To this date the group has organised 40 meetings with invited speakers, 6 workshops, 2 seminars, and 5 fieldwork seminars, in addition to a number of field excursions. Activities are often organised in collaboration with our host departments and the doctoral programme for language studies, Helslang.
Year | Date | Time | Venue | Event |
2024 | Sep. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 | HALS x Langnet: Workshop on linguistic landscape research |
Year | Date | Time | Venue | Event |
2024 | June 11th | 09:00-16:00 | Sali 4 | HALS workshop (VI): Innovating methodology and theory in linguistic fieldwork. |
2024 | May 17th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (XXXX) with a talk by Ana Vilacy Galucio (Emilio Goeldi Museum of Pará): Integrating language documentation, description and revitalization. |
2024 | Feb. 23rd | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (XXXIX) with a talk by Ekaterina Gruzdeva and Juha Janhunen (University of Helsinki): Khamnigan: languages and ethnicity. |
2024 | Jan. 26th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (XXXVIII) with a talk by Emma Kurkinen, Antti Laine and Silva Nurmio (University of Helsinki): Bantu noun class systems in the typology of individuation and unitization. |
2023 | Sep. 29th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 | HALS meeting (XXXVII) with a talk by Svetlana Vetchinnikova (University of Helsinki): Disciplinary communities: contact, variation and change. |
2023 | June 16th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 11 | HALS meeting (XXXVI) with a talk by Abel Warries (University of Leiden): Investigating a prehistoric language contact hypothesis: Tocharian and Uralic. |
2023 | May 19th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 | HALS fieldwork seminar (V) on the LingDig field trip to Timișoara, Romania, with an introduction by Andrei Dumitrescu and the following talks by the students and organizers: Kristina Sherrill: Language attitudes of minority Hungarian speakers in Temesvár Anna Sedláčková: Sociolinguistic situation in Timișoara with a focus on the Serbian speaking minority Monika Murgová & Anna Busheva: Observations on the sociolinguistics and phonetic features of the Slovak language in Nădlac Mikhail Zolotilin & Jonathan Banks: Banat Swabian: Sociolinguistic situation, with some phonetic and morpho-syntactic features Natchanun Sanitdee: Topics in the morphosyntax of Banat Swabian Andrei Dumitrescu: Patterns of Romanian-German bilingualism at the Nikolaus Lenau high school |
2023 | Apr. 28th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 25 | HALS networking seminar for researchers of linguistic and cultural diversity. |
2023 | Mar. 31st | 14:30-16:00 | Sali 25 | HALS meeting (XXXV) with a talk by Maria Konoshenko (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies): The grammaticalization of quotative constructions: What happens to the addressees? |
2023 | Feb. 24th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (XXXIV) with a talk by Vlada Baranova (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies): ‘Mixed Kalmyk’: new speakers, language attitudes and the language change. |
2023 | Jan. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (XXXIII) with a talk by Mansour Shabani (University of Guilan): The two faces of a nominal linker: Another look at Reverse Ezafe in Gilaki. |
2022 | Nov. 25th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 24 | HALS meeting (XXXII) with a talk by Sidney Facundes (Universidade Federal do Pará): Descriptive and typological issues in describing a grammar for an Amazonian language. |
2022 | Nov. 11th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (XXXI) with a talk by Juhani Järvikivi (University of Alberta): Putting the social into psycholinguistics - political views and personality in language processing. |
2022 | Oct. 28th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 | HALS meeting (XXX) with a talk by Anja Arnhold (University of Alberta): Prosodic typology, prosody-syntax trade-offs and linguistic complexity. |
2022 | Sep. 30th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 | HALS meeting (XXIX) with a talk by Francesco Gardani (University of Zürich): The borrowability of derivation: A typological overview. |
2022 | June 10th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 and Zoom | HALS meeting (XXVIII) with a talk by Alexis Rojas and Silva Nurmio (University of Helsinki): Higher-order network modeling reveals the multiscale modular organization of semantic communities in the world’s largest colexification network (CLICS). |
2022 | May 20th | 10:15-11:45 | Sali 18 and Zoom | HALS meeting (XXVII) organized by Chingduang Yurayong, Sumittra Suraratdecha (Mahidol University), Ekaterina Gruzdeva (University of Helsinki) and Toshihide Nakayama (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies): Future directions and potentials in description, ecology and sociology of language. |
