Also basic flow cytometry and find some help for planning your experiments.
The Flow Cytometry Unit provides flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting services as well as user training for new users of the instruments. Access to the flow cytometers and their reservation calenders for individual users is given after a training session. Training for new users is arranged regularly.
New users should contact the corresponding unit's personnel and discuss their experimental setup before their first reservation. When making a contact, please provide the following information: Full name, e-mail address and phone number, Department or research group, Principal investigator or supervisor (name and address), Billing information (profit center and WBS codes).
New independent users should be acquainted to basic flow cytometry before the user training. We provide all users with practical guidance for working in the facility. Appropriate training for proper use of the instruments is obligatory for all new users. Contact the corresponding unit´s personnel for further information and reservations for training.
Reservation system is available in iLab. Centralized reservation system for all Flow Cytometry Unit instruments for independent users as well as service users is found in Fees and Reservations.
The guidelines might vary between the facilities. Please contact the corresponding personnel and/or web pages for more information.
Reservation: Remember to do reservations prior to instrument usage and possible cancellations as early as possible. Uncancelled reservations will be charged (see user fees).
Instrument: Short notice or out side office hours you might need to start the instrument yourself; the user should ensure that the instrument is ready to use with sufficient liquids and waste. Take care that all necessary start up and shut down procedures are done according to instrument guidelines if needed. If you make any special changes to the instrument settings, change filters etc., please return the setup to the starting state. Remember to fill the logbook.
In the lab: In case of problems or need of help, contact the personnel. Please, inform the personnel if you notice any of the solutions or disposables running low in the lab. Remember to take copies of all your data (including the fcs files). Virus scanning must be done every time before you may attach your external memory to any computer.
Laboratory Safety: Normal laboratory safety procedures should be followed. No eating or drinking in the laboratory.
Flow Cytometer safety: Michael G Ormerod: Flow Cytometry - A Basic Introduction - Appendix 4 Safety
Samples: Contact personnel for more precise instructions. The general rules are:
Thermo Fisher Introduction to Flow Cytometry tutorial
Bio-rad Introduction to Flow Cytometry - Basics Guide
BD Introduction to Flow Cytometry
OpenFlow Cytometry (youtube channel)
Flow Cytometry Protocols Editors: Hawley, Teresa S., Hawley, Robert G. (Eds.)
Modern Concepts of Flow Cytometry Barbara Roth (editor)
Although workflow is pretty much similar to conventional Flow Cytometry is good to get acquainted with how to prepare for spectral Flow Cytometry
BD biosciences Spectral Flow Cytometry
Thermofisher Scientific Spectral Flow Cytometry Fundamentals
Please note that we expect you to acknowledge the Flow Cytometry Unit when publishing results using any of the instruments or services. e.g. “The flow cytometry analysis was performed at the HiLife Flow Cytometry Unit, University of Helsinki.” Kindly inform the personnel about your publication.
Keep in mind MIFlowCyt:The minimum information about a flow cytometry experiment…
Single cell suspension from Solid Tissue (Cytometry Part A Journal)
FluoroFinder: See the configuration of our instruments and design your panels based on them.
ThermoFisher Flow Cytometry Panel Design
Biolegend Multicolour staining guide
Sample preparation
BD biosciences web page Panel design
Thermofisher Cell Preparation for Flow Cytometry Protocols