Neurology and disorders of the nervous system

Typical symptoms of neurological disorders in dogs and cats include seizures, pain, weakness and paralysis of the limbs. The most common disorders investigated are epilepsy and various back complaints, such as intervertebral disc problems.

The services of the neurology clinic are also available to the patients of the Equine Hospital.

Patients always first undergo a neurological examination assessing their mental alertness, movements, postural reactions, spinal reflexes, cranial nerve function and pain sensitivity. Based on the examination, the problem can be traced to, for example, a specific area of the brain, the peripheral nervous system or part of the spine. Any necessary further investigations are then decided. Patients can also undergo MRI or CT scans.

Neurological disorders are divided into diseases of the central nervous system and diseases of the peripheral nervous system. The former include diseases in various parts of the brain as well as spinal cord issues, while the latter include diseases of the nerve roots, peripheral nerves and neuromuscular junctions as well as muscle diseases.

When investigating diseases of the peripheral nervous system, patients often give blood samples and undergo electromyograms and, if necessary, a conduction velocity measurement of peripheral nerves. The examinations conducted may also include samples of muscle or nerve tissue. 

Diseases of the central nervous system are studied with a number of devices, such as MRI and CT. When suspecting epilepsy, EEG can also be used. An audiometer is used if deafness is suspected. In addition, the Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s neurologists also perform brain and back surgery. At the neurology clinic, we also perform scanning under the official syringomyelia screening programme as well as BAER hearing tests.

Our experts

Both of the veterinarians at the neurology clinic have completed a European qualification in veterinary neurology. In addition, the clinic staff include designated nurses with long experience in working with neurology patients.

Anna-Mariam Kiviranta

LVM (Licentiate of Veterinary Medicine)

DECVN (Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Neurology)

Tarja Pääkkönen

DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)

Docent (Veterinary Neurology)

DECVN (Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Neurology)