Bergen 2022

Bergen Workshop: Current opportunities in public archaeology research - Uses and Users of the Data

This workshop explores specifically the public archaeology and engagement aspects of the data generated by metal detectorists. How are finds databases used? Is there a difference between how professionals and the public use finds databases and archaeological finds? How is this interaction shaped by collection management policies? Do potential and current archaeological citizen scientists find that the resources and applications available to them are fit for purposes? What are their own goals for contributing data to archaeological heritage management organizations? And finally, who is a citizen scientist?  Keynote speaker: Associate Professor Gabriel Moshenska, University College London.

The workshop will take place on 6-7th of October 2022 in the meeting room of the Bergen University Museum – Natural History (Muséplassen 3, Bergen, Norway). You can best access the meeting room from the entrance of Café Christie (Godt Brød) facing the Botanical Garden.

The workshop is coordinated by Prof Anna Wessman (University Museum of Bergen).

The workshop is free of charge on either or both days, but we hope that attendants register beforehand. The event will not be streamed but the talks will be recorded and linked here afterwards.

Update 20th September 2022: Registration is now closed as we have reached the maximum number of registrations possible for the venue.

THURSDAY 6th OCTOBER 10.00-15.30

10:00    Registration

10:15    Welcome

10:30    Keynote lecture Gabriel Moshenska (University College London, UK): Treasure hunters in folklore and fiction (online talk) video slides

11:30    Caroline Fredriksen (NTNU University Museum, Norway): The potential and limitations of Norwegian metal detected assemblages. slides

12:00    Lunch break (Café Christie, Natural History Museum)

13:15    Erik Rønning Johansen (Norwegian Metal-detecting Association): Metal detector users want good cooperation to take care of the invisible cultural heritage for the future. video slides

13:45    Frida Ehrnsten & Eljas Oksanen (National Museum of Finland & University of Helsinki): Who owns the coins? The importance of creating a portal for numismatic data and coin finds in Finland. video slides

14:15  Andres Dobat (University of Aarhus, Denmark): Making data matter: challenges and opportunities of detector finds as research data in a citizen science context. video slides

14:45-  Discussion


FRIDAY 7th OCTOBER 10.00-15.30

10:00    Registration

10:15    Welcome

10:30    Nybjörn Gustafsson (Riksantikvarieämbetet, Visby, Sweden): A Groundhog Day of cultural heritage communication – on public metal-detecting in Sweden (online talk) video slides

11:30    Pieterjan Deckers (Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium): All the single ladies? Thoughts on collecting and analyzing metalwork data from diverse sources. video slides

12:00    Lunch break (Café Christie, Natural History Museum)

13:15    Kjetil Skare (Innlandet County Council, Norway): Cooperation Between Detectorists and Archaeologists in Innlandet County, Norway – and How It is Changing the Local Archaeology. video slides

13:45    Adam Daubney (Independent researcher, UK): Afterlife of Private Collections. video slides

14.15    Taneli Leinonen (University of Turku, Finland): How do I do it? - A few examples of the logic of a metal detectorist. video slides

14:45-   Discussion
