A digital slide scanning service (Pannoramic 250 FLASH III, 3DHISTECH) for both bright-field and fluorescent slides using either 20x or 40x air objectives.

Since 19th April 2023, the scanner is upgraded from Pannoramic 250 Flash II to Pannoramic 250 Flash III.

The digital slide scanner has moved to room B510B of Biomedicum 1, 5th floor.

  • High-throughput bright field and fluorescence slide scanning
  • Scans up to 250 slides per run with Z-stack and extended focus options
  • Automatic slide loading, previewing, barcode reading, and scanning
  • Resolutions: 0.24 µm/pixel (20X/0.8 NA) and 0.12 µm/pixel (40X/0.95 NA)
  • Free viewing and annotation software available on the manufacturer’s website can be downloaded from here.
Filters (Zeiss), (Semrock)


SN Filter







1 Transmitted Light      
2 DAPI-1160B (Semrock) 387/11 409 447/60
3 Cy5-4040C (Semrock) 628/40 660 692/40
4 25HE Dapi/Fitc/TxRed 405+495+575 435+510+600 460+530+625
5 38HE GFP 470/40 495 525/50
6 43HE Cy3 550/25 570 605/70
7 64HE mPlum 587/25 605 647/70

Starting from 1.9.2022, new pricing applies. Extended focus and fluorescent scans are invoiced in a time-based manner. 
In addition to per-slide or hourly charges, a project fee is introduced for each batch of slides delivered to FinGEEC and invoiced to a single customer. This fee covers slide inspection, scanner loading, and profile creation for each scan.

FinGEEC wel­comes slides for test scan­ning free of charge!



Fee (€)

UniveRSITy of Helsinki

fee (€)

Biocenter Finland Affiliates

fee (€)

other customers (+vat)

Project fee 25 25 55
Bright-field scan      
20x bulk 1,00 1,00 1,15
40x bulk 2,00 2,00 2,30
20x Standard 2,50 2,50 3,90
40x Standard 5,00 5,00 7,30
BF extended focus or Z-stack (per hour) 12,00 12,00 15,50
Fluorescent scanning (per hour) 12 12,00 15,50


  • Minimum billing for ten slides
  • Single plane only, 20x or 40x, bright field
  • Requires clear staining that can be automatically detected by the scanner (e.g. HE on good-quality sections of dense tissues, low background and no fatty tissue)
  • Only clean slides with well-aligned coverslips (dirty, broken or skewed slides will be omitted from the scan or invoiced as standard slides)
  • No quality control for individual slides, re-scans can be requested and will be charged with the standard price.
  • Limited file size (very large sections in 40x may be too much)
  • File storage only 1 month
  • We will evaluate the suitability of each batch for bulk scan


  • Any number of slides
  • Single plane, 20x or 40x, bright field
  • Each image is checked, and re-scans are included in the price
  • File storage 6 months
  • Slides still must be clean


Due to the large variation of scan time in extended focus and fluorescent scanning, all these slides are invoiced based on scanning time.

You can ask for a rough estimate of cost, but we don't give binding quotes.

A test scan of one representative slide can be made for free to estimate the cost. 

See below some tips to reduce scan time.


For scanning to be successful, the slides must fulfil the following requirements:

  • Width 24-26 mm, length 75-76 mm, thickness 0,9-1,2 mm (standard slides)
  • Mounted with hardening mounting medium
  • Coverslip does not protrude over the edge of the slide
  • No excess mounting medium on the slide

For optimal image quality and easy scanning:

  • Avoid bubbles under the coverslip.
  • Place sections in the middle of the slide (scannable area is inside the crosses and about 4 mm from the frosted end).
  • For bright field slides, counterstain if necessary to get your sections to stand out.
  • Dust particles, immersion oil stains, and marker stains will impact image quality.

For services in tissue processing, sectioning and staining at the University of Helsinki, please contact one of the core facilities in the Histotechnology and animal pathology platform (HiLAPS).

Make fluorescent scanning faster and more cost efficient

Fluorescence scanning of one slide may take anything from a few minutes to more than 8 hours. Billing for fluorescent scans is time-based. Scanning time depends on the size of the scanning area, objective used (20x/40x), number of layers (extended focus/one plane), number of channels, and exposure times on each channel. Please, consider the following to make scanning as fast as possible while still getting the quality you need:

  • If you don’t need all the sections on the slide or if you only need a partial section to be scanned, you can mark the areas to be scanned yourself. Draw the marker very close to the section edge (<1 mm is sufficient). Use a thin black marker.
  • Magnification: 40x takes at least four times as long as 20x.
  • Extended focus or Z-stack take longer than single-plane scans. Extended focus is done from 7 layers as a default. The number of layers can be decreased.
  • Exposure times should be set as low as possible for each channel.

If you are scanning several slides and you want the data files to be named according to your samples, please provide an excel sheet with the sample names. If no name is defined, the scanner will generate one for each slide based on its position in the magazine. The label on the frosted end of the slide will be associated with the scanned image


Image files are provided in MRXS format and can be viewed with 3DHISTECH viewing softwares (Pannoramic Viewer, CaseViewer) which can be freely downloaded from the manufacturers webpage. You can also view your images using Biomedicum Imaging Unit imaging workstations.

Please note that the size of the image files can be very large (up to several GBs/slide). Images are saved on the scanner computer immediately following scanning. The network connections of the scanner computer are restricted and for the brightfield images it is recommended you copy the files straight from the computer to your own portable drive. As the fluorescent images are usually smaller, it is possible also to distribute them using Funet FileSender server.

If you find images of suboptimal quality, please contact FinGEEC for rescanning the slide. For difficult samples, it is possible to use more focusing points or apply extended focus option.

Please note that FinGEEC can store the image files from your scanner run only temporarily.


There are several ways to analyze your digitalized slides, including the following:

3DHISTECH image analysis modules
Faculty of Medicine in Helsinki currently holds a license for HistoQuant module, which is a histological segmentation module identifying tissue elements based on the color and intensity of the image pixels. HistoQuant can be used with Biomedicum Imaging Unit imaging workstations.

Systems Biology Unit located in Biomedicum 1 provides consultation for imaging related biological experiments, and the analysis of images produced from such experiments. The SBU services include experimental design, image processing/analysis, data analysis and visualization of the analysis, as well as bioimage informatics infrastructure and method development, deployment and training.


If you publish images generated by Finnish Genome Editing Center (FinGEEC), please acknowledge us in your paper in the following way:

Images scanned after 19th April 2023:
"Images were generated using 3DHISTECH Pannoramic 250 FLASH III digital slide scanner at Finnish Genome Editing Center supported by HiLIFE and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, and Biocenter Finland.”

Images scanned before April 19th, 2023:
"Images were generated using 3DHISTECH Pannoramic 250 FLASH II digital slide scanner at Finnish Genome Editing Center supported by HiLIFE and the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, and Biocenter Finland.”