The Finnish centre of excellence in Randomness and Structures (FiRST) calls for applications for research and research-training jobs for the summer 2025.
The summer jobs are intended for bachelor/master thesis students but motivated applications of earlier stage students will be also considered. The positions are fixed 3-month contracts with full working hours, unless otherwise agreed with the applicant.
Please notice: the call is only for students with University of Helsinki affiliation.
For more information, please see the FiRST website.
To apply, please fill the application form at
Deadline for applications is 31st January, 2025.
Coronal holes (CHs) are considered as the primary source of open magnetic flux emanating from the Sun and filling up the interplanetary space. They are observed in Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) wavelengths as dark patches on the solar disc and in white-light corona observations as less bright areas due to their lower density. CHs are often considered as areas with potential magnetic field structure, meaning they are free of currents and evolving very slowly with time. Contrary, Active Regions (ARs) are characterized by non-potential and rapidly evolving magnetic fields. When ARs are present at the boundaries of CHs they can affect the CH structure, via reconnection, and therefore they impact the open flux associated with that CH. A current topic of investigation is to understand the extent of this and how it affects the interplanetary magnetic field. During the summer internship the candidate will build a database of CH-AR pairs and study the possible impacts the AR (and AR emergence) had on the CH characteristics and open flux. This will be done via analysing observations and if time allows via simulations.
The research is part of the SOFTCAT project funded by the Research Council of Finland (Academy Research Fellow grant No 355659).
The project is suitable for BSc and MSc thesis.
For more details please contact the PI of the project Dr. Eleanna Asvestari (
More information about the group: . We are looking for applicants who will write a Bachelor’s/Master’s thesis on the topic of the summer work. Please indicate in your application which project you are most interested in.
The solar system is filled with plasmas that display a rich array of physical phenomena, one of which is turbulence. Turbulence is a chaotic process that plays a fundamental role in transferring energy from large to small scales (i.e. from fluid to ion and electron scales) in space plasmas.
The space physics group at Helsinki maintains the Vlasiator code, which produces one of the most advanced simulations of the Earth’s plasma environment. In this project, you will use the Vlasiator code to generate turbulent behaviour in the simulated plasma. The successful candidate will play a leading role in developing this new modelling capability for the research group.
Applicants should have some familiarity with Linux, Bash and/or high-performance computing (HPC) environments, and experience with programming in general. Vlasiator is written in C++, so existing C++ programming skills are beneficial, but this can also be learnt during the project. Some familiarity with plasma physics would be beneficial but not essential.
The work performed will be suitable for either a BSc or MSc thesis, and funding is available for 3 months during summer 2025.
Supervisors: Simon Good,, Jonas Suni,
Kinetic plasma simulations of the geospace require resolving very disparate spatiotemporal scales. For example, the Earth magnetic dipole dictates a timescale to be resolved (ion gryofrequency) and the steep increase in magnetic field magnitude drives the simulation timestep down fast. Global simulations with locally varying timesteps (timeclasses) are required to reach the inner portions of the Earth's magnetosphere.
In Vlasiator's high-performance computing context, this leads to nontrivial load-balancing. The task of this summer internship is to test and optimize load balancing for timeclass-enabled Vlasiator simulations. Prerequisites include knowledge of C++ and tool of high-perfomance computing (MPI). Contact: Markku Alho (
When solar wind particles are reflected at Earth's bow shock, they create a dynamic region known as the foreshock. In this region, backstreaming particles interact with incoming solar wind discontinuities, leading to the formation of various foreshock transients. These transients play a crucial role in accelerating and energizing plasma and could have a global effect on the near-Earth plasma environment. This project focuses on studying specific foreshock transients, such as foreshock bubbles and hot flow anomalies, and how they contribute to plasma energization. The investigation could utilize data from NASA’s Magnetospheric MultiScale (MMS) mission as well as global hybrid-Vlasov simulations with Vlasiator. By combining observational and simulation-based approaches, this project aims to enhance our understanding of how these transients influence space plasma dynamics. The data analysis will be done using Python. Contact: Souhail Dahani ( and Lucile Turc (
We are looking for summer trainees with an interest in theoretical astrophysics and/or theoretical physics. In addition to theoretical work, our projects include a significant computational aspect. We encourage students interested in theoretical astrophysics and computation to join the Theoretical Extragalactic astrophysics research group for a three-month period over the summer. This year, the projects on offer are related to the KETJU and SIBELIUS projects, which are funded by the
European Research Council and the Research Council of Finland. KETJU is a simulation code developed to model the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galaxy mergers. Using KETJU the large-scale structure of galaxies can be studied, while simultaneously resolving accurately, the small-scale dynamics close to the supermassive black holes. SIBELIUS employs novel constrained simulations to accurately reproduce the Local Universe and test models of cosmology and galaxy formation.
