IAB:n puheenjohtaja Sally Mapstone: Maailmalla seurataan mitä Suomessa tapahtuu

"In recent years, the University of Helsinki has had to grapple with sizeable cuts. Index cuts and the elimination of what is known as the pharmacy compensation have resulted in a €167 million reduction in funding since 2010. Nearly 400 employees have been laid off.

Staff and students are the heart of any university, and it is on their everyday life and activities that the funding cuts continue to have an effect. So it is now of the utmost importance that the University has the opportunity to develop its operations. A sustainable future and restored equilibrium requires sufficient core funding and the reinstatement of the university index.

The attractiveness of the University of Helsinki on the international stage is based on its strong academic reputation, as well as a modern and open brand. The significance and impact of digitalisation are a driving force for universities, and in this area too, the University of Helsinki can compete with the best in the world. But will this last with the current funding model?

Academia is watching what is taking place in Finland: will Finland reassume its place as a top country in higher education and research and in terms of investment in universities?"

Sally Mapstone

Kirjoittaja on Helsingin yliopiston kansainvälisen arviointiryhmän (International Advisory Board, IAB) puheenjohtaja.

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