
This page provides an overview of the upcoming and past events and activities of HALS research group.

To this date the group has organised 42 meetings with invited speakers, 6 workshops, 2 seminars, and 6 fieldwork seminars, in addition to a number of field excursions. Activities are often organised in collaboration with our host departments and the doctoral programme for language studies, Helslang.

Upcoming events

The meetings for spring 2025 will be announced later.

Past events

Year Date Time Venue Event
2024 Nov. 29th 14:15-15:45 Sali 25

HALS fieldwork seminar (VI) on the field trip to Kyrgyzstan, with the following talks:

Ekaterina Gruzdeva: Introduction
Juha Janhunen: Languages of Kyrgyzstan
Jonathan Banks: Do Turkic languages have switch-reference? Evidence from the -Vp converb and event continuity in Kyrgyz
Bojana Damnjanovic: Balkonsky and Kyrgyzushka: A closer look at Kyrgyz-Russian language contact
Enes Yılandiloğlu: Building a Kyrgyz treebank from spoken data: A computational framework
Matilda Carbo: Reduplication in Turkic (Kyrgyz, Uyghur)
Toivo Qiu: The Hunt for the Huhs - the retention and loss of the initial laryngeal spirant h- (< PT *p-) and some other phonological developments in the Modern Uyghur dialects of Kyrgyzstan
Sami Honkasalo, Erika Sandman, Mikhail Zolotilin: Collecting the Dungan source materials: Methodological and theoretical issues
Essi Mäkinen, Emma Vesakoivu: Generational language shift of Koreans in Kyrgyzstan: A hybrid study of sociolinguistic histories
Enes Yılandiloğlu, Sami Honkasalo: Linguistic landscape of Bishkek
Sami Honkasalo: Conclusion

2024 Nov. 15th 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XLII) with a talk by Ljuba Veselinova (Stockholm University): GIS and linguistic cartography.
2024 Sep. 27th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8

HALS meeting (XLI): Linguistic landscape research, a joint workshop between HALS and Langnet Writing Systems theme group, with talks by Leena Kolehmainen, Sofie Henricson, Ekaterina Gruzdeva and Juha Janhunen, Bojana Damnjanović, and Friederike Lüpke.

Read more about the workshop here.

