Finnish Genome Editing Center

Finnish Genome editing center (FINGEEC) is a young core unit devoted to provide genome editing services in different mammalian cell lines and analytical services for CRISPR/Cas9 edited cells for research purposes.

FinGEEC belongs to GoEditStem core service platform within the Helsinki Institute of Life Sciences (HiLIFE) at the University of Helsinki and is a member of Biocenter Finland Stem cells & Genome editing network.

FinGEEC is led by associate professor Topi Tervonen and services are provided by laboratory coordinator Bina Prajapati, MSc. Our scientific advisor is Sami Jalil, MSc, Wartiovaara/Otonkoski lab.

For inquiries of the present status of LSRI development, please contact the LSRI director.

Please fill in the following form and send to and we will contact you to discuss the project.

New cell line services
  • Stable cell line generation (transgene overexpression, shRNA-mediated knockdown)
  • CRISPR/Cas9 knockout line
  • gRNA validation service
  • gRNA design and PCR optimisation
User fees

WE ARE UPDATING OUR PRICES. Please contact for updated price list.

The research infrastructure is supported by University of Helsinki (HiLIFE and Research Programs Unit) and Biocenter Finland.

*The prices for Universities/Institutions affiliated to Biocenter Finland Network;
for other academic and non-academic customers, please contact or

Cell-based services

Fee (€)

(University of Helsinki)

Fee (€)

(Biocenter Finland*)

Stable cell line 418 518
gRNA validation service 101 125


Validation services of genome editing (DNA)

Fee (€)

Excess fee (€)

SURVEYOR analysis full service 218 76
SURVEYOR analysis with PCR (w/o gDNA isolation) 187 60
Only SURVEYOR analysis 118 46
Clone sequence analysis with gDNA isolation 166 69
TOPO Clone analysis (single clone) 305 167
TOPO Clone analysis (polyclonal sample) 402 263
Custom services

FinGEEC also considers custom projects based on technical and scientific feasibility. Each candidate project will be pre-evaluated by FinGEEC personnel.

Inquiries: or

FinGEEC contact details

FinGEEC leader: Topi Tervonen, Associate Professor,

FinGEEC lab management: Bina Prajapati, MSc,

Customer service:, +358294125494

Location: Biomedicum 1, 5th floor, B-wing, room B508b, University of Helsinki Meilahti Campus, Haartmaninkatu 8, Helsinki

Delivery address

Finnish Genome Editing Center/FinGEEC

Bina Prajapati

University of Helsinki

Haartmaninkatu 8

FI-00290 Helsinki


Internal mail: Bina Prajapati, PO 63, 00014 University of Helsinki

Citation guide for FinGEEC service users

Please remember to acknowledge FinGEEC services and products in your publications.