2022 | Apr. 29th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 and Zoom | HALS meeting (XXVI) with a talk by Friederike Lüpke (University of Helsinki): Contact, concord, classification: noun class systems and categorisation in a multilingual area. |
2022 | Feb. 18th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 25 and Zoom | HALS meeting (XXV) with a talk by Mark Ellison (University of Cologne): Linguistic Prominence and Modelling Language. |
2022 | Jan. 28th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS fieldwork seminar (IV) on the LingDig field trip to Estonia, with an introduction by Ksenia Shagal and three talks by the students: Sara Carrier-Bordeleau: Linguistic Landscapes in Tallinn (and in general) Héloïse Calame: Variation in Estonian negation Anna Busheva: Influence of Estonian on the phonetics of Russian |
2021 | Nov. 26th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XXIV) with a talk by Kaius Sinnemäki and Seppo Kittilä (University of Helsinki): Studies on Finnish from a typological(-functional) perspective. |
2021 | Oct. 29th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XXIII): Discussion on the difficulties of fieldwork during the COVID-19 pandemic and ways to overcome them. The meeting will begin with 5 minute introductions by several researchers who have done or were planning to do fieldwork recently (Sara Carrier-Bordeleau, Rahel Dires, Andrei Dumitrescu, Richard Kerbs, Anette Ross, and Saana Santalahti) followed by free discussion. |
2021 | Sep. 10th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XXII) with a talk by Kristian Roncero (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology & FSU-Jena): Suppletion meets sociolinguistically neutral variation. Descriptive challenges in West Polesian (East Slavic). |
2021 | Aug. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XXI) with a talk by Kaius Sinnemäki (University of Helsinki): Publishing UH typological/diversity linguistics data openly II. |
2021 | June 11th | 10:15-11:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XX): Introduction of ongoing research at HALS. Eeva Sippola: Language endangerment and migration in the Philippine Creole communities (slides) Ekaterina Gruzdeva: Languages of Russia in the 21st century Olesya Khanina: Historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and linguistic geography: a study of language diversification and spread at the Siberian North (slides) Daniela Casartelli: Language emerging from human sociality: the case of speech representation (project website) Lotta Aunio: A Multilectal Grammar: The Western Serengeti languages (slides) Matti Miestamo: Research on negation in a typological perspective Silva Nurmio & Rahel T. Dires: Typology of singulatives (slides) |
2021 | May 28th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XIX) with a presentation by Matti Miestamo, Ksenia Shagal and Olli Silvennoinen (University of Helsinki): Negation in Clause-Combining – Project Presentation (project website). |
2021 | Apr. 23rd | 10:15-11:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XVIII): Introduction of linguistic research at Mahidol University (introductory slides). Sophana Srichampa: Language policy for unskilled migrant workers in Thailand (slides) Mayuree Thawornpat: Community-based language revitalization in Thailand (slides) Sumittra Suraratdecha: Youth engagement in language and cultural revitalization (slides) Siripen Ungsitipoonporn: Digital archiving of languages and cultures of ethnic groups of Thailand (archive link) Siripen Ungsitipoonporn, Sarawut Kraisame & Chingduang Yurayong: Digital platform for language diversity in Thailand (slides) Pattama Patpong: Language of death and language of depression (slides) |
2020 | Nov. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XVII) with a presentation by Eri Kashima (University of Helsinki): The sociolinguistics of divergence? Qualitative and quantitative data on Nmbo, a multilingual Papuan speech community (abstract). |
2020 | Oct. 30th | 14:15-15:45 | Zoom | HALS meeting (XVI) with a presentation by Olesya Khanina (Institute of Linguistics RAS & Finno-Ugrian Society & University of Helsinki): The rise of linguistic diversity at the Lower Yenisei (Siberia) (slides). |
2020 | Feb. 28th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 25 | HALS meeting (XV) with presentations by Jack Rueter, Niko Partanen and Kaius Sinnemäki (University of Helsinki): From Fieldwork Collections to Universal Dependencies. |
2020 | Jan. 24th | 15:00-17:00 | Sali 4 | HALS meeting (XIV): introduction of the ERC project "Linguistic Adaptation" (University of Helsinki) and its team members. Kaius Sinnemäki: Introduction Francesca Di Garbo: Linguistic variation and adaptation in nominal morphosyntax: some insights from previous and ongoing research Eri Kashima: Variation and descriptive sociolinguistics from Southern New Guinea Ricardo Napoleão de Souza: Phonetic variation and (morpho)phonological change from cross-linguistic and typological perspectives. |
