Linguapeda 2019 är stolt över att välkomna och presentera två huvudtalare:
Simon Borg has been involved in English language teaching (ELT) for 30 years, working as a teacher, lecturer, researcher and consultant in a range of international contexts. He is recognised internationally for his work on teacher cognition, teacher education, professional development and teacher research. After 15 years at the University of Leeds, where he was a Professor of TESOL, Simon now works primarily as an ELT Consultant, with a particular focus on designing, facilitating and evaluating language teacher professional development programmes. He remains a Visiting Professor at the University of Leeds and is also a Professor at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Full details of Borg's work, including publications, are available here.
Dina Tsagari is a Professor in English Language Pedagogy/TESOL, Department of Primary and Secondary Education, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway. She holds a PhD in Linguistics from Lancaster University, UK (with specialisation in the area of language testing). She has previously worked for the University of Cyprus and the Greek Open University. Her research interests include language testing and assessment, teacher training, materials design and evaluation, differentiated instruction, multilingualism, distance education and learning difficulties. She is the editor and author of several volumes, journal papers, and book chapters and the coordinator of the Classroom-based Language Assessment SIG – EALTA. She is currently coordinating and participating in research projects on language assessment literacy (, English as a Lingua Franca, identifying linguistic parameters accounting for progress in proficiency in high-stakes tests and authentic language acquisition in multilingual contexts.
Full details of Tsagari's work, including publications, are available here.