2024 June 11th 09:00-16:00 Sali 4 HALS workshop (VI): Innovating methodology and theory in linguistic fieldwork.
2024 May 17th 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XL) with a talk by Ana Vilacy Galucio (Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará): Integrating language documentation, description and revitalization.
2024 Feb. 23rd 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XXXIX) with a talk by Ekaterina Gruzdeva and Juha Janhunen (University of Helsinki): Khamnigan: languages and ethnicity.
2024 Jan. 26th 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XXXVIII) with a talk by Emma Kurkinen, Antti Laine and Silva Nurmio (University of Helsinki): Bantu noun class systems in the typology of individuation and unitization.
2023 Sep. 29th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 HALS meeting (XXXVII) with a talk by Svetlana Vetchinnikova (University of Helsinki): Disciplinary communities: contact, variation and change.
2023 June 16th 14:15-15:45 Sali 11 HALS meeting (XXXVI) with a talk by Abel Warries (University of Leiden): Investigating a prehistoric language contact hypothesis: Tocharian and Uralic.
2023 May 19th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 HALS fieldwork seminar (V) on the LingDig field trip to Timișoara, Romania, with an introduction by Andrei Dumitrescu and the following talks by the students and organizers:
Kristina Sherrill: Language attitudes of minority Hungarian speakers in Temesvár
Anna Sedláčková: Sociolinguistic situation in Timișoara with a focus on the Serbian speaking minority
Monika Murgová & Anna Busheva: Observations on the sociolinguistics and phonetic features of the Slovak language in Nădlac
Mikhail Zolotilin & Jonathan Banks: Banat Swabian: Sociolinguistic situation, with some phonetic and morpho-syntactic features
Natchanun Sanitdee: Topics in the morphosyntax of Banat Swabian
Andrei Dumitrescu: Patterns of Romanian-German bilingualism at the Nikolaus Lenau high school
2023 Apr. 28th 14:15-15:45 Sali 25 HALS networking seminar for researchers of linguistic and cultural diversity.
2023 Mar. 31st 14:30-16:00 Sali 25 HALS meeting (XXXV) with a talk by Maria Konoshenko (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies): The grammaticalization of quotative constructions: What happens to the addressees?
2023 Feb. 24th 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XXXIV) with a talk by Vlada Baranova (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies): ‘Mixed Kalmyk’: new speakers, language attitudes and the language change.
2023 Jan. 27th 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XXXIII) with a talk by Mansour Shabani (University of Guilan): The two faces of a nominal linker: Another look at Reverse Ezafe in Gilaki.
2022 Nov. 25th 14:15-15:45 Sali 24 HALS meeting (XXXII) with a talk by Sidney Facundes (Universidade Federal do Pará): Descriptive and typological issues in describing a grammar for an Amazonian language.
2022 Nov. 11th 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (XXXI) with a talk by Juhani Järvikivi (University of Alberta): Putting the social into psycholinguistics - political views and personality in language processing.
2022 Oct. 28th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 HALS meeting (XXX) with a talk by Anja Arnhold (University of Alberta): Prosodic typology, prosody-syntax trade-offs and linguistic complexity.
2022 Sep. 30th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 HALS meeting (XXIX) with a talk by Francesco Gardani (University of Zürich): The borrowability of derivation: A typological overview.
2022 June 10th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 and Zoom HALS meeting (XXVIII) with a talk by Alexis Rojas and Silva Nurmio (University of Helsinki): Higher-order network modeling reveals the multiscale modular organization of semantic communities in the world’s largest colexification network (CLICS).
2022 May 20th 10:15-11:45 Sali 18 and Zoom HALS meeting (XXVII) organized by Chingduang Yurayong, Sumittra Suraratdecha (Mahidol University), Ekaterina Gruzdeva (University of Helsinki) and Toshihide Nakayama (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies): Future directions and potentials in description, ecology and sociology of language.
2022 Apr. 29th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 and Zoom HALS meeting (XXVI) with a talk by Friederike Lüpke (University of Helsinki): Contact, concord, classification: noun class systems and categorisation in a multilingual area.
