The day's event will continue with the Reception at the University of Helsinki in University Main Building in the evening.
10.00-10.10 Opening words: professor Auli Toom
10.10-10.25 Finnish approach to collaborative development of teacher education: professor Jari Lavonen
10.30-11.10 Keynote: What is ‘innovation’ in teacher education? professor Viv Ellis (King’s College London)
11.10-11.35 Phenomenal teacher education: professor Kirsti Lonka
11.35-12.00 Developing subject teachers’ professional growth and subject didactic skills in the field of science: professor Kurt Fagerstedt
12.00-12.35 Lunch
12.35-13.00 Two perspectives to developing leadership in education: professor Arto Kallioniemi & University lecturer Elina Fonsén
13.00-13.25 The National Network for Developing Assessment Literacy KAARO: associate professor Risto Hotulainen, docent Inkeri Ruokonen, and project manager Marja Tamm
13.25-13.50 VÄISKI – developing the teaching of oral language skills: professor Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen
13.50-14.00 Coffee break
14.00-15.30 Teacher education project presentations (18) at Minerva Plaza: Discussions and networking
15.30-15.45 Summary and conclusion: dean Johanna Mäkelä
17.00-18.30 Reception at the University of Helsinki (at University Main Building, Fabianinkatu 33)
Viv Ellis, King’s College London
Innovation has become a ‘buzz-word’ in the early twenty-first century, often linked in non-specific ways to research, creativity, economic productivity or even generalised theories of change. But what does innovation actually mean and, specifically, what does it mean in teacher education - a field long associated, internationally, with resistance to change. This presentation will examine the meaning of innovation in teacher education by looking at historical examples of change in the field that have come to be understood as significant, creative contributions that have moved the practices of teacher preparation forward. We will ask: under what conditions is it possible and desirable to stimulate innovation in teacher education? And for what ends?
Viv Ellis is Professor of Educational Leadership and Teacher Development at King’s College London and Co-Director of the Centre for Innovation in Teacher Education and Development (CITED), a partnership with Teachers College, Columbia University. His research focuses on teacher education and development, with particular interests in cultural-historical activity theory, rhetoric and practice-developing research. His most recent book (with Jane McNicholl) is Transforming Teacher Education: Reconfiguring the Academic Work (Bloomsbury). He is also an Honorary Research Professor at Teachers College, Visiting Professor at Central China Normal University and a Professor II at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences in Bergen.
Tutustu tarkemmin hankkeisiin (only in Finnish)!
Project planner Iina Männikkö