Fees and Reservation

Listed Fees and Centralised reservation system iLab for booking instruments and services in Flow Cytometry Unit.
User fees


€ / h


Additional fees


Novocyte Quanteon (Biomedicum) 25€ 150€ +30€/h for service run
BD Accuri (Biomedicum) 25€ 150€ +30€/h for service run
BD LSRFortessa (Biomedicum) 20€ 150€ +30€/h for service run
BD LSRFortessa (Viikki) 25€ 60€/h +30€/h for service run (+entrance fee 10eur)


FACSAria II (Biomedicum) 30€ 400€ +30€/h for service run
FACSAria II (Viikki) 30€ 60€/h +30€/h for service run
FACSAria Fusion (Viikki) 30€ 60€/h +30€/h for service run
Sony SH800z (Biomedicum) 30€ 200€ +30€/h for service run
Discover S8 (Biomedicum) 50€ 250€ +30€/h for service run
BD Influx (Biomedicum) 60€* -  


FlowJo software 5€ -  
GentleMACS Dissociator (Biomedicum)      tubes are invoiced

* price includes the operator, the instrument can only be used by Flow cytometry unit's personnel.

  • Prices valid for University of Helsinki customers.
  • For HUS users an addition of VAT 24 % will be applied.
  • For other academic and non-academic user fees, please, contact the corresponding facility.

Cancellation policy

  • Cancellations of sorters 24h before the starting time are not charged. Later cancellations are charged according to the booked time.
  • Cancellations of analyzers 12 h before the starting time are not charged. Later cancellations are charged according to the booked time.


iLab reservation system

Agilent Cross Lab iLab Operations Software

All our users need to have an iLab account. University users can easily activate by logging in with your HAKA credentials and join their Lab group. All service requests (e.g. training and service requests), instrument bookings and invoicing is going through iLab. Your account will need to be connected to a WBS before you can make reservations.