2022 Feb. 18th 14:15-15:45 Sali 25 and Zoom HALS meeting (XXV) with a talk by Mark Ellison (University of Cologne): Linguistic Prominence and Modelling Language.
2022 Jan. 28th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS fieldwork seminar (IV) on the LingDig field trip to Estonia, with an introduction by Ksenia Shagal and three talks by the students:
Sara Carrier-Bordeleau: Linguistic Landscapes in Tallinn (and in general)
Héloïse Calame: Variation in Estonian negation
Anna Busheva: Influence of Estonian on the phonetics of Russian
2021 Nov. 26th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XXIV) with a talk by Kaius Sinnemäki and Seppo Kittilä (University of Helsinki): Studies on Finnish from a typological(-functional) perspective.
2021 Oct. 29th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XXIII): Discussion on the difficulties of fieldwork during the COVID-19 pandemic and ways to overcome them. The meeting will begin with 5 minute introductions by several researchers who have done or were planning to do fieldwork recently (Sara Carrier-Bordeleau, Rahel Dires, Andrei Dumitrescu, Richard Kerbs, Anette Ross, and Saana Santalahti) followed by free discussion.
2021 Sep. 10th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XXII) with a talk by Kristian Roncero (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology & FSU-Jena): Suppletion meets sociolinguistically neutral variation. Descriptive challenges in West Polesian (East Slavic).
2021 Aug. 27th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XXI) with a talk by Kaius Sinnemäki (University of Helsinki): Publishing UH typological/diversity linguistics data openly II.
2021 June 11th 10:15-11:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XX): Introduction of ongoing research at HALS.
Eeva Sippola: Language endangerment and migration in the Philippine Creole communities (slides)
Ekaterina Gruzdeva: Languages of Russia in the 21st century
Olesya Khanina: Historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and linguistic geography: a study of language diversification and spread at the Siberian North (slides)
Daniela Casartelli: Language emerging from human sociality: the case of speech representation (project website)
Lotta Aunio: A Multilectal Grammar: The Western Serengeti languages (slides)
Matti Miestamo: Research on negation in a typological perspective
Silva Nurmio & Rahel T. Dires: Typology of singulatives (slides)
2021 May 28th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XIX) with a presentation by Matti Miestamo, Ksenia Shagal and Olli Silvennoinen (University of Helsinki): Negation in Clause-Combining – Project Presentation (project website).
2021 Apr. 23rd 10:15-11:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XVIII): Introduction of linguistic research at Mahidol University (introductory slides).
Sophana Srichampa: Language policy for unskilled migrant workers in Thailand (slides)
Mayuree Thawornpat: Community-based language revitalization in Thailand (slides)
Sumittra Suraratdecha: Youth engagement in language and cultural revitalization (slides)
Siripen Ungsitipoonporn: Digital archiving of languages and cultures of ethnic groups of Thailand (archive link)
Siripen Ungsitipoonporn, Sarawut Kraisame & Chingduang Yurayong: Digital platform for language diversity in Thailand (slides)
Pattama Patpong: Language of death and language of depression (slides)
2020 Nov. 27th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XVII) with a presentation by Eri Kashima (University of Helsinki): The sociolinguistics of divergence? Qualitative and quantitative data on Nmbo, a multilingual Papuan speech community (abstract).
2020 Oct. 30th 14:15-15:45 Zoom HALS meeting (XVI) with a presentation by Olesya Khanina (Institute of Linguistics RAS & Finno-Ugrian Society & University of Helsinki): The rise of linguistic diversity at the Lower Yenisei (Siberia) (slides).
2020 Feb. 28th 14:15-15:45 Sali 25 HALS meeting (XV) with presentations by Jack Rueter, Niko Partanen and Kaius Sinnemäki (University of Helsinki): From Fieldwork Collections to Universal Dependencies.
2020 Jan. 24th 15:00-17:00 Sali 4 HALS meeting (XIV): introduction of the ERC project "Linguistic Adaptation" (University of Helsinki) and its team members.
Kaius Sinnemäki: Introduction
Francesca Di Garbo: Linguistic variation and adaptation in nominal morphosyntax: some insights from previous and ongoing research
Eri Kashima: Variation and descriptive sociolinguistics from Southern New Guinea
Ricardo Napoleão de Souza: Phonetic variation and (morpho)phonological change from cross-linguistic and typological perspectives.
