Centre that focuses on evaluating the links between coastal biodiversity, carbon cycling, and climate feedbacks. 

The mission of the Baltic Sea Centre is to strengthen and illuminate the significant marine activity that involves over ten different Departments at the Stockholm University. It also collaborates with a wide network of marine scientists to improve the knowledge about the Baltic Sea and help society handle its marine environmental problems.

The Institute of Marine Science, University of Auckland

The Institute of Marine Science (IMS) brings together the wide range of expertise and facilities at The University of Auckland to work towards improving our understanding of the marine environment. TZS and IMS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote research collaboration, and exchange of staff and graduate students.


Dropp seeks to do its bit to save the Baltic Sea and mobilise both individuals and corporations to get involved in this work as a part of their everyday lives and routine operations. At TZS Dropp has initiated the MONICOAST project, by funding the first set of data loggers that are deployed in key habitats such as seagrass meadows, bladder wrack belts and mussel beds, where they continuously measure temperature, salinity, oxygen and pH.

Viking Line

Viking Line is a public limited company which operates passenger traffic on the northern Baltic Sea. Viking Line supports marine research at TZS, and TZS and the University of Helsinki provide information about the Baltic Sea for Viking Line with the aim of raising public awareness about the value of a healthy, diverse and living Baltic Sea.

Port of Hanko

The Port of Hanko is the southernmost port in Finland, offering fast connections to continental Europe, all over Finland and Russia. The Port of Hanko is supporting marine research at TZS.

Patrick "Pata" Degerman

Pata Degerman is an experienced explorer who holds lectures to companies, schools, groups and societies. He helps TZS with outreach activities and fundraising. Pata is also an amazing photographer - he has a way of showing the general public the fascinating world above and under the surface!