Support and expertise at FIMM Technology Centre

Are you looking for more information about life science technologies and services at FIMM? Do you not know which technology to select or how to optimize the technology usage to avoid common pitfalls and to maximize the study quality and impact?

FIMM Technology Centre staff can help you! 

Our senior and junior scientists, research infrastructure specialists and laboratory managers have a wide expertise in medical and life science research – see the introductions and contact information below or search by keywords.

For inquiries via single point of contact:

See services: Life science technologies and services at FIMM

Meet the FIMM Technology Specialists:
Pirkko Mattila

Research Director

In case you need assistance for finding the right expert to consult, please contact me

Publication list

Tel +358 50 3175434


Karina Barreiro

Technical specialist at HiPREP core, Postdoctoral researcher

Expertise keywords: Sample collection, preanalytics, RNA, isolation, quality control, transcriptomics, electron microscopy, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, liquid biopsies, urine, biomarkers, diabetic kidney disease

Publication list 

Tel +358 451589898


Kati Donner

Head of Genomics core, Senior Researcher

Expertise keywords: NGS sequencing, Sanger sequencing, Nanopore sequencing, Amplicon sequencing, Genotyping, Cell-line authentication

Publication list

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9190-4336

Tel +358 50 3185677


Sari Hannula

Project Coordinator at FIMM Genomics NGS Sequencing

Expertise keywords: NGS sequencing, whole genome sequencing, exome sequencing, targeted custom panels, cfDNA, enzymatic methylation, Illumina NovaSeq

Publication List

Tel +358 50 4150 582


Antti Hassinen

Unit Manager at FIMM High Content Imaging and Analysis (FIMM-HCA) 

Expertise keywords: high-content imaging, high-throughput microscopy, high-content image analysis, fluorescence microscopy, 3D imaging and analysis, drug screening, functional precision medicine, precision cancer medicine, undergraduate training 

Publication list

tel. +358 50 3769353 


Jaana Kekkonen

Laboratory Coordinator at HiPREP core

Expertise keywords: sample collection, DNA, RNA, isolation, quality control, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, population genetics, evolutionary biology, conservation genetics

Publication list

Tel +358 50 5131408


Lassi Paavolainen

PhD, PI, Academy of Finland Research Fellow 

Senior Advisor in FIMM-HCA 

Expertise keywords: Image-based profiling, bioimage informatics, microscopy, high-content imaging, image analysis, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence

Publication list 

Tel +358 50 448 8638 


Vilja Pietiäinen

Adjunct Professor, PhD, University researcher 

Director/PI of FIMM High Content Imaging and Analysis (FIMM-HCA)

Expertise keywords: phenotypic imaging, high-content imaging, high-throughput microscopy, high-content image analysis, microscopy, functional precision medicine, precision cancer medicine, pediatric solid tumors, renal cancer, omics, big data, machine-learning, undergraduate training  

Publication list

Tel. +358-405102546 


Maija Puhka

Head of HiPREP core, Adjunct Professor, PhD, Senior Scientist

Expertise keywords: Sample collection, preanalytics, DNA, RNA, isolation, quality control, transcriptomics, electron microscopy, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, liquid biopsies, urine, plasma, biomarkers, biobanks, diabetic kidney disease, prostate cancer

Publication list

Tel +358 50 3185775, +358 400 826846


Ileana Quintero

Laboratory Coordinator at HiPREP core

Expertise keywords: Sample collection, DNA, RNA, isolation, quality control, biobanks, electron microscopy, extracellular vesicles, exosomes, mouse tissue collection and processing, biochemical assays, prostate cancer

Publication List

Tel +358 50 5131408


Tanja Ruokoranta

Project manager at HTB core, Scientist at Mika Kontro group 

Expertise keywords: cell-based high throughput screening, functional precision medicine, ex vivo drug sensitivity and resistance testing, data analysis, data analysis tool development, project management, assay development, flow cytometry, assay optimization and adaptation, assay miniaturization, bone marrow and peripheral blood cell preparation and culture, biosafety, GLP, GCP, GMP, clinical trials, virology, hematology, clean rooms, medical devices 

Publication list 


tel: +358 50 4488 663 

Jani Saarela

Operational manager of HTB core

Expertise keywords: high throughput screening, small molecule screening, RNAi screening, data analysis, data analysis tool development, functional precision medicine, ex vivo drug sensitivity and resistance testing, DSRT, project management, assay development, assay optimization and adaptation, assay miniaturization, assay multiplexing, cell-based high throughput screening, biochemical screening

Publication list


tel: +358 50 317 5485

Annabrita Schoonenberg

BASc,  laboratory coordinator

Operational manager at FIMM Digital Microscopy and Molecular Pathology unit (FIMM DP)

Expertise keywords: histochemistry, immunohistochemistry, multiplex immunohistochemistry, tissue processing, tissue sectioning, digital microscopy, slide scanning 

Publication list 


tel: +358 50 3185310 

Laura Turunen

Compound Manager and Automation and Screening Specialist at HTB core

Expertise keywords: compound management, small molecules, laboratory automation, liquid handling, laboratory automation design, cell-based high throughput screening, biochemical high throughput screening, ELISA, ex vivo drug sensitivity and resistance testing, assay development, assay design, assay optimization and adaptation, assay miniaturization

Publication list


tel: +358 50 415 5578

Tiina Vesterinen

Head of Laboratory

Expertise keywords: sample collection, sample storage, biobanks

Publication list

Tel +358 50 415 5553
