We offer high-quality RNA and DNA isolation, clean-up, quality control and normalization services for both academic and industry customers. We have developed workflows for various biological samples – particularly human clinical samples – to extract total, small and cell-free RNA, genomic and cell-free DNA and for dual extractions. HiPREP core functions in close collaboration with FIMM sequencing and single cell analytics units and also offers EV Core services in close collaboration with the EV Core Viikki. Check the overview of our services and functions in this poster.
For more information on prices and quotes, please contact the HiPREP personnel
The nucleic acid isolation schemes of the HiPrep core have been evaluated in three consequtive years (2020-2022) by the IBBL’s Biospecimen Proficiency Testing program as part of EATRIS-Plus (report from year 2020).
Tested and yield/purity/integrity -certified sample types:
TissueLyser III (QIAGEN)
Chemagic 360 (Perkin Elmer)
MaxWell RSC48 (Promega)
TapeStation 4200 (Agilent Technologies)
Bravo NGS workstation (Agilent Technologies)
Varioskan LUX multimode microplate reader (Thermo Scientific)
Micronic Rack Reader DR505 (Micronic)