Our service is open for both academic and commercial users.
We employ a first-come-first-served policy. Please contact our technical staff one week in advance to inform about your experiment, and agree upon a date and time for sample delivery. Before arriving at the Facility with the sample, please fill in the user registration form for approval (feasibility, technical checking), and if necessary, register as an Instruct-ERIC user network. This will be used for experiment follow-up and billing. Samples are to be brought to Biocenter 3, fourth floor, room 4216, and delivered to Violeta Manole or Tommi Kajander.
Our facility can be used ONLY for biosafety level 1 samples (e.g. human pathogens, live viruses, toxins, and radioactive material are not accepted). Samples must be prepared in your own lab using the appropriate safety procedures. Do not touch door handles, keyboards or screens while wearing gloves.
By using our services, academic customers agree to acknowledge the Crystallization Core Facility when publishing their results. We would kindly appreciate your using one of the following sentence:
We would also kindly request you send a notification upon publication to bi-crystallisation@helsinki.fi.