Sub-Session 1.1 - Moving beyond extractivisms: dialogue on activist experiences and strategies
Room Sali 6 (3006)
Presenter(s)** | Abstract Title |
Page |
- | Session Description | 304 |
Outi Hakkarainen | Towards post-extractivism? Struggles against mining in Nicaragua | 85 |
Riikka Karppinen | Resisting mining projects in Lapland, Finland | 117 |
Tuula Pulkki |
Oil struggles in Emohua and Port Harcourtin in River's States |
210 |
Marko Ulvila | Engaging with the plutocene | 268 |
Ruby van der Wekken | Minerals as commons | 280 |
Sub-Session 2.1 - Planting – and Resisting cheap Natures
Room Sali 7 (3007)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Moses Adesola Adebisi | The Political Economy of Extractivism and Activism: Oil Exploitation and Environmental Crises in The Niger Delta of Nigeria. | 11 |
Alejandra Huaman | Land struggles: communal land in the presence of ethanol agribusiness in Peru | 91 |
Thomas Lubeck | Imagining Futurity Through Plot and Plantation in Nalo Hopkinson’s Brown Girl in the Ring | 161 |
Alejandro Mora-Motta | Tree Plantations as (Neo)Extractivism in Chile | 176 |
Matti Salo and Teivo Teivainen | Multiple Meanings of Property as Territory: Forests, Patents and Bodies | 224 |
Sven Van Melkebeke | The global Robusta frontier. Coffee production and the competition for rural labor and land in Africa and Asia (1870-1960) | 281 |
Sub-Session 3.1 - Ontological Politics: Hegemonies & Counter-Hegemonies
Room Sali 8 (3008)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Eduardo Acosta | The power of the word Sumak kawsay (good living – buen vivir) in the indigenous movements of Colombia – Ecuador, comparative perspective in Andean region, Mining mega-development, challenges in the promotion of life | 1 |
Camila Nobrega Rabello Alves | Discourse analysis on social-environmental conflicts in Brazil | 27 |
Sergio Bedoya Cortés | Objectification of nature in Hans Jonas and his relationship with Marxism | 28 |
Violeta Gutiérrez Zamora | From land conflicts to environmental collaboration and peacebuilding? Opportunities and pitfalls for forest communities in Oaxaca, Mexico | 81 |
I-Yi Hsieh | On Possession: Robinson Crusoe and the Irrationality of Economic Man | 86 |
Wendy Lynne Lee | The “World” of Difference Between Old-Fashioned Fascism and Outright Theft: The Ecological Nihilism of the Kleptocene | 154 |
Sub-Session 4.1 - The Climate Collective
Room Sali 10 (3010)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Chris Vrettos and Nadja Argyropoulou | Roundtable Discussion: Climate Collective | 291 |
Sub-Session 5.1 - Energetics of late capitalism
Room Sali 14 (4048)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Simon Pirani | Fossil fuel consumption since 1950: the other side of the extractivist coin | 205 |
Pedro Nardelli, Aleksandr Zavodovski and Maurizio Sajeva | To discuss as a mini-panel: Energy Internet - Decommodification or ultra-liberalization? | 193 |
Tove Selin | Empty Economy – the case of Mekong | 249 |
Sub-Session 1.2 - Forests for the Trees: In/Justice in the Woods
Room Sali 6 (3006)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Enrique Aliste | What kind of socio-environmental conflictivity by Chilean forestry industry? | 18 |
Maria Ehrnström-Fuentes | When worlds collide – the political ontology of CSR in contested territories | 49 |
Ossi I. Ollinaho | Agroforestry: a conceptual scrutiny | 201 |
Germán A. Quimbayo Ruiz | Peri-Urban Farmers and Urban Expansion: Community Adaptation Strategies in Bogotá | 211 |
Sub-Session 2.2 - Land Grabs: Ecological Imperialism in the 21st Century
Room Sali 6 (3007)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Raul Diaz Guevara | The Effects of Globalisation of Land Markets on the Institutions of Indigenous Culture(s) in the great Nile Valley Region | 78 |
Valentine Ndi | Land grabbing, conflicts and the struggle to sustain rural livelihoods in Cameroon | 195 |
Gutu Wayessa | Livelihood Impacts of land leases in Oromia, Ethiopia: Changes in access to land for local people | 292 |
Sub-Session 3.2 - Finance Capital as Ecological Regime?
