Services and prices

As a primary service, the Laboratory Animal Centre provides appropriate animal facilities for breeding and animal experiments with competent animal care staff. If needed, the personnel at the LAC are able to assist with experiments. Researchers are able to have consultant services, e.g. concerning veterinary treatment, license applications and planning animal experiments.

The LAC has limited animal production in its facilities. LAC produces commonly used mouse and rat stocks and strains and when needed, LAC orders animals for researchers from big commercial animal breeders from abroad.

The GM-mouse unit produces transgenic mice services for researchers at the University of Helsinki and for customers outside the University. More information about the services of the GM-mouse unit.

The LAC serves also the immunization services of rabbits, guinea pigs and rats.

Animal Production

The animal production of the LAC is limited. Enquiries about the animal availability are sent by Provet system to animal caretakers in F-building.

Animals can be ordered also from commercial breeders (links to the breeders).

Enquiries about the animal availability and prices in commercial breeders from F-building and Biomedicum.

LAC breeds also some GM mouse lines. They are listed in Flamma intranet (UH staff only and requires logging) and in Provet system (Animals - GM Strains). Enquiries about the GM lines availability from F-building animal unit by Provet system.

Imaging services

Imaging services are offered in Meilahti (MRI) campus. Please read more on the web sites of the imaging units:

Biomedicum Imaging Unit

Neuroscience Center

Behavioural Studies

Neuroscience Center



The Finnish Centre for Laboratory Animal Pathology (FCLAP) represents a new research and service facility that has been established in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in close collaboration with the Laboratory Animal Centre, University of Helsinki, as part of the "FinnMouse National Infrastructure for Generation, Analysis and Archiving of Mouse Models" funded by a Bioscience Technology Platform grant of Biocenter Finland.

About the FCLAP

Price list