User policies

Services are open to academic and non-academic national and international users.

Please check each platform for user access policies and service details.

Instruct-HiLIFE provides access to equipment and expertise at various levels:

● Guiding new users through unfamiliar sample preparation and structural cell biology technologies that can extend their research and open new opportunities;

● Facilitating expert users to access specialist, cutting-edge technologies;

● Providing project planning and assessment;

● Training;

● Providing full service packages.

User policies, user fees, and how to acknowledge the services
  • Services are provided by first come first served principle. Access is prioritized based on scientific feasibility peer review of the project summary within the units. Research infrastructures reserve the right to ensure that the proposed project is technically and scientifically feasible, and that the safety regulations are followed.
  • Services are open to academic and non-academic national and international users. Please check each platform for user fees and service details.
  • Update Feb 2023! Instruct-HILIFE has started to use iLAB online system for requesting instrument time and services as well as billing.
    • Registrate to iLAB.
    • Request group access to to your PIs group: My Groups--> Request Group Access –>University of Helsinki --> Your PIs lab. PIs do not need to do the registration as the accounts are created via financial integration. PIs will receive a notification that you have requested membership to their lab in iLab. 
    • Once your PI has assigned Institution Fund (wbs), you need to fill in a Project registration form in iLAB.
      • Biocomplex, CryoEM and NMR forms are under Request services tab --> Service Projects and Quote Requests --> Biocomplex or CryoEM. 
      • Protein crystallization project and sample form

Please find detailed instructions from the links below.

  • Biocomplex purification
  • CryoEM
  • NMR
  • Crystallisation
  • User and her/his group leader are recommended to register as a member of the Instruct-ERIC international user network (link) to receive information from the international research infrastructure for integrated structural cell biology Instruct (news, workshops, services, internships, conferences etc.).
  • Acknowledgements: User agrees to acknowledge research infrastructures in the publications and theses with i.e. the following texts:

Biocomplex: The facilities and expertise of the HiLIFE Biocomplex unit at the University of Helsinki, a member of Instruct-ERIC Centre Finland, FINStruct, and Biocenter Finland are gratefully acknowledged.

The facilities and expertise of the HiLIFE CryoEM unit at the University of Helsinki, a member of Instruct-ERIC Centre Finland, FINStruct, and Biocenter Finland are gratefully acknowledged.

The facilities and expertise of the HiLIFE NMR unit at the University of Helsinki, a member of Instruct-ERIC Centre Finland, FINStruct, and Biocenter Finland are gratefully acknowledged.

Crystallization: The facilities and expertise of the HiLIFE Crystallization unit at the University of Helsinki, a member of FINStruct and Biocenter Finland are gratefully acknowledged.

  • User informs FINStruct Coordination Hub (grp-instructfihub [at] or the service provider on the publications and theses that arise from the utilisation of Instruct-HiLIFE services.
  • User agrees that Instruct-HiLIFE can utilize the collected user and project information for reporting its activities (see below the privacy policy).
  • By registering the user and the group leader agree that their email addresses can be utilized to notify users about general unit activities.  

Cancellation policy

  • In case of cancellation users are requested to notify the service provider well in advance. Late notice may incur a cancellation fee covering the cost of the booked equipment and service.

Check the specific user guidelines as well as user and cancellation policies for each unit.  

Privacy policy
  • Upon registration as an Instruct-HiLIFE user, you are asked to provide limited personal information in order to enable the provision of requested services. Instruct-HiLIFE stores this information electronically. By supplying this information you allow Instruct-HiLIFE to use it for reporting its activities such as the popularity and effectiveness. Any disclosure of this information will not enable the identification of individual users. Information provided will be kept for as long as is necessary to fulfil that purpose. User registers and data privacy will be managed according to the EU General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Personal and project information will not be given to third parties, or provided to direct marketing companies.
  • Instruct-HiLIFE may disclose your personal data to third parties who are involved in assessing Instruct-HiLIFE services. By submitting your personal data, you agree to this transfer, storing and processing. All reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.