2019 Dec. 19th 16:15-17:45 Sali 11 HALS meeting (XIII) with a presentation by Katia Chirkova (CRLAO, CNRS): stress and tone in Lizu (Tibeto-Burman).
2019 Sep. 27th 14:15-15:45 Sali 27 HALS meeting (XII) with a presentation by Michael “Mitcho” Yoshitaka Erlewine (National University of Singapore): Patterns of relativization in Austronesian and Tibetan.
2019 May 14th 14:15-15:45 Sali 12 HALS meeting (XI) with a presentation by Nikolai Vakhtin (European University at St. Petersburg): Yukaghir heritage pictography: Transmission of the Arctic traditional knowledge.
2019 May 3rd 12:00-17:00 Sali 8 HALS workshop (V) on areality.
12:00-13:00 – Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm: Areal patterns in lexical semantics
13:00-14:00 – Johanna Nichols: Recent findings on north Eurasian areal-typological evolution
14:00-14:30 – Coffee break
14:30-15:15 – Ekaterina Gruzdeva & Juha Janhunen: Patterns of morphosyntactic transformation in the Amur Linguistic Area
15:15-16:00 – Max Wahlström & Maxim Makartsev: The study of the Balkan Linguistic Area in 2020s
16:00-16:30 – Riho Grünthal: Causative verbs in Uralic: basic patterns and deviations
16:30-17:00 – Janne Saarikivi: Etymology, typology and areality.
2019 Apr. 12th 16:00-17:30 Sali 11 HALS meeting (X) with a presentation by Nicolas Tournadre (Aix-Marseille University): Evidential strategies and accessibility hierarchies.
2019 Mar. 22nd 14:15-15:45 Sali 7 HALS meeting (IX) with a presentation by Maria Konoshenko (Russian State University of the Humanities / Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences): Grammatical tone: between phonology and morphology.
2018 Dec. 7th 14:15-15:45 Sali 12 HALS meeting (VIII) with a presentation by Östen Dahl (Stockholm University): Studying tense and aspect in a massive parallel corpus.
2018 Nov. 30th 14:15-15:45 Sali 12 HALS meeting (VII) with a presentation by Kaius Sinnemäki (University of Helsinki): Linguistic adaptation - a new ERC project in the HALS research network.
2018 Oct. 26th 10:00-16:00 Sali 4 HALS seminar (II) on sociolinguistic conditions of language change with a focus on historical, typological and areal approaches. Keynote speaker: Mikael Parkvall (Stockholm University). Other speakers: Erika Sandman (University of Helsinki); Hanna Lantto (University of Eastern Finland); Max Wahlström (University of Helsinki); Terttu Nevalainen, Tanja Säily and Turo Vartiainen (University of Helsinki).
2018 Apr. 27th 14:15-15:45 Sali 17 HALS meeting (VI) with a presentation by Ekaterina Gruzdeva and Nailya Philippova (University of Helsinki): Urban multilingualism in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.
2018 Mar. 23rd 14:15-15:45 Sali 17 HALS meeting (V) with a presentation by Ksenia Shagal and Max Wahlström (University of Helsinki): (Non-)finiteness in dependent clauses, a typological study.
2018 Feb. 23rd 14:15-15:45 Sali 17 HALS meeting (IV) with a presentation by Thera Crane (University of Helsinki): Evaluating approaches to aspect in Bantu.
2018 Jan. 26th 14:15-15:45 - Informal HALS meeting on the future activities and plans of the research group.
2017 Nov. 24th 14:15-15:45 Sali 6 HALS meeting (III) with presentations by Stefan Dedio (University of Zürich) and Maria Morozova (Saint Petersburg University / Russian Academy of Sciences).
2017 Nov. 10th 14:15-15:45 Sali 8 HALS meeting (II) with a presentation by Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm (Stockholm University): Talking temperature with close relatives and neighbours.
2017 Oct. 27th 14:15-15:45 Sali 11 HALS meeting (I) with a presentation by Ljuba Veselinova (Stockholm University): Maps and mapping in linguistic research.
2016 Dec. 19th-20th 09:00-18:00 - HALS seminar (I) on the ethnology of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
2016 Jun. 20th-23rd - - HALS-related event: 6th In­ter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on Bantu Lan­guages (BANTU6)
2015 Nov. 13th-14th - - HALS fieldwork seminar (III) on the Balkans and beyond.
2015 Mar. 12th-13th - - HALS workshop (IV) on language ecologies: the Balkans and beyond.
2014 Nov. 28th-29th - - HALS fieldwork seminar (II) on crosslinguistics and linguistic crossings in Northeast Asia.
2014 May 19th - - HALS workshop (III) on insular worlds: the indigenous peoples and languages of Sakhalin and Hokkaido.
2013 Nov. 18th-19th - - HALS fieldwork seminar (I) on the Erzya language and culture in the field.
2013 Oct. 11th-12th - - HALS workshop (II) on the domain of space in linguistic description.
2013 May 27th-29th - - HALS workshop (I) on culturally grounded field linguistics.