Supermassive black holes (SMBH) at the centre of massive galaxies accrete gas, efficiently converting the potential and kinetic energy of this gas into radiation, which heats the surrounding gas and affects the evolution of the entire galaxy. This interplay between gas and SMBHs is called the black hole accretion and feedback process, which is a key ingredient in modern galaxy formation models. In this project the goal is to use KETJU numerical simulations to study how the accretion and feedback process of binary SMBHs affects the properties of merging galaxies. Good computing skills and knowledge of galaxy formation theory are advantageous for this project.
In the final stages of the merger of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary, copious amounts of gravitational waves will be emitted. In addition, the merged SMBHs will receive a kick that depends on the orbital orientation, masses and spins of the individual SMBHs prior to the merger. Using the post-Newtonian formalism in KETJU, the gravitational wave energy spectrum as a function of frequency, as well as the amplitude and direction of this kick, can be calculated. In this project the aim is to study the dynamics of merged SMBHs in the centres of massive galaxies. Good computing skills and prior knowledge of general relativity and galactic dynamics are advantageous for this project.
We will draw present-day analogues of the Local Group from the UCHUU simulation, one of the world's largest cosmological simulation, and trace them back through cosmic time to explore possible formation scenarios, identify key scenarios, and study the likelihood of various events, including major mergers in the history of the Milky Way or Andromeda, possible past interactions between them, or the exchange of satellite galaxies. Good computing skills (especially python) are advantageous for this project. Related works from the group: Sawala, Teeriaho & Johansson, MNRAS 2023; Sawala et al., MNRAS Letters 2023.
We use an ensemble of constrained simulations of the Local Universe to search for galaxy clusters hiding in the "zone of avoidance". Obscured by the disk of the Milky Way, the zone of avoidance cannot be observed using optical telescopes. However, the SIBELIUS constrained simulations predict the most likely structures that form in this region, given the observed distribution of structures outside of it. In this project, we will use an ensemble of constrained simulation to identify persistent structures within the zone of avoidance and perhaps discover previously unknown galaxy clusters that exist in the real universe. Good statistics and computing skills (especially python) are advantageous for this project. Related works from this group: McAlpine et al., MNRAS, 2022; Sawala et al., Nat. Astron., 2023.
The aim of this project is to modify the StePS simulation code to implement one-directional periodic boundaries, enabling the simulation of universes with cylindrical symmetry. This approach allows for the study of cosmic structures in a way that is not possible with traditional cubic or StePS geometries. Additionally, the project will involve integrating alternative periodic geometries, such as the Poincaré dodecahedral and hexagonal prism geometries, into the StePS code. The student will help implement these geometries and investigate the effects of these boundary conditions on cosmic structure formation. Proficiency in high-performance computing (Python, C/C++, MPI, CUDA) and a solid understanding of cosmology and computational methods are beneficial for this project.
When applying, please indicate your preference for the research topic. All research topics could also form the basis for either a Bachelor or a Master thesis in astrophysics, theoretical physics or a related field. Preference will be given to students, who are working on their Master thesis. For advanced students, there is also a possibility to continue with a PhD thesis project after the successful completion of the Master thesis.
For more information see:
Contact persons:
Planetary-system research (PSR) at the University of Helsinki comprises theoretical, computational, experimental, and observational research of Solar System objects, such as asteroids, comets, planets, and planetary satellites. The PSR research has close connections to geophysics, geology, space physics, as well as meteorology and is focused on asteroids (e.g., ESA Gaia mission, ESA Euclid mission, ESA Hera mission in planetary defence to mitigate near-Earth-object collision threat), comets (ESA Comet Interceptor mission), Mercury (ESA/JAXA BepiColombo and NASA MESSENGER missions), and other atmosphereless bodies, as well as the planet Earth (notably NASA DSCOVR mission).
