Summer Jobs 2025 in Constraint Reasoning and Optimization

Constraint Reasoning and Optimization Group is offering summer internships to MSc and BSc level students, providing a hands-on experience to forefront research in the group.

The Constraint Reasoning and Optimization Group has summer intern openings for Summer 2025. 

Interns will engage in forefront research guided by senior researchers in the group. Topics include automated reasoning, combinatorial optimization and counting techniques for NP-hard real-world problems, ranging from theoretical analysis to practical algorithm development, implementation, parallelisation, and empirical studies, as well as novel applications of the techniques in efficiently solving real-world problems arising e.g. from AI and knowledge representation. 

In particular, we are looking for talented students from diverse backgrounds interested in engaging in forefront research with us. You may e.g. have

  • a CS background, especially in algorithms/machine learning;
  • a Math / Operations Research background, especially in optimization/logic/complexity, with interest in algorithms; and/or
  • strong implementation skills (C/C++) and be motivated by challenging programming tasks related to exponential algorithms or parallel computing.

Having successfully completed with high marks at least one of the courses Logical Automated Reasoning or Combinatorial Optimization is considered a plus but not a necessity. Individual topics will be tailored to fit the interests and background of the selected interns. In case of successful internships, the work done during the summer may be extended into an MSc thesis. 

Don't hesitate to contact the group leader Prof. Matti Järvisalo for more information! In case you are interested in applying, please also have a look at the group's webpages and recent publications for a better idea on some of the research directions pursued in the group.

Please note that offering summer internships mainly to students already within the Helsinki region.