Sustainability research in spotlight

Sustainability Research in Spotlight – new video series!

Sustainability Research in Spotlight video series aims at opening up what sustainability research can be about. Sustainability science is inter- and transdisciplinary field of research covering a variety of research topics, approaches, and theories. The new HELSUS video series gives a voice to sustainability scientists and different perspectives of sustainability. We hope that these videos give food for thought!


Ex­plor­ing nature based solu­tions for biod­iversity con­ser­va­tion: frame­work of eco­sys­tem services

In the first video of the series, Geethanjali Mariaselvam talks about her research on payments for ecosystem services. Geethanjali is interested in finding ways to motivate people for conservation of biodiversity and protected areas. She believes sustainability science has the potential to feed into effective conservation policies and management strategies in the future.

Fu­ture sustainable food sys­tems

In the second video of the series, Rachel Mazac presents her research about sustainable food systems. Mazac is particularly interested in future sustainable diets, and she has studied topics such as novel foods and protein alternatives. Mazac highlights the importance of looking into multiple solutions when it comes to sustainable food systems and sustainable diets.

To­wards Sustainability with Sun-Powered Chem­ical Re­ac­tions

In the third video of the series, Pedro Camargo presents his research about sustainability in chemistry. Camargo is interested in advancing the sustainability transformation of chemistry, and he believes that more sustainable chemical reactions are key to addressing this challenge. One of the topics Camargo is focusing on is replacing the use of fossil fuels in the chemical industry through the use of nanoparticles.

His­tor­ical per­spect­ive to sustainability

In this video Viktor Pál talks about his research which combines relationship between humans and the environment in historical context. Pál says that it is important to note that not all environment-related problems are only relevant in the 21st century. When taking the past into account in discussions concerning environmentalism, important angles can be retrieved for experiences and systems that have existed before.

[in Finnish] Kestäviä väri­aineita luon­nosta

HELSUS tutkija Riikka Räisänen tutkii kestäviä väriaineita. Tällä hetkellä Räisänen johtaa BioColour-tutkimushanketta, jossa tutkitaan bioväriaineiden koko elinkaarta; mistä niitä voidaan saada, niiden eristysprosesseja, yhdisteiden toksisuutta ja sovellettavuutta, ja kuluttajien näkökulmia uusia tuotteita ja uusia väriaineita kohtaan. Räisäsen hankkeen tarkastelukohteena väriaineiden käyttötarkoituksissa on etenkin tekstiilit, pakkaukset ja pinnoitteet. Tutkimus liittyy ajankohtaiseen materiaaliseen murrokseen, joka on Räisäsen mukaan tarve tehdä.

Agroe­co­logy in the City

In this video, Megan Resler, presents her research on agroecology in the city. She is interested in imagining and building new sustainable food systems focusing in city regions. According to Resler, there is a lot of transformative potential in urban agroecology.

Cor­por­ate In­vest­ments from Fin­land to Ur­uguay

Finnish forest companies have made the biggest investments in Uruguay’s history. Professor of World Politics Teivo Teivainen tells about his research, which looks at investments from legal, political and cultural aspects and how this is affecting the sustainability transition in the Republic of Uruguay.

Pas­tor­al­ism and Sustainable Live­stock

In this video, Pablo Manzano presents his research about pastoralist livelihoods, which is a less productive but more sustainable livestock production option. It cannot be simply said that all livestock production is unsustainable, since different types of production systems can have very different impacts, applying both in plant and livestock production.

Sustainability and Eth­n­o­bi­o­logy

In this part of the Sustainability Research in Spotlight video series, Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares presents his ethnobiological research work with Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The video includes stunning photographic and video footage from Fernández-Llamazares’ ethnographic field-based encounters in Bolivia and Kenya, so besides the interesting topic, it is worth watching!