International Staff Training Days

The next International Staff Training Days will be in May 2025. The tracks for May 2025 will be announced in the autumn 2024 and the application period will begin in early 2025.

Please follow this web page for more information concerning the upcoming Staff Training Days in 2025.

International Staff Training Days at the University of Helsinki is a chance to embark on a journey of professional growth and collaboration with our highly popular staff training days. Our unique programme offers a golden opportunity for non-academic staff working across various fields at institutions of higher education to exchange knowledge, skills, and experiences. 

In 2025 we will again have three thematic tracks and the event takes place in May, 2025. 


Why Participate
  1. Diverse Perspectives: Immerse yourself in a melting pot of ideas and perspectives. Engage with professionals from other insitutions of higher education and cultures, fostering a rich environment for learning, benchmarking and innovation. 

  1. Skills Enrichment: Update your professional skills and revise your routines through workshop collaboration. Familiarise with case studies and learn best practices, strategies, and techniques that can be applied to your own work environment, enhancing your overall professional competency.  

  1. Networking Opportunities: Build lasting connections with professionals from other universities. Exchange contact information, collaborate on future projects, and establish a global network that extends beyond the Staff Exchange. 

  1. Cultural Exchange: Experience a new work culture and environment. Immerse yourself in the local community and traditions while forging connections that go beyond professional boundaries. Gain a deeper understanding of global perspectives and enhance your cultural intelligence while also having fun along the way.

How to Apply
  1. Submitting Your Application: Complete our simple online application form by telling us more about your professional background and current role and by answering the track-specific questions. The application period is from mid January to mid February. This year's application round has ended
  2. Review Process: Our selection committee will carefully review all applications. Please make sure to only apply to a track that corresponds with your current work profile.  
  3. Confirmation: Successful applicants will receive a confirmation email with detailed information about the programme, including the schedule, accommodation options, and any preparatory steps required. Applicants will receive notification of their acceptance or non-acceptance in early March. A preparatory online meeting with accepted applicants will be held a few weeks before the staff training begins. Please note that we will not confirm any applications before the application period is over. 
The three tracks on offer in May 2025 will be announced in the autumn 2024

Target Group: 

This track will discuss topics such as:  




Target group: 

This track will discuss topics such as:  


Target Group: 

This track will discuss topics such as:  

If you have any inquiries related to the the staff exchange event, feel free to reach out by sending an email to


Individual staff training visits are also possible if there is a unit at the University of Helsinki which is able to host your visit. The host unit will be responsible for the programme of your visit. In order for the receiving unit to benefit from your visit, choosing a clear topic for the visit is recommended. You can suggest a topic which your own institution is working on at the moment. You can suggest a Teams or Zoom meeting with the potential host unit first in order to decide if there are enough common interests for them to accept your visit. Benchmarking visits can include a staff exchange visitor first coming to the University of Helsinki to learn about a specific topic.

For questions related to individual staff exchange visits which are not related to the event, please contact