Accessibility statement of the applications system for International Master's Programmes

The University of Helsinki aims to ensure that as many people as possible are able to use its digital services and takes accessibility into account in their development.

This accessibility statement applies to the University of Helsinki’s Application system for international master's programmes in

This accessibility statement is based on an external specialist assessment of the application system in November 2021. The statement will be updated as the errors identified are corrected.

This statement was drawn up on 30 November 2021.

Is the ser­vice ac­cess­ible?

The service meets most of the A and AA level accessibility requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. The accessibility deficiencies identified are described in detail below.

Re­port­ing de­fi­cien­cies

If you notice accessibility issues on the website, please give us feedback by email:

It may take up to 14 days to receive an answer. If you are not satisfied with the answer or do not receive an answer within two weeks, you may file a complaint with the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The agency website has detailed instructions (in Finnish and Swedish only) on how to file a complaint and how the issue will be handled. 

Con­tact infor­mation of the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity 

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland

Accessibility supervision unit 


Phone +358 2950 16000 (switchboard)

Non-ac­cess­ible con­tent in the ser­vice

For the time being, certain content and features do not meet all relevant requirements.

Perceivability deficiencies:

  • There are some files created using office software that are not fully accessible (WCAG 1.1.1, 1.3.1).

Operability deficiencies:

  • On the mobile page, VoiceOver’s focus gets stuck on some buttons (WCAG 2.1.2).
  • The website has some non-descriptive link texts (WCAG 2.4.4).
  • Certain text field descriptions are too long and do not contain all information relevant to filling out the text field (WCAG 2.4.6).

Robustness deficiencies:

  • Some drop-down menus do not provide users with information on which part of the menu is selected. (WCAG 2.1.4).
Sup­port for us­ing the ser­vice

The Admission Services of the University of Helsinki supports users unable to access the service described herein. You can contact the Admission Services by email or chat or visit the customer service desk.

Con­tact infor­mation:

Kaisa House (Fabianinkatu 30, main lobby, 3rd floor).

P.O. Box 53, 00014 University of Helsinki

Opening hours and chat window on the Admission Services’ webpage