Room Sali 8 (3008)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Mark Hudson | Finance and Fossil-Fuel Capital: Connections, Conflicts, and the Landscape of Risk in Canada | 92 |
Kirk S. Lawrence | Boutique (Oyster) Production: Ecologically Sustainable Capitalism? | 150 |
Larry Lohmann | Ecosystem Service Trading | 158 |
Liina-Maija Quist and Anja Nygren | Debating the unknowns of marine oil exploration in Mexico and beyond | 216 |
Sub-Session 4.2 - Politics of Anti-Extractivism
Room Sali 10 (3010)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Sanna Komi | (Neo-)extractivism Meets Resource Nationalism in Bolivian Lithium Production | 121 |
Olli Tammilehto | Constructing a Polity Compatible with Non-Extractivism | 264 |
Soledad Valdivia Rivera | Indigenous movements at crossroads: the construction of a highway through the In | 279 |
Sub-Session 5.2 - Energetics of late capitalism (continued)
Room Sali 14 (4048)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Inna Sukhenko | From «Atom For Peace» To «Nuclear Phobia»: Reframing «Nuclear Energy» Within Nuclear Narrative Studies In A North-American Perspective | 259 |
Tere Vadén and Jussi T. Eronen | From decoupling to ecological reconstruction. An evaluation based on the need for absolute decrease in material use | 274 |
Santiago Acosta | The Aesthetics of Geopower: Kinetic Art and the Capture of Venezuelan Modernity | 2 |
Sub-Session 1.3 - Climate Crisis & Planetary Justice
Room Sali 6 (3006)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Phillip Campanile | Introductory Statement: The Wholly Enlightened Earth and its Triumphant Calamities: Resilience, Earth System Governance, and the Old Age of a New Era | 36 |
Mauro Conti | Organic GMOs for biodiversity appropriation - The narrative of Climate Change and Agroecology and the NBTs role for a new capitalistic cycles of material expansion | 40 |
Mohammad Mozumder | Small-Scale Hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) Fishery of Bangladesh: Status, challenges, and potentials | 183 |
Katarina Stenbeck | Art and knowledges of care and grief | 255 |
Tero Toivanen and Paavo Järvensivu |
‘It is not the world that we are saving here!’ – Climate change, Finnish bioeconomy and the world politics of carbon sinks |
306 |
Sub-Session 2.3 -Flows, Capital, Power & Nature
Room Sali 7 (3007)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Abraham Addo-Bediako | Heavy metal pollution in the water and sediment of the Ga-Selati River, Olifants River System, South Africa | 7 |
Linda Conner | Coal capital arrival, Indigenous and settler responses | 38 |
Mariana Galvão Lyra | Challenging extractivism – Brazilian activism in the Fundão dam disaster’s aftermath | 62 |
Huei-Ling Lai | A Quest for Sustainable Rural Development - The Anti-Water Grabbing Campaign and the Alternative Food Network Initiative in Hsichou, Taiwan | 141 |
Javier Taks | Water and development imagery after the landing of Finnish forestry and cellulose industries in Uruguay. The UPM case. | 260 |
Sub-Session 3.3 - Work, Nature, & the Contradictions of Capitalism
Room Sali 8 (3008)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Ayonghe Akonwi Nebasifu | Capitalism and Ecology of Prunus Africana Extraction on Mount Cameroon: A Review Analysis | 13 |
Alejandro De Coss-Corzo | Situating World-Ecology: Urban Political Ecology and the Urbanisation of Water in Mexico City | 45 |
Mara Fridell | Immigrants and Humanity | 57 |
Danielle Vesia | Towards a Structural Analysis of the Second Contradiction of Capitalism: Modeling the Natural Resource Economy, 1995 - 2010 | 285 |
Sub-Session 4.3 - Agrarian Questions of Food Justice
Room Sali 10 (3010)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Ana Alvarenga De Castro | Neo-Extractivism and the impossibility of “ending hunger” from the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development proposition | 19 |
Mercedes Biocca | Political Administration of Argentinian Rural Areas in the Post-Neoliberal Era. Experiences in the Qom Community in Chaco, Argentina | 29 |
Ville Lähde | Food Security and Food Sovereignty - The Inevitability of Conceptual Struggle | 137 |
Andrew Müller | Eat Insects to Save Capitalism? | 188 |
Sub-Session 5.3 - Mining the Earth for Capital
