We encourage submissions that adopt a wide range of disciplines and innovative methodologies in the field of natural and bio-based colour, colour production and applications within the following tracks:
The maximum word count is 300 words (without references, abstract may contain max. 3 references). Also, include the title, authors’ information and 5 keywords. You may include a figure or a table keeping in mind that the abstract fits on one page.
Please, use this template for your abstract submission. Send the abstract to the system https://www.conftool.pro/biocolours2024 by (January 15, 2024) EXTENDED UNTIL JAN 31,2024, with suggestions of the presentation type (oral or poster) and the session track (primary and secondary choice) from the tracks listed above.
Decisions of acceptance will be made (by the end of February 2024) by early March, 2024.
The participants have an opportunity to publish a full paper in a special issue of Coloration Technology. The selection of the papers for the special issue will be done based on the submitted abstracts. The participants have a possibility to indicate their interest in the special issue upon the submission of their abstract.
We are looking forward to receiving your submission!
Professor Riikka Räisänen,
The Chair of the organising committee of the Biocolours2024 conference