Astronomical observations are carried out, for example, at the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) and, in the future, with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). Ongoing observational and computational multiwavelength analyses also include radar studies of small bodies, the Moon, and Mercury, which provides an additional source of information about their composition and other physical properties in addition to the optical data.
The PSR group runs the Astrophysical Scattering Laboratory consisting of a state-of-the-art levitator-driven scatterometer, UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer, and a polarimetric spectrogoniometer. The development of a backscatterometer based on hyperspectral imaging is ongoing. Laboratory and computational collaboration in X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy progresses with the University of Leicester. The research involves forward and inverse light scattering, X-ray fluorescence, and celestial mechanics methods for accrueing knowledge on individual planetary-system objects as well as entire populations of asteroids and comets.
Within PSR, one-to-two summer trainee positions are opened in the topic of photometric simulations and visualizations with Blender and Python of comets and asteroids, with a link to ESA Comet Interceptor mission.
Contact person: Antti Penttilä (antti.i.penttila at
We are seeking a research assistant to join a project on entanglement in quantum field theories. Our group has developed novel computational techniques which can be used to measure entanglement entropy in lattice field theories. Now, the aim is to apply these methods to new systems and further enhance them.
The candidate should be interested in theoretical particle physics and quantum field theory but prior knowledge on these topics is not expected. Moderate programming skills are also required. The specific duties of the successful candidate shall be decided based on their knowledge and interests. The employment shall commence at the beginning of the summer and last for three months.
For more information, contact
Plasma astrophysics is a new, emerging research field aiming to understand the dynamics of astrophysical plasmas – hot ionized gases – from first principles. The Computational Plasma Astrophysics research group at the University of Helsinki uses theoretical and computational methods to study the most extreme plasma environments around neutron stars and black holes. As part of our research, we also specialize in high-performance computing solutions and open-source simulation software. To perform our numerical studies, we maintain our own computational "laboratory" with a dedicated in-house, ~2000-core HILE cluster. We use the cluster to develop the open-source plasma simulation framework Runko. The research group is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant project ILLUMINATOR.
We are looking for ambitious summer trainees interested in studying extreme plasma phenomena with analytical and computational methods. The projects are 1-3 months long with flexible starting dates. The projects can form a basis for a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis. Available topics include, for example:
1) Plasma simulations of magnetically dominated turbulence. The student will learn how to use the Runko particle-in-cell code to simulate the non-linear dynamics of plasma turbulence. Understanding the dynamics of magnetized turbulence is important for interpreting the observations of accreting black holes.
2) Analysis of strong electromagnetic waves in plasmas. The student will perform theoretical analysis of nonlinear plasma waves and how they interact with the background medium. Strong-wave dynamics are important for understanding the physics of fast radio bursts.
3) Numerical magnetic reconnection simulations. The student will study the relativistic reconnection with plasma simulations and measure the electromagnetic emission from the reconnection layer. Low-frequency emission from reconnection is an interesting new fast radio burst mechanism.
Completion of plasma physics courses is helpful, although not required. Good computational skills and previous experience with Python and/or C++ are advantageous. For more information on our group and other possible research topics, see
Contact information: Assoc. Prof. Joonas Nättilä (
We are searching for summer trainees interested in the research that is done at the Detector Laboratory of Helsinki Institute of Physics and University of Helsinki. Our current activities include searches of magnetic monopoles and other exotic particles at the LHC through MoEDAL-MAPP experiment, characterization of various room-temperature semiconductors, development of environmental gamma-ray and cosmic spectral measurement setups. In addition, we study applications of quantum sensors in high energy physics experiments.
The possible tasks could consist of Monte Carlo simulations, radiation measurements, sensor characterization, machine vision and optical imaging, development of measurement robotics, or data analysis. All topics could form a basis for either a bachelor’s or a master’s thesis.
More information: Matti Kalliokoski, and at our website
To apply, please fill the application form at
Deadline for applications is 31 January 2025.
There are several positron physics related openings in the Helsinki Accelerator Laboratory. The following review gives some idea of the kind of work done within the antimatter topical area: "Defect identification in semiconductors with positron annihilation: Experiment and theory", Reviews of Modern Physics 85, 1583 (2013).