Room Sali 14 (4048)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Jeannette Graulau | Mining and world-ecology: the last 1,000 years | 73 |
Johanna Järvelä and Ville-Pekka Sorsa | The corporate license to operate: governing the capacity for corporate agency in Finnish mining | 100 |
Rikke Luther | ‘New World Order: Sand’ and ‘Mining: The Seabed’ (Detail from The Sand Bank project) | 166 |
Juanita Melo Guzmán | Illegal Gold Mining and Resistance in the Black Community of El Hoyo (Cauca, Colombia) | 167 |
Satu Ranta-Tyrkkö | Challenges of social work in extractive peripheries: notes from two mining regions | 221 |
Sub-Session 1.4 - Environmentalisms of the Rich
Room Sali 6 (3006)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Rubi Alvarez-Rodriguez | The Effects of Wealth on Eco-centric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism: A Statistical Approach using the World Values Survey | 22 |
Michael Kleinod | Utopia as world-ecological regulator: the case of ecotouristic Authenticity | 118 |
Marija Radovanović | Sustainable development as the ruling idea | 217 |
Janne Salovaara and Sophia Hagolani-Albov | Inescapable path-dependency and unbreakable barriers: The overpowering presence of capitalism in sustainability transformation | 230 |
Maria Sandberg | Reducing Consumption: A Review of the Literature | 236 |
Sub-Session 2.4 -Revolutionary Ontologies & Epistemologies
Room Sali 7 (3007)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Tiina Jääskeläinen | Epistemological pluralism and geopolitics of knowledge - the Sámi ways of life and assembling of a ´new´ Arctic | 95 |
Maija Lassila | Seeking plural ontologies in the shadow of Sakatti mineral exploration project in Viiankiaapa swamp, northern Finland | 146 |
Andrej W. Nowak | Homo nyama versus homo sacer dialectic of inclusion/exclusion and ontology of life itself | 197 |
Silviya Serafimova | Is the End of Cheap Nature Possible? Searching for New Ethics in the Era of the Capitalocene | 251 |
Sub-Session 3.4 - New regimes of commodification and state formation on the resource frontiers
Room Sali 8 (3008)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
- | Session Description | 305 |
Johanna Götz and Carl Middleton | “Resource politics” in Myanmar/Burma through the lens of hydrosocial territories: Implications for the peace process | 68 |
Mira Käkönen | Interplay of resource making and state making in the Cardamom Mountains Southwest Cambodia | 110 |
Anu Lounela | New commodity regimes in the making of frontiers in Indonesia | 160 |
Tuomas Tammisto | State formation on the oil palm frontier of Papua New Guinea | 267 |
Sub-Session 4.4 - Extractivism and the Global Color and Gender Lines
Room Sali 10 (3010)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Joshua Eichen | The Time of Extraction and the Extraction of Time: Theorizing Temporalities in Cycles of Commodity Booms & Busts | 53 |
Markus Kröger | The Role of Ethnic Relations in Extractivism and its Resistance | 132 |
Paola Minoia | Inside the grabbed land: space of colonial persistence in Kenya | 172 |
Quinta Osei Ndi | Women as victims of land grabbing: Implications for household food security and livelihoods | 196 |
Sub-Session 5.4 - Commodity Frontiers
Room Sali 14 (4048)
Presenter | Abstract title | Page |
Önder Eren Akgül | Global Capitalism and Opening of Ottoman Aegean Frontier, 1740s - 1910s | 12 |
Benjamin Bunk | "Só lixo" - Just waste: Brazilian waste-pickers initiatives and the local plausibility of egalitarian norms in spaces for self-formation processes | 35 |
Andrew Jobling | The expansion of the agribusiness frontier and new spaces of capitalism on the Peruvian coast: the case of the Olmos Project | 105 |
Sören Köpke | Politics of Extractivism and Resistance on the Inner Mongolian Grasslands | 126 |
Kyla Sankey | Communities against capital? The politics of palm oil expansion in Colombia’s Middle Magdalena | 239 |
Árni Daníel Júlíusson | The closing of a commodity frontier: The case of sheep export from Iceland around 1900 | 307 |
* The second number of the sub-session number corresponds to the overall session number. So sub-session 5.3 is the 5th sub-section of session 3. We will have the schedule posted on the door of each room at the conference.
**Please note that presentation order at the conference within your sub-session might change from what is listed here.