FinGEEC provides cell line generation and consultation services to researchers from University of Helsinki, Biocenter Finland affiliated universities and other researchers.

We provide transgene expression in mammalian cell lines using lentiviral and retroviral transduction and gene knockout and knockin using CRISPR/Cas9 technologies.

Lentiviral delivery of cDNAs (ORFs), shRNA and sgRNAs is widely used efficient approach to incorporate the desired genetic modifications in the cells of interest.

FINGEEC provides stable cell line generation services for research purposes. We use recombinant lentiviruses or retroviruses for transgene expression in human and other mammalian cell lines. Our stable cell line services are best suited for researchers who do not have access to a biosafety level 2 facility, have limited time for new technique testing or for researchers who are new to transgene technology. 

Our cell line generation consultation services are also free of cost.

NOTE! Cells modified by FINGEEC are ready to be used in BSL1 facility. 

The inception of translational CRISPR (Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) technology was in 2013, leading to Nobel Prizes for Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier in 2020. Since then, CRISPR technology has been widely used for genetic manipulations in all kinds of systems with over 32,000 scientific publications utilizing the technology in one way or another.

At FinGEEC, we use CRISPR/Cas9 technology to create genetic editing in different mammalian cell lines for research purposes.

While the successful editing with the CRISPR/Cas9 depends on several factors, we have been able to generate cell lines (>25 target cell lines) with desired manipulations (almost 30 different genes) (mostly knockouts; check our list of genes and cell lines edited by FinGEEC) in humans and other mammalian cell lines.


Genome editing by CRISPR/Cas9 system is a popular laboratory technique used in introducing changes in the DNA sequences of genome. The editing event is based on a double strand break caused by a Cas9 nuclease, the specificity of which is defined by a guiding sequence of RNA that is complementary to desired site in the organism’s genome. Success of the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing is dependent on many steps, but the use of well-designed and in vitro validated guide RNA constructs is instrumental for a successful genome editing project.

FINGEEC provides validation of the customer designed or commercial gRNAs in HEK293FT cells prior to generating CRISPR/Cas9 knockout cell lines. 

We check the transfection efficacy of the constructs with fluorescence microscopy and assess the functionality of the gRNA with a T7 nuclease mutation detection assay. The gRNA functionality report makes it easy for researchers to choose the best gRNAs that they want to use in cell line generation.


The research infrastructure is supported by the University of Helsinki (HiLIFE and Research Programs Unit) and Biocenter Finland.

The prices are for the University of Helsinki (UH) and Universities/Institutions affiliated with Biocenter Finland (BF) Network; for other academic and non-academic customers, please contact fingeec-support@helsinki.fi or topi.tervonen@helsinki.fi


FEE (€)

University of Helsinki

fee (€)

Biocenter finland

Stable cell line (1 ctrl line + 1 target line) 479 594
Stable cell line (Extra order/line) 243 301
gRNA validation for CRISPR guide RNA (1 ctrl guide RNA + 1 on-target guide RNA) 215 265
gRNA validation for CRISPR guide RNA (Extra order/guide RNA) 70 87
CRISPR cell line (Transient transfection) (1 ctrl line + 1 on-target KO line) 541 671
CRISPR cell line (Transient transfection) (Extra order/on-target KO line) 221 274
CRISPR cell line (Lentiviral delivery) (1 ctrl line + 1 on-target KO line) 585 726
CRISPR cell line (Lentiviral delivery) (Extra order/on-target KO line) 287 355

The success of the cell line generation project depends on cell line, target gene, the downstream effects of the target gene manipulation (especially those related to cell viability and proliferation), delivery methods and other factors. Below are some of the points to consider before starting a cell line project with FinGEEC: 

  • Decide your genetic manipulation (stable overexpression or stable silencing, CRISPR knock-in or transient or stable CRISPR knockout) and gene target (single gene, many genes)
  • Decide which mammalian cell lines to use
  • Check the effects of your gene of interest manipulation towards the overall cell health, viability and proliferation
    • Before considering a gene knockout in cell line with CRISPR, please check the effect of transient gene silencing in your desired cells. Please, also check the CRISPR KO effect of your gene of interest from DepMAP.
    • Check the FAQ for more information or consult us via email.
  • Fill up the cell line order form and send it to us via email at fingeec-support@helsinki.fi.
  • Prepare your own constructs with the gene of interest (GOI) or use core facility service (GBU) for ORFs, shRNAs or CRISPR guides (sgRNA)
  • Prepare your own viral aliquots or use core facility service (BVC) for the virus preparation.
  • Bring your chosen target cells as a frozen vial or on culture plate after testing for Mycoplasma.
  • Expected delivery date for the product is 1-3 month from the order. The expected date can vary greatly depending upon the effect caused by the manipulation during different step of the project on cell health (growth and survival).

Finnish Genome Editing Center (FinGEEC) should be mentioned in the acknowledgment in research publications containing data from cell lines generated by FinGEEC. Below is a template sentence that can be used: 

For stable and CRISPR cell lines:

“The xx cell line/pool was generated by Finnish Genome Editing Center (FinGEEC), Research Programs Unit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, supported by HiLIFE, University of Helsinki, and Biocenter Finland."