There are two general related themes for summer projects, "Defect-related phenomena in semiconductors and metals” and "Modeling of positron-defect interactions and positron annihilation in solids". The detailed topic and tasks will be tailored according to the background of a successful candidate.
Experimental projects may involve using positron-emitting 22Na isotopes either directly in contact with studied samples for substrate analysis or using magnetically guided slow positron accelerators for thin film studies. Computational materials and positron physics projects involve application and/or development of atomistic density-functional or quantum many-body (quantum Monte Carlo) simulation techniques for positron-defect interactions in solids.
For further information on possible project topics, please contact the following people:
Experimental positron and defect physics: Prof. Filip Tuomisto,
Theory and simulations in positron and materials physics: Dr. Ilja Makkonen,
The Biological Physics group (about 25 members) at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki has openings for 2-3 new summer job positions (in addition to research assistants who are already working in our group).
The summer job projects will be based on computer simulations and theory associated with molecular biophysics. The main topics focus on unveiling how membrane protein receptors are modulated by lipids, signaling molecules and drugs, and how impaired cellular signaling is related to emergence of disorders such as cancer, neurological diseases such as major depression, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. Summer workers (research assistants) explore related phenomena using computer simulations of such biological model systems, developing analysis tools, and analyzing data. The simulations combine a variety of approaches starting from quantum-mechanical calculations and extending to classical atomistic simulations and coarse-grained molecular-level considerations. All large-scale projects are linked to collaborations with top-class experimental groups in, e.g., medical sciences, cell biology, pharmacology, and structural biology.
The group is a member of the Center of Excellence in Biological Barrier Mechanics and Disease (Academy of Finland) for the period 2022-2029. The key results of the group are published in leading journals of the field (Science, Cell, Nature Methods, Nature Communications, etc.). The group's work is coupled to the life science research done in the Helsinki Institute of Life Science, and the group collaborates with > 30 experimental teams world-wide.
The choice of the summer job candidates will be primarily based on excellence/skills and motivation. Experience in programming and/or simulations (either on previous courses or in practical work) is considered an advantage.
Many of our summer workers carry on as part-time research assistants (with salary) after the summer period (Sept 2025 – May 2026), and continue to do their MSc and PhD degrees in our group. Applicants from all universities (Univ Helsinki, Aalto, Tampere, etc.) are welcome.
Those interested are requested to apply via the Department of Physics summer job application system. Include a brief statement of research interests and motivation, CV, and an excerpt from the study transcript. If this is not possible (e.g., applicants from other universities), please feel free to contact us directly (see below).
For further information, please check the web site of our group:, and the website of our Center of Excellence (
If you have any questions, please contact the director of the group, Prof. Ilpo Vattulainen,
There are few X-ray physics related openings at the X-ray Laboratory, the Center for X-ray Spectroscopy and the µCT laboratory. The possible topics cover different aspects from experiments to data analysis and modelling as well as instrumental developments. The detailed topic and tasks will be tailored according to the background of the successful candidate.
Experimental projects may involve using X-rays to study different kind of materials from biological samples to nuclear materials, using the X-ray based techniques available such as XRD, SAXS, WAXS, XAS, XES, and imaging.
Modelling projects involve application and/or development of atomistic density-functional or Monte Carlo simulation techniques for X-ray interactions in solids and data analysis/experiment simulations.
For further information on possible project topics, please contact René Bes (
Our research group (Computational Bioenergetics Group/Sharma Research) is located at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki (Kumpula campus). We study molecular mechanism and function of proteins involved in energy generation by using multi-scale computational approaches. We study their mechanistic aspects in great depth with extensive experimental collaborations in Finland and abroad. Our research is supported by Academy of Finland, Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation, University of Helsinki and Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. Some of our recent research has been published in widely read journals.
See our latest publications at Our group webpages at
We are looking for 1-2 talented and motivated students for summer jobs, who are willing to work on challenging problems in computational biochemistry and biophysics. The selected student will utilize Finnish and European high-performance supercomputers to solve life-science problems associated with the molecular mechanisms of proteins involved in energy generation. He or she will learn and apply latest technologies in classical molecular simulations, quantum chemistry, hybrid QM/MM and molecular dynamics (MD), ML methods applied to MD simulations, visualization and large-scale data analysis.
