LAS Education and Training

Only educated and trained, qualified personnel are allowed to do animal experiments and take care of the animals.

A person carrying out an animal experiment is competent, when he/she has completed a laboratory animal course. Animal caretaker must complete the professional examination or he/she must gain the professional skills with working experience.

In Finland, we are following EU Directive´s (2010/63/EU) minimum requirements to education and training and the requirements for obtaining, maintaining and demonstrating requisite competence for the functions A, B, C and D:

(a) carrying out procedures on animals
(b) designing procedures and projects
(c) taking care of animals
(d) killing animals

Course for people car­ry­ing out pro­ced­ures

Course for people car­ry­ing out pro­ced­ures in 2024

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges an on-line course of EU Functions A & D in English for the people who use mice and/or rats in their research. The course gives rights to carry out procedures on mice or rats or both species (according to Finnish Act 497/2013 and Decree 564/2013, and EU Directive 2010/63/EU).

The course follows the EU Modules that are included in Functions A & D (carrying out procedures and killing animals):

Module 1: National legislation
Module 2: Ethics, animal welfare and the Three Rs (level 1)
Module 3.1: Basic and appropriate biology – species specific (theory)
Module 3.2: Basic and appropriate biology – species specific (practical)
Module 4: Animal care, health and management – species specific (theory)
Module 5: Recognition of pain, suffering and distress – species specific
Module 6.1: Humane methods of killing - species specific (theory)
Module 6.2: Humane methods of killing - species specific (skills)
Module 7: Minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia – species specific (theory)
Module 8: Minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia – species specific (skills)
Module 10: Design of procedures and projects (level 1)
Module 20: Anaesthesia for minor procedures
Module 21: Advanced anaesthesia for surgical or prolonged procedures
Module 22: Principles of surgery


The course is accredited by FELASA - the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations.


The theory of the course is carried out on-line by e-learning material in Moodle teaching platform and it can be started at any time. The calculated working time to go through and learn the material is about 50 hours. The access to Moodle is given after the participant's registration is checked and confirmed. 

NB! Using Moodle requires user IDs of the University of Helsinki and it can take some time to receive them.

The exams are arranged on site in Viikki campus about once a month as follows in 2024. The material and the tasks in Moodle must be carried out before the exam.

The exam dates and deadlines for the teaching material in Moodle in 2024:

On-line material ready at the latest: Wed 18.9.2024
Exam date: Mon 23.9.2024 (at 9-11)

On-line material ready at the latest: Wed 30.10.2024
Exam date: Mon 4.11.2024 (at 9-11)

On-line material ready at the latest: Wed 4.12.2024
Exam date: Mon 9.12.2024 (at 9-11)


The exam must be passed in order to participate in the animal exercises.

The dates reserved for the mouse exercises in 2024:

Mon 2.9.2024
Mon 7.10.2024
Mon 18.11.2024

Practical exercises include the handling techniques, procedures, anaesthesia and euthanasia of animals. Rat exercises are arranged only if necessary; the minimum number of the participants is three in order that the exercise is arranged.

Places in the exercises are available on first come, first served bases. PhD-students and researchers working at the University of Helsinki are first in line to participate in the exercises.


The course fee is dictated by the chosen exercises (mouse/rat). For external customers, 25,5% VAT will be added to the sum of the invoice:


Only online theory 170 EUR
One species 245 EUR
Two species 305 EUR


Only online theory 340 EUR
One species 490 EUR
Two species 610 EUR

The course gives 2,5 ECTS credits.


Binding course registration between 18 December, 2023 - 29 November, 2024:

Fill the e-form 

Registered students at the University of Helsinki, can register also to Sisu (course code 955003)

Please include to your registration:

1. Billing information (Only registrations with complete billing information will be confirmed!)
2. Are you going to carry out the exercises with a mouse, a rat or both species
3. Shortly, why you need the course. Especially, if you will carry out the rat exercise, please tell, what you are going to do with rats.

The online registrations are checked and confirmed a couple of times in a week. Only forms that are properly filled, will be processed.

