Emergency service

Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Finland’s only veterinary hospital for all animal species is open around the clock every day of the year. The Small Animal Hospital and Equine Hospital operate in Viikki, Helsinki, and the Saari Clinic in Mäntsälä.
Small Animal Hospital out-of-hours emergency service

Phone  0600 97411 

  • on weekdays outside regular working hours from 16.00 to 8.00
  • Weekends, i.e., Friday 16.00–Monday 8.00
  • Holidays

Calls (including waiting time) cost 8.00 - 22.00 €2.00 and 22.00 - 8.00 €3.85 per minute + standard call rate.

Emergency Service Area

  • Helsinki 24/7
  • Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi on weekdays from 16.00 to 08.00  and weekends, i.e., Friday 16.00–Monday 8.00

Patients from this area can come directly to the emergency service. 

Patients from elsewhere in Finland are admitted to emergency service with a veterinarian’s referral. The referring veterinarian must always agree on the referral with the Veterinary Teaching Hospital’s on-call veterinarian.


Emergency service at Equine Hospital 24 h

Phone  0600 97412  

The Equine Hospital operates a 24-hour-a-day on-call service for emergencies.

Calls cost

€1.53 per minute + standard call rate (8.00–16.00 mon-fri)

€2.00 per minute + standard call rate (16-22 mon-fri and weekends 8-22)

€3.85 per minute + standard call rate (22.00–8.00).

Emergency Service Area

Helsinki: Acute cases during days, evenings, nights and weekends.

Espoo, Kauniainen and Kirkkonummi: Acute cases during evenings, nights and weekends.

If necessary, we can also make house calls in this area.

The Equine Hospital in Viikki, Helsinki, admits emergency patients from throughout Finland. However, we recommend that patients arriving from more distant locations first visit their own veterinarian for an assessment and emergency assistance. The Equine Hospital must be notified in advance by phone of patients arriving during out-of-hours emergency service to ensure appropriate treatment. 

Emercency service at Saari Clinic

Phone  0600 97413

Calls cost €2.00 per minute + standard call rate (8.00–22.00) or €3.85 per minute + standard call rate (22.00–8.00).

  • On weekdays, the emergency service hours begin at 16.15 and continue until 8.00 the following morning.
  • On the weekend, the emergency service hours begin on Friday at 16.15 and continue until Monday morning.
  • After the consulting hours in the morning (9.00), clients’ phone calls are directed to the emergency service number.

The emergency service is intended for animals which have an acute illness, are in need of urgent treatment and primarily come from the hospital’s emergency service area.

The Production Animal Hospital is responsible for acute cases during days, evenings, nights and weekends in the municipality of Mäntsälä, Myrskylä and Pukkila.

Orimattila and Hyvinkää: acute cases in the areas in the evenings, nights and weekends.

The city of Orimattila has a separate emergency service for small animals in Lahti on Fridays 16.00–20.00 and on Saturdays and Sundays 8.00–20.00. Phone  0600 392121.