Viikki Flow Cytometry

Specific news and information about services, instruments and trainings in Viikki

Visiting address:

Viikki campus

Viikinkaari 5

Biocenter 2, D-wing, 5th floor, lab 5003A





March 2022

Viikki sorting and Biocenter Flow Cytometry have merged. The new Viikki Flow Cytometry can be found at:

Viikki campus

Viikkinkaari 5

Biocenter 2, D-wing, 5th floor, lab 5003A


The BD FACSAria II, BDFACSAria Furion, BD LSRFortessa can all be found in the same room.

Coronavirus situation

Keep the following in mind when visiting us:

  • Please wear a mask if you have symptoms of a cold or a flu.
  • Be mindful of good hand hygiene. 
  • Remember the general instructions on coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose.
  • Clean the workspace after yourself.

Would you like to use our instruments independently? Contact us to schedule training:

  • FACSAria II
  • LSR Fortessa

Contact: marc.llortasens|at|

In order to better tailor the training to your scientific needs, please let us know about your needs for Flow Cytometry Analysis/Sorting, the type of cells you would like to use, the type of experiments you would like to do and an estimated timeline on when you would like to start your experiments. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


BD LSR has been replased with FACSAria Fusion. Ask personnel for more details


Keep in mind that core personnel might be telecommuting. If you need assistance, please contact marc.llortasens|at| or tiina.pessa-morikawa|at|