Further information: Niina Kemppinen

Studies for EU Modules 1, 2 and 10

Those, who are using for research purposes birds, fish or reptiles, or are carrying out procedures on animals on clinical trials (i.e. veterinarians), can carry out the EU Modules 1 (National legislation), 2 (Ethics and 3Rs / level 1) and 10 (Design of procedures and projects).

The theory of the course is arranged in Moodle platform with self-study material and it can be carried out at any time. In order to get a certificate, the participant must pass an exam.

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges the exams in Viikki campus in 2024 as follows; the teaching material in Moodle must be completed some days before the exam:

On-line material ready at the latest: Wed 18.9.2024
Exam date: Mon 23.9.2024 (at 9-11)

On-line material ready at the latest: Wed 30.10.2024
Exam date: Mon 4.11.2024 (at 9-11)

On-line material ready at the latest: Wed 4.12.2024
Exam date: Mon 9.12.2024 (at 9-11)


The course fee is 65 EUR for the students and staff at the UH and for external customers 130 EUR (+25,5% VAT). Billing information must be included in the registration.

Further information and registration: Niina Kemppinen

Course for people car­ry­ing out pro­ced­ures on zebra fish

Laboratory Animal Centre organizes the species specific course for those, who use zebra fish in their research. The course includes the on-line theory and practical exercises with zebra fish.

The theory of the course is carried out by e-learning material in Moodle and it can be started at any time. The calculated working time to go through and learn the material is about 14 hours. 

The course includes the common modules 1, 2 and 10 and species specific modules 3 – 8 on zebra fish (you can see the modules under 'Course for people car­ry­ing out pro­ced­ures'). If you have earlier carried out the common modules 1, 2 and 10, you need only the zebra fish theory, exam and exercises.

The course fee is dictated by the chosen parts of the course. For external customers, 25,5% VAT will be added to the sum of the invoice:

Online theory for modules 1, 2, 10 and zebra fish + practical exercise

UH 160 EUR
External 208 EUR

Online theory only for zebra fish + practical exercise 

UH 120 EUR
External 156 EUR


Billing information must be included in the registration.

Further information and registration: Niina Kemppinen



Course for people designing procedures and projects

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges once a year  for researchers the course titled “The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects”. This course together with the course for the people carrying out procedures on animals and a relevant higher academic degree gives legal competence (according to Act 497/2013 and Decree 564/2013) to design procedures and projects. The course for people carrying out procedures on animals (Functions A&D) must be completed in order to be accepted into this course.

The course is accredited by FELASA - the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations.

The course covers the following EU Modules:

Module 9: Ethics, animal welfare and the Three Rs (level 2)
Module 10: Design of procedures and projects (level 1)
Module 11: Design of procedures and projects (level 2)


The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects (2,5 credits) between 1st – 27th November 2024

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges a course for researchers “The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects” at 1st – 27th November 2024. This course together with the course for the people carrying out procedures on animals and a relevant higher academic degree gives legal competence (according to Act 497/2013 and Decree 564/2013) to design procedures and projects. The course for the person carrying out procedures on animals (Functions A&D) must be completed in order to be accepted into this course.

The course covers the EU Modules 9, 10 and 11. The theory is arranged in Moodle platform with a self-study material and in addition to that, the participants must carry out two group work exercises. Introductions to exercises and group work presentations will be arranged on site in Viikki campus.


Fri 1st November, 2024

9-12 Introduction to project license and non-technical summary (NTS) exercise, Anna Meller
13-15 Introduction to the article exercise, Vootele Voikar

Wed 20th November, 2024

9-12 Group work presentations (article exercise), Vootele Voikar

Wed 27th November, 2024

9-15 Group work presentations  (project license and non-technical summary (NTS) exercise), Anna Meller


The course gives 2,5 ECTS credits and it contains online theory material with exercises, mandatory lectures on 1st November, group works and mandatory days for group work presentations on 20th and 27th November.  

The course fee is 130 EUR for the students and staff at the UH and 260 EUR for others. For external customers, 25,5% VAT will be added to the sum of the invoice. Billing information must be included in the registration.

The maximum number of students is 12. Places are available on first come, first served bases.

Binding course registrations are made by e-form between 5th August - 21st October, 2024: 


Further information: Niina Kemppinen