2019 | Dec. 19th | 16:15-17:45 | Sali 11 | HALS meeting (XIII) with a presentation by Katia Chirkova (CRLAO, CNRS): stress and tone in Lizu (Tibeto-Burman). |
2019 | Sep. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 27 | HALS meeting (XII) with a presentation by Michael “Mitcho” Yoshitaka Erlewine (National University of Singapore): Patterns of relativization in Austronesian and Tibetan. |
2019 | May 14th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 12 | HALS meeting (XI) with a presentation by Nikolai Vakhtin (European University at St. Petersburg): Yukaghir heritage pictography: Transmission of the Arctic traditional knowledge. |
2019 | May 3rd | 12:00-17:00 | Sali 8 | HALS workshop (V) on areality. 12:00-13:00 – Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm: Areal patterns in lexical semantics 13:00-14:00 – Johanna Nichols: Recent findings on north Eurasian areal-typological evolution 14:00-14:30 – Coffee break 14:30-15:15 – Ekaterina Gruzdeva & Juha Janhunen: Patterns of morphosyntactic transformation in the Amur Linguistic Area 15:15-16:00 – Max Wahlström & Maxim Makartsev: The study of the Balkan Linguistic Area in 2020s 16:00-16:30 – Riho Grünthal: Causative verbs in Uralic: basic patterns and deviations 16:30-17:00 – Janne Saarikivi: Etymology, typology and areality. |
2019 | Apr. 12th | 16:00-17:30 | Sali 11 | HALS meeting (X) with a presentation by Nicolas Tournadre (Aix-Marseille University): Evidential strategies and accessibility hierarchies. |
2019 | Mar. 22nd | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 7 | HALS meeting (IX) with a presentation by Maria Konoshenko (Russian State University of the Humanities / Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences): Grammatical tone: between phonology and morphology. |
2018 | Dec. 7th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 12 | HALS meeting (VIII) with a presentation by Östen Dahl (Stockholm University): Studying tense and aspect in a massive parallel corpus. |
2018 | Nov. 30th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 12 | HALS meeting (VII) with a presentation by Kaius Sinnemäki (University of Helsinki): Linguistic adaptation - a new ERC project in the HALS research network. |
2018 | Oct. 26th | 10:00-16:00 | Sali 4 | HALS seminar (II) on sociolinguistic conditions of language change with a focus on historical, typological and areal approaches. Keynote speaker: Mikael Parkvall (Stockholm University). Other speakers: Erika Sandman (University of Helsinki); Hanna Lantto (University of Eastern Finland); Max Wahlström (University of Helsinki); Terttu Nevalainen, Tanja Säily and Turo Vartiainen (University of Helsinki). |
2018 | Apr. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 17 | HALS meeting (VI) with a presentation by Ekaterina Gruzdeva and Nailya Philippova (University of Helsinki): Urban multilingualism in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. |
2018 | Mar. 23rd | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 17 | HALS meeting (V) with a presentation by Ksenia Shagal and Max Wahlström (University of Helsinki): (Non-)finiteness in dependent clauses, a typological study. |
2018 | Feb. 23rd | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 17 | HALS meeting (IV) with a presentation by Thera Crane (University of Helsinki): Evaluating approaches to aspect in Bantu. |
2018 | Jan. 26th | 14:15-15:45 | - | Informal HALS meeting on the future activities and plans of the research group. |
2017 | Nov. 24th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 6 | HALS meeting (III) with presentations by Stefan Dedio (University of Zürich) and Maria Morozova (Saint Petersburg University / Russian Academy of Sciences). |
2017 | Nov. 10th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 8 | HALS meeting (II) with a presentation by Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm (Stockholm University): Talking temperature with close relatives and neighbours. |
2017 | Oct. 27th | 14:15-15:45 | Sali 11 | HALS meeting (I) with a presentation by Ljuba Veselinova (Stockholm University): Maps and mapping in linguistic research. |
2016 | Dec. 19th-20th | 09:00-18:00 | - | HALS seminar (I) on the ethnology of the peoples of the Russian Federation. |
2016 | Jun. 20th-23rd | - | - | HALS-related event: 6th International Conference on Bantu Languages (BANTU6) |
2015 | Nov. 13th-14th | - | - | HALS fieldwork seminar (III) on the Balkans and beyond. |
2015 | Mar. 12th-13th | - | - | HALS workshop (IV) on language ecologies: the Balkans and beyond. |
2014 | Nov. 28th-29th | - | - | HALS fieldwork seminar (II) on crosslinguistics and linguistic crossings in Northeast Asia. |
2014 | May 19th | - | - | HALS workshop (III) on insular worlds: the indigenous peoples and languages of Sakhalin and Hokkaido. |
2013 | Nov. 18th-19th | - | - | HALS fieldwork seminar (I) on the Erzya language and culture in the field. |
2013 | Oct. 11th-12th | - | - | HALS workshop (II) on the domain of space in linguistic description. |
2013 | May 27th-29th | - | - | HALS workshop (I) on culturally grounded field linguistics. |