Candidates should have a good track record in studies, and a very basic knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology is expected. A prior general knowledge of Linux OS, and computational tools (such as plotting software, etc) would be an asset. Any experience in modelling and simulation techniques is considered a plus, though not required.
Interested students, please apply through Department of Physics summer job application system. Include a short statement on research interests, one-page CV, and a brief transcript of studies.
It is to emphasize that many summer trainees in our group have continued towards BSc/MSc thesis projects, all of which led to peer-reviewed publications in esteemed journals. Therefore, in our highly productive research group, we not only train younger scientists, but with excellent outcomes in terms of thesis and publications. For more information, please contact Vivek Sharma,
The Materials physics simulation groups at the Department of Physics, University of Helsinki have openings for 2-4 summer student positions in the field of multiscale computer modelling of radiation-matter interactions, surfaces, and mechanical properties. The modelling starts from the atomic, quantum mechanical level and continues from there all the way to the macroscopic continuum level.
The main methods include classical molecular dynamics, density-functional theory, kinetic Monte Carlo, binary collision approximation, electrodynamics, and finite element modelling. We also actively use the machine-learning methods to address problems in Materials Physics. Often the methods are combined in comprehensive multiscale models to improve the predictive abilities of modelling. The problems at hand are the green energy solutions by developing durable materials for fusion power plants and new materials for efficient batteries, finding new solutions for quantum computing at room temperature, nanoscale materials with new exciting properties, materials for particle colliders of unprecedented power.
The work is to be done in the large group of more than 30 members, who are active in research (more than 40 international refereed publications annually), friendly and efficient in collaborative interactions and fun and supportive socially. The group carries out the research based on materials physics simulations under the supervision of Prof. Flyura Djurabekova, Docents Antti Kuronen and Fredric Granberg, University researchers and postdocs in the group.
These groups form the simulation part of the Helsinki Accelerator Laboratory. In addition to carrying out active independent research within the laboratory, the groups have a broad range of international contacts with leading ion beam, fusion research, and accelerator technology groups around the world, including Big Science research activities at CERN and ITER.
We are looking for undergraduate students of both the BSc level (2nd year on with the focus on Physics studies) and of the MSc level with the interest in the fundamental Materials Physics using computational methods. The summer work can result in an exciting topic for the student’s BSc or MSc thesis. The students of the Department of Physics of the University of Helsinki are welcome to apply primarily. The interest in pursuing the studies toward the PhD is considered an advantage.
The applicants should have a good track record of efficient studies in physics. Experience in programming or atomistic simulations is considered a plus. If interested, apply via the Department of Physics summer student application system. Include a brief statement of research interests, a CV, and an excerpt from the study rolls. Questions can be directed to Prof. Fluyra Djurabekova,
Research fields of the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) include atmospheric aerosol particles, ecosystem-atmosphere interactions, climate change, air quality, boundary layer meteorology, hydrosphere geophysics, simulations of molecular clusters, dynamic, numeric and radar meteorology, and forest ecological studies. INAR is leading the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC), Flagship of the Research Council of Finland.
More information on summer work positions and application instructions are at the INAR website:
Application deadline is 31.1.2025. Based on the initial review of the received applications, some of the applicants will be interviewed in early February 2025.
For more information on the summer work application, please contact Tuomo Nieminen (
Read more about HIP summer job opportunities at
Avdelningen för datavetenskap har över 10 lediga sommarjobb på olika forskningsområden inom datavetenskap för sommaren 2025. De här sommarjobben kan ansökas av studeranden vid alla finska universitet samt studeranden som annars redan befinner sig i Finland. Ansökningstiden för de här jobben börjar onsdagen den 15 januari 2025 och slutar onsdagen den 29 januari 2025.
De här sommarjobben är i första hand riktade åt studeranden inom datavetenskap och data science. I några grupper eller projekt kan det också finnas jobb för studeranden inom matematik, statistik eller fysik. OBS! Endast studeranden inom datavetenskap och data science vid Helsingfors universitet kan skriva sin magisteravhandling i sommarjobbet eller efter det.
Sommarjobben är vanligtvis tre (3) månader långa, och arbetstiden är under perioden maj – september. När jobbet börjar och slutar bestämmas individuellt. Lönen beror på hur långt studeranden har kommit i sina studies (antalet studiepoäng), och den är vanligtvis lite över 2 000 euro per månad.
