Education with global reach

Internationalisation is a key part of studying at the University of Helsinki. Whether you are a current student looking for experiences abroad or you are interested in coming to the University for one semester or a full degree, we are here to help. Studying in another country for a longer or shorter period of time is a unique opportunity to get new perspectives and an experience for life.
Come study with us

The University of Helsinki offers one international Bachelor's programme with English as the language as instruction, the Bachelor's Programme in Science.

The approach is truly interdisciplinary and offers the opportunity to learn about the core subjects of natural sciences; math and statistics, physics, chemistry, and computer/data science. Your studies will emphasise the intersection between these fields in a dynamic and open environment.

Both research and application development are central parts of our approach and you will get the opportunity to put theory into practice. 

The University of Helsinki offers 35 International Master's Programmes across faculties.

With a focus on interdisciplinarity, critical thinking and finding solutions for global challenges, a master's degree from the University of Helsinki makes you an expert in your field and puts you on track to make an impact in the world.

As one of the world's top research universities, we strongly believe that the power of knowledge can change attitudes, people and society and make the world a better place.  want to use it to make a better world. Do you want to join us?


Are you applying to the University of Helsinki from outside outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland? 

Our scholarship programme is intended for excellent tuition fee-liable students from outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland who want to complete a Master's programme at the University of Helsinki. You can also check out the possibilities for other scholarships.

Are you interested in studying at the University of Helsinki for a semester or two?

Each year we welcome more than 1000 exchange students from our partner universities.

The University of Helsinki is one of the leading research universities in the world and Finland is a country that believes deeply in the value of learning and knowledge. While gaining knowledge to help you find the solutions for tomorrow you get to live in one of the most livable cities in the world and enjoy the lively cultural life and nature right on your door step. 

Virtual and blended mobility are new concepts, which became more and more relevant in the time of COVID-19 and its effects on traditional and physical mobility.

Our goal is to provide you a chance to join courses here at the University of Helsinki without having to leave your home country. By joining our virtual courses online, you get to engage with fellow students from Finland and other countries.

Virtual mobility concept has been tested with our Una Europa partner universities and we have been welcoming first virtual mobility students to our courses since autumn 2020. These type of opportunities will be promoted in the future too – so keep your eyes open if you are interested in applying!

Blended mobility options are coming along with the new Erasmus programme era and we will there too to try it out.

At the University of Helsinki we are constantly growing the number of opportunities for international students studying with us. We support you every step of the way with the International Student Ambassadors helping you with practical matters and making you feel more at home or student associations you can join in your area of interest. Whether you want to build your networks, get work experience and truly integrate into Finnish culture; we have mentoring programs, traineeship positions at the University for international master's students and great career guidance. You can be a tutor for new students, get involved in student politics, be a student representative for your degree program, the list goes on! 

Check out all the links and get excited about the possibilities of student life here at the University of Helsinki! 

Student experiences abroad

We are constantly developing our global networks, allowing our students to go on exchange in countries across the world. Right now we have more than 450 possible destinations! 

Exchange studies are possible through many of our networks such as Erasmus, North2North, and bilateral agreements, all depending on where you would like to go. Spending a semester abroad is a wonderful opportunity!

Virtual and blended mobility are new concepts, which became more and more relevant in the time of COVID-19 and its effects on traditional and physical mobility.

The goal is to provide students a chance to join in virtual courses at the partner universities without having to leave home country. By joining virtual courses online, you get to engage with fellow students from around the world and get international learning experience.  

Virtual mobility concept has been tested with our Una Europa partner universities and we have been sending and welcoming first virtual mobility students to online courses since autumn 2020. These type of opportunities will be promoted in the future too – so keep your eyes open if you are interested in applying!

Blended mobility options are coming along with the new Erasmus programme era and we will be there too to try it out.

Would you like to have an international experience but maybe not spend a whole semester abroad? Luckily, there are many other options! There are a number of opportunities to join a summer (or winter) school abroad or go on short-term exchange and specific partnerships have been set up to make this easier for you. There is also funding opportunities to help you cover some of the costs. Make sure to check out all the possibilities and we are sure you can find something suitable for you! 

Doing a traineeship abroad can be a great way to get international perspective and gain valuable work experience. Some degrees have mandatory internships while others offer a certain number of credits for doing an internship, make sure to check the formalities with your degree programme. 

The University offers a number of funding opportunities you can apply for and while we cannot promise you a traineeship position, Career Services are ready to help you update your CV, get you prepared for the traineeship hunt and polish your interview skills. Talk to your unit's traineeship coordinator or your fellow students and get started on your journey to an international career! 

Educational Visits and Other Education Services

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+ Ltd designs solutions for governments, international organisations, companies, universities, school districts, and schools – in other words, they help any organisation that is keen on developing its functions through education.

The services range from big educational reforms and organisational development programmes to professional competence development including leadership and teacher training, capacity building and professionals’ in-service training.

Would you like to visit the University of Helsinki and learn directly from our experts for example in teacher education? Our unique UniVisit concepts provide you with an insight into the Finnish education system and expertise.