HELSUS Contact information

On this page you will find information about contacting the HELSUS coordination team and HELSUS members.
Contact or visit us

In all mat­ters, you can con­tact the HELSUS Team in the address helsus@helsinki.fi

Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, HELSUS

Porthania, 2nd floor

Yliopistonkatu 3

00014 University of Helsinki

By pressing the buzzer someone will come and open the door. Welcome!

Read more about visiting the University of Helsinki on the Guide for Visitors page.

You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

HELSUS coordination team

In all mat­ters, you can con­tact the HELSUS Team (helsus@helsinki.fi).

HELSUS research members

Are you a researcher or PhD student at University of Helsinki and working with sustainability? See the criteria and read more about applying to become a HELSUS member on the Become a HELSUS Member page.

You will find more information about our current members, fellows and professors by clicking the links on the right.

Press, media and admissions

The University Communications assists the press and media in matters concerning research and studies at the University of Helsinki. Please contact the University of Helsinki Communications.

In matters related to admissions and education at the University of Helsinki, please visit the Admissions and education page.