Om du vill söka ett sommarjobb, fyll i blanketten:
Du måste bifoga ditt studieregisterutdrag (en obligatorisk bilaga) i din ansökan. Det är också möjligt att bifoga en curriculum vitae (en sida) och något annat relevant dokument i ansökan. Alla dokument måste vara PDF-filer.
Mera information om de olika sommarjobben får du från den följande listan samt av de nämnda kontaktpersonerna för varje enskilda jobb. Om du har frågor som gäller ansökningsprocessen, kan du kontakta Pirjo Moen (
The Constraint Reasoning and Optimization research group has summer internship openings for Summer 2025. Interns will engage in forefront research guided by senior researchers in the group. Topics include automated reasoning, combinatorial optimization and counting techniques for NP-hard real-world problems, ranging from theoretical analysis to practical algorithm development, implementation, parallelisation, and empirical studies, as well as novel applications of the techniques in efficiently solving real-world problems arising e.g. from AI and knowledge representation.
Job purpose
The purpose of this job is to enhance [LogDelta] (, a log analysis tool, by building a web-based front end. Currently, LogDelta operates as a Python program that uses a configuration file to determine its behavior. It takes a set of input logs and, based on the configurations, produces output in two formats:
Current workflow
The existing workflow involves manually editing configuration files and running the Python program to generate results. While several example configurations are provided, this process may be cumbersome for users unfamiliar with the tool’s configuration options.
Job goal
The goal of this job is to simplify LogDelta’s usability by creating a user-friendly web interface. With this interface, users can interact with LogDelta through their browser—selecting options and generating results by pressing buttons, rather than editing configuration files manually.
Development requirements
The current version of LogDelta is distributed as an installable [pip package] ( To achieve the project goal, the following steps are needed:
Video description of current LogDelta implementation in [YouTube] ( Another point of reference can be [LogAi] ( tool that was created by SalesForce but unfortunately the package is no longer maintained.
AI is transforming sciences and industries, with use cases spanning Predictive Modeling, Computer Vision (CV), and Natural Language Processing (NLP). While AI applications typically rely on cloud infrastructure and powerful GPUs, this project focuses on deploying AI algorithms on resource-constrained embedded devices such as ESP32, Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson Nano, and Vision AI DevKit.
The project explores real-time applications, including digital twinning, vehicle counting, and voice-based sentiment analysis. AI models may be trained in the Microsoft Azure Cloud and deployed to edge devices, ensuring efficient and localized processing. For example, our newly funded project aims at generating real-time dynamic air quality information. Thus, we plan to equip a mobile robot with comprehensive air quality sensors and a camera to navigate construction sites. The camera will capture images and videos to facilitate real-time vehicle counting. Computer vision algorithms will be deployed on an edge device to process the footage and count vehicles on-site. The vehicle count data will complement measurements from aerosol and gas sensors, enhancing the accuracy and depth of air quality assessments.
This position is ideal for a current Master's student, offering the potential to evolve into a thesis project. Future directions could involve testing AI models across diverse edge hardware and refining more advanced algorithms.
We are looking for multiple interns to work on tools and techniques for the efficient integration and operations of Large Foundation or Language Models (LFM/LLM) and Generative AI in industrial systems. An LFM integration introduces a wide array of risks and challenges due to costs, compliance issues and technical complexities. Our work focuses on leveraging existing LFMs rather than creating new ones, and emphasizing systematic engineering practices in LFM integration, enabling organizations to navigate legal, security, and ethical concerns while aligning with European regulations. Key areas of focus are continuous integration and deployment methodologies tailored to AI systems (such as MLOps, LLMOps, and GenAIOps), including adapting (e.g., fine-tuning, prompting, RAG), testing, monitoring, and life-cycle support.
The work involves implementing research prototypes to explore new ideas and conducting measurements. We can adapt the scope and focus of the work to align with the applicant's skills and interests. Applicants should have strong coding skills, though there are no strict requirements regarding their current stage of studies. Experience in machine learning and software engineering is beneficial. The internships may also be extended beyond the summer, offering opportunities to continue as an MSc thesis worker or part-time research assistant.
