ReNEW funds nine research visits and eleven workshops within June 2019 targeted call for Copenhagen Business School, Södertörn University, Aarhus University and University of Oslo.
The funded research visits and workshops address topics such as neoliberalism and neoliberalisation in Norden, Nordic responses to democracy challenges, inter-Nordic smuggling and global trade networks, gender and security forces, Nordic perspectives on free movement and social citizenship in the EU, regulation of welfare governance, politico-administrative coordination across the Nordic countries, reforms of Nordic universities, the role and use of history in Nordic images and imaginings, cultural reorientation and identity formation in the 1990s as well as Nordic heritage branding and national identity projects, to name a few. View all funded researchers and workshops here:
Granted mobility funding
Granted workshop funding
ReNEW mobility and workshop grants can be applied for on a competitive basis by all scholars working in a partner university of the ReNEW Hub, including affiliated researchers. Eligible applicants are researchers at all stages of their careers, including PhD students. Applicants must be doing research within the themes of ReNEW, conceived broadly. More information on mobility and workshop funding and upcoming calls: ReNEW mobility and workshop funding.