Degree studies

HELSUS faculties offer several study options from bachelor level to Doctoral degrees. Our programmes are multi-disciplinary and approach sustainability from many perspectives.


In addition to Bachelor level studies, HELSUS participates in the  Master’s Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS) as well as the Master's programme in Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Helsinki. HELSUS is also involved in several doctoral programmes at the University of Helsinki.

The teaching of sustainability science contains Bachelor's level courses that are mainly taught in Finnish. Together they form the Multidisciplinary Environmental Module to which all students of University of Helsinki (also JOO-students) willing to integrate an environmental aspect to their professional expertise are welcome. After finalizing the module the student is able to understand the vast research field of environment-related disciplines.

Multidisciplinary Environmental Module comprises teaching in natural sciences, economics, social sciences and humanities summing up to over 70 courses. After finalizing the module the student is able to describe the basic concepts and theories in selected disciplines in both natural sciences and social sciences. The module welcomes all University students but, as nearly all Bachelor studies in UHEL, it is mainly taught in Finnish. The module can be personally adjusted from 15 to 35 ECTS credits.

The core course is Multidisciplinary environmental research - disciplinary perspectives to environmental questions (5 ECTS), which is compulsory to all module students. Beyond this, students select elective courses according to their own interest to benefit and complement their disciplinary expertise in environmental sciences.


HELSUS participates in the  Master’s Programme in Environmental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS) as well as the Master's programme in Urban Studies and Planning at the University of Helsinki.

Environ­mental Change and Global Sustainability (ECGS) is a truly multidisciplinary Master’s programme. ECGS offers a variety of modules integrating both natural and social scientific perspectives including phenomenon-based modules on the Baltic Sea and the Arctic as well as a variety of interdisciplinary fields such as climate change, food and consumption systems, urban studies and socio-ecological systems studies. Upon graduating from ECGS you will have sufficient expertise in environmental sciences, sustainability sciences and environmental policy to act as a specialist in the public, private and third sectors, and you will have gained essential skills to undertake a career in sustainable business and communication. The Master’s programme is taught in English.

The Master’s Programme in Urban Studies and Planning is a multidisciplinary master's programme at the University of Helsinki and Aalto University.  The programme prepares students to excel as professionals capable of understanding and addressing complex urban development challenges. Students learn to address such challenges through a curriculum and pedagogical approach that includes interdisciplinary breadth as well as depth in core areas of knowledge, skill and practice. The programme evolves around three major study lines: Peoples, Plans and Systems.

HELSUS is involved in several doctoral programmes at the University of Helsinki.

The Doctoral programme in interdisciplinary environmental sciences DENVI  started in January 2014.  It belongs to the Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences (YEB) and is funded by the University of Helsinki. There are approximately 120 PhD students in DENVI.

The central themes of DENVI are environmental change and sustainable development as well as climate change, land use, and the Baltic Sea and its catchment area. The programme gathers together the essential fields of natural and social sciences, law and humanities that are needed to study the complexity of environmental change and pathways to sustainable development.  DENVI aims to study environmental change from biological processes to environmental governance – seeking solutions for a more sustainable future. DENVI considers environment broadly from natural habitats to built environments.

AGFOREE is a Doctoral Programme in Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources. It focuses on plant production, forests, domestic animals, technology, the environment and economy. Sustainable use of resources is imperative for the future of humankind, nature and planet Earth.

The Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal and Regional Change belongs to the Doctoral School in Humanities and Social Sciences. The PSRC has 240 doctoral candidates. Seventeen of them are funded by the Doctoral Programme. The PSRC is multidisciplinary by nature. It offers lectures, courses, seminars and conferences on a variety of topics from politics and history to research skills and supervision.

The Doctoral Programme in Social Sciences is a collaborative effort between a number of the social sciences at the University of Helsinki that aims to create the best research environment for doctoral training. It covers the widest areas of social science research in Finland: media and communication studies, social and cultural anthropology, social psychology, social and public policy, social work, sociology, and statistics.