HELSUS events

HELSUS organizes regular discussion events, workshops and trainings for researchers, policy-makers and private actors. Many of our seminars are also recorded and you can watch them afterwards on the University of Helsinki's Unitube video service.
Seminar series
Upcoming events

10.10. 13.00—15.00, @ Tiedekulma

Kohei Saito: Marx's degrowth communism and just transitions away from fossil capitalism

Stefania Barca: Labour, ecology, and reproduction in the age of climate change

Discussant: Professor Reetta Toivanen


11.10. 10.00—12.00 @ Metsätalo lecture hall 1

Jeff Diamanti: Critical Raw Cartographies – Interminable Transition and the Thud of White Geology

Comments and discussion

Public lectures are open for everyone and will be streamed. Welcome!

HELSUS-RESET Brown Bag Lunch in Autumn 2024

HELSUS and RESET (Resilient and Just Systems) project will host Brown Bag Lunch Seminar series in collaboration this Autumn. The dates and speakers are published. 

Past events

SRI/SSD2024 10-14 June 2024

This year Sustainability Science Days was organised in collaboration with SRI Congress. Please visit SRI Congress' website for more information! Sustainability Science Days will be back in 2025.

Guest seminar 15.5. by Prof. Julia Leventon: The ‘Political’ Science of Transformative Change for Sustainability

Professor Julia Leventon gave a talk at the HELSUS Hub Lounge on ‘Political’ Science of Transformative Change for Sustainability’. Julia Leventon is a professor in sustainability science, and is the Head of Department of social dimensions of global change, in the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences.

RESET Kick-off event on 7th May 2024!

The RESET kick-off event presents the project both to the academic community and to a wider audience. Event registration until 26.4.

Guest Seminar 2.5: Behavioural public policy and household energy consumption

Yavor Paunov from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm gave a talk on his recent research project "Few and far between: A scoping review of the underrepresented mechanistic evidence in empirical research on household energy consumption". HELSUS-professor Michiru Nagatsu hosted the seminar.

Guest seminar 27.3: Virtual Exchange Projects for sustainability competences

Two Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Projects for sustainability and climate change competences available in Autumn! Join the seminar to hear more.

”The Pre-Colloquium Weekend” of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law 2023 Colloquium

As the University of Eastern Finland is arranging the 20th colloquium of IUCN Academy of Environmental Law, the environmental and sustainability law team of Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, would like to welcome the IUCNAEL family to Helsinki for a pre-colloquium meeting and seminar.

HELSUS Youth Forum

HELSUS Youth Forum is an event organised for high school students to interact with sustainability researchers and to introduce recent sustainability research that can be used in developing school communities’ sustainability initiatives. The students are given an opportunity to take part in scientific discussion. The event is organised on 2.6.2022 at 13-15.

Sustainability Science Days 2023

The Sustainability Science Days is an international, two-day conference organized jointly by Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and Aalto University on 24 - 26th of May 2023. The theme for the conference in 2023 is Pathways of Hope - Knowledge, Actions, Solutions. 

Sustainability Science Days 2022

The Sustainability Science Days is an international, two-day conference organised jointly by Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and Aalto University on 18th-19th of May 2022. This year the conference will focus on the theme of systemic transformations to sustainable futures in a globally connected world and highlight the urgency to act now.

Where are the limits?

This year marks 50 years since the publication of the report The Limits to Growth. To celebrate this, the key author of the report, professor emeritus Jorgen Randers, will arrive in Helsinki in September. The event is organized in Tiedekulma, Helsinki on Thursday 22 September at 13:00-15:00.

Panel discussion: How can sustainability science help in foreseeing and preventing crises? Learning from the war in Ukraine

HELSUS is organising a multidisciplinary panel discussion at Think Corner Stage on 3.6.2022 at 13-15 on how can sustainability science help in foreseeing and preventing crises? Learning from the war in Ukraine. The panel discussion revolves around globalization, sustainability and the war in Ukraine and how sustainability science recognizes connections and past trajectories that could help forsee and prevent future crisis.

HELSUS Sustainability Discussion Group

The HELSUS Sustainability Discussion Group (SDG) was a monthly meeting for bringing together HELSUS PhDs and Postdocs (as well as others working in sustainability fields).

HELSUS Science-Policy Forum

HELSUS Science-Policy Forum is a discussion platform that foster the interaction with researchers and policy-makers on topical sustainability discussions, research themes and on-going policy planning processes. The Forum calls together different Ministries, Cities, Universities and Research Institutes in Finland to discuss further on science-policy research collaboration.