The work is part of the industry-driven international research project ELFMo (, which builds on and extends our earlier projects, including IML4E, IVVES, VesselAI, and AIGA. For more details on these projects, visit
We are looking for interns interested in implementation of quantum algorithms and use cases. The work is part of our EM4QS project, which aims to develop enhanced functionality for quantum software stack. Because quantum hardware and its sensitivity to noise limits the size and length of quantum programs, it is important come up with efficient ways to take advantage of the capabilities of quantum hardware. This requires cooperation of all layers in the quantum stack. One of our main interests is efficient compilation infrastructure for quantum programs.
The work involves implementing test code, analyzing and extrapolating the performance of different solutions, and documenting the results in scientific papers. Applicants are expected to know the basics of quantum computing. Knowledge of graph theory, linear algebra, and classical compilers, like LLVM, is a plus. The internships can be extended after summer as MSc thesis worker or part-time research assistant positions.
Graphs are ubiquitous models in many application domains, including Bioinformatics. In the Graph Algorithms Team of the wider Algorithmic Bioinformatics group, we can offer a topic on graph algorithms for sequencing data used in RNA transcript discovery.
We are looking for interns interested in assisting scientific discovery with machine learning and AI methods. We have open positions for both (a) human-AI collaboration in scientific research, for instance focusing on eliciting and using human expertise or assisting researchers in most efficiently using scientific measurement devices and computational method, and (b) machine learning methods for specific applications in ultrasound physics, food science, and chemistry.
We offer a summer job on applying and studying machine learning (such as explainable AI, XAI) methods in science in the VILMA Centre of Excellence (
You will contribute to studying the privacy properties of machine learning using privacy attacks or develop learning methods that can guarantee privacy of the data subjects, by building on mathematically provable guarantees from differential privacy. Depending on your background and interests, the work can combine working on the mathematical theory of differential privacy, development of privacy-preserving algorithms or new privacy attacks, as well as implementation and application of the developed methods in different applications.
We offer a summer job on a theoretical study of different aspects of uncertainty in machine learning, including deep learning.
Inorganic materials chemistry research groups HelsinkiALD and Camargo Lab are looking for research assistants for the coming summer. The groups work with nanomaterials: nanoparticles, nanofibers and thin films. These can be used, for example, in catalysis, microelectronics, batteries and fuel cells, solar cells and optics. The summer job can be included as credits in your study programme (if applicable).
You can apply if you have studied more than 30 credits of chemistry.
Your application should include at least:
Send your application as a pdf attachment to Miia at
The Reaction Kinetics research group invites applications for summer jobs. The research interests of the group focus on experimental reaction kinetics and oxidation chemistry in gas-phase under low-temperature combustion and atmospheric conditions. In combustion chemistry research, we measure elementary reaction kinetics of radical – molecule and radical – radical reactions. In atmospheric chemistry research, we are especially interested in and focused on the kinetics of Criegee intermediates. See also
A starting date and length of the contract are negotiable. Preference is given for applicants who agree to prepare their Master's (or Bachelor's) thesis research project in the research group. For further inquiries, please come to discuss the project with Arkke Eskola (Head of the Reaction Kinetics group), room B429 in Chemicum, or send him an email to email-address with the mandatory subject line reaction_kinetics_summer_2025_job (no other character(s) on the subject line). Send your application to the above email-address (with the above mandatory subject line). In your application email, please shortly introduce yourself and attach a Transcript of Studies.
We are part of VILMA Centre of Excellence, see
The ion exchange group ( is looking for two summer workers to work on synthesis of inorganic ion exchangers and investigate their ability to selectively remove radioactive contaminants from industrial waste solutions or their simulants.
Free form applications should be sent to before 23.2.2025 and/or you can come to discuss on the jobs to my office in Chemicum A224.
The Institute of Seismology is looking for a geophysics or geology student to work for 3 months from the beginning of June this year.
The work will include analyzing seismic events, which means:
Additionally, students will be working on active research projects of the Institute of Seismology. Details of the work will be discussed in the interview, and applicants are encouraged to express their specific interests in the application letter.
A priori knowledge of daily seismic analysis is not required but the student will be taught how to do this. The applicant will benefit from basic knowledge of seismic waves and Linux operating system.
We work as a team and value good collaboration skills.
Application deadline is 28.2.2025.
Contact and more information:
Kati Oinonen:
For other opportunities, please get to know our research groups on our webpages and contact the research groups directly if you’d like to learn about possible summer job opportunities.