
Flow Cytometry Unit provides flow cytometric analysis and cell sorting services as well as flow cytometry training and education for new users.

It is possible to use most of the instruments independently after a training period. Welcome!

We offer assistance with experiment planning and sample preparation. Contact us to discuss more.

Below, you can find a list of the instruments available at our unit.

BD Accuri C6 plus Analyser

Located at Biomedicum Flow Cytometry unit.

BD Accuri C6 plus (note updated 2022) Flow Cytometer analyser can be used after training. The instrument has a blue (488 nm) and a red (640 nm) laser. Simultaneously you can analyse with 4 different fluorescent and 2 scatter parameters.

The selectable laser module allows 3 different filter configurations: 3 blue and 1 red (standard setting), 2 blue and 2 red or 4 blue. User changeable optical filters available are: 530/30 nm, 585/40 nm, 610/20 nm, 670 nm (LP), 675/25 nm and 780/60 nm. There are also optional 99 % attenuation filters for each detector.

BD LSRFortessa Analyser

Located at Biomedicum and Viikki Flow Cytometry units

The BD LSRFortessa Flow Cytometer analyser can be used after training.  Samples can be analyzed with 3 different flow rates: low (12 µL/min), medium (35 µL/min) and high (60 µL/min). Flow rate can also be adjusted with sample fine adjustment (6-24, 17.5-70 and 30-120 µL/min, respectively). BD LSRFortessa uses BD FACSDiva Software v 8.0. 

NOTE these two instruments have different lasers and parameters!

Viikki: violet 405 nm, blue 488 nm, yellow green 561 nm and red 640 nm. You can analyze up to 16 fluorescence and 2 scatter parameters simultaneously.

Biomedicum: violet 405 nm, blue 488 nm and red 640 nm. You can analyze up to 14 fluorescence and 2 scatter parameters simultaneously.

NovoCyte Quanteon Analyser

Located at Biomedicum Flow Cytometry unit

The NovoCyte Quanteon 4025 and NovoSampler Q System Bundle Flow Cytometry analyser can be used after training. Instrument is equipped with 4 lasers Violet (405nm), Blue (488nm), Yellow-Green (561nm) and Red (637nm) with 2 scatter parameters and 25 fluorescent parameters.

Sampling Format: 40-tube rack for 12 x 75 mm tubes and 24-well, 48-well, 96-well, 384-well plates

Sony SH800Z Cell Sorter

Located at Biomedicum Flow Cytometry unit.

The SH800Z Cell Sorter can be used after training. The instrument has four lasers: Violet (405nm), Blue (488 nm), Yellow-Green (561nm) and Red (638nm). You can analyze up to 6 fluorescence and 2 scatter parameters. Standard setting is for 488nm, 561nm and 638nm lasers but additional setting available for violet laser (optional 1) and detecting fluorescent proteins (optional 2).

Two different nozzle chips are available 100µm and 130µm nozzle chips with automatic alignment for sorting. Cells can be sorted into 12 x 75 mm tubes or 15 ml falcon tubes with two way sort. It is also possible to sort on to various plates up to 384 well format (single or multiple cells/well).

The sort chips combined with the possibility to have your own sample line ensures pure sorts.

BD FACSAria II Sorter

Located at Biomedicum and Viikki Flow Cytometry units.

The BD FACS Aria II Flow Cytometer sorter can be used after training. Cells can be sorted into 1 ml tubes, 12 x 75 mm tubes, 15 ml falcon tubes, into various plates (single or multiple cells/well), or onto microscope slides. Aria is capable of simultaneous 4-way sorting. Sample temperature can be adjusted during analysis and sorting (+4°C - +37°C). FACSAria uses BD FACSDiVa Software v 8.0.


Biomedicum: 12 detectors: FSC, SSC, 5 fluorescence detectors from the 488 mn, 3 fluorescence detectors from the 633 nm, and 2 fluorescence detectors from the 405 nm laser.


Viikki: 11 detectors: FSC, SSC, 5 fluorescence detectors from the 488 mn, 2 fluorescence detectors from the 633 nm, and 2 fluorescence detectors from the 405 nm / 375 nm laser.

BD FACSAria Fusion Sorter

Located at Viikki Flow Cytometry unit.

BD FACSAria Fusion sorter can be used after training. 4-laser sorter: 405nm, blue 488 nm, yellow-green 561nm, and red 640 nm lasers. You can analyze and sort up to 16 fluorescence and 2 scatter parameters simultaneously. You can sort into up to 4 tubes simultaneously or into 96-well plates.

BD Discover S8 Sorter

Located at Biomedicum Flow Cytometry unit.

BD Discover S8 is a cell sorter with BD CellView™Image Technology and BD SpectralFX™Technology can be used after training.

The instrument has five lasers: Ultra-violet (349nm), Violet (405nm), Blue (488 nm), Yellow-Green (561nm) and Red (638nm) with 78 spectral detectors and 3 imaging optics from blue laser with multiple imaging features. Nozzles sizes available: 85, 100 and 130nm. Cells can be sorted into 1,5 or 2ml micro tubes or 12 x 75 mm tubes and 6-, 24-, 48-, 96-, and 384-well plates (single or multiple cells/well) and standard microscope slides. Depending on the nozzle size, the system can be setup for simultaneous 2-6-way sorting (into tubes).

Note that instrument is a Spectral Flow Cytometer, you can find some help to get started on the guidelines and protocols page. Instrument is inside a bio-safety hood but note that the room it is located in is not above BSL1!

BD Discover S8

BD Influx Sorter

Located at Biomedicum Flow Cytometry unit.

BD Influx Cell sorter is avilable only with an operator.

The instrument has four lasers: Violet (405nm), Blue (488 nm), Yellow-Green (561nm) and Red (640nm). You can analyze up to 18 fluorescence and 2 scatter parameters. Nozzles sizes available: 70, 86, 100 and 140 µm. Cells can be sorted into 0,5-50 ml tubes and onto various plates, up to 384-well plates (single or multiple cells/well), or onto microscope slides. The system can be setup for simultaneous 6-way sorting (into tubes).

gentleMACS Dissociator

Located at Biomedicum Flow Cytometry unit.

You can run two samples at a time with preinstalled programs for different applications. Use C tubes for dissociation of tissues to obtain single-cell suspension and M tubes for homogenization of tissues or cells to isolate subcellular material. Tubes are not provided. No training necessary, but permission and reservation is required.

Miltenyi Biotec gentleMACS Dissociator

Miltenyi Biotec MACS tissue Dissociation kits reference list


BD FACSDiva Software:




BD Accuri C6 and C6 Plus Software:


BD Accuri C6 Software Quickstart Guides:

