Nordic Studies in a Global Context

This new book series encourages empirical, critical and reflective perspectives on Nordic cultures, institutions, legal frameworks, discourses, images and ‘models’ in a global and comparative context.

The series editors welcome methodologically driven and critical reflections on the nature, construction and use of Nordicity, especially texts that probe historical discourses, impacts of neoliberalism, geopolitics, marketization, populism and polarization, political fragmentation, strategic communication, and increasing inequality.

The editors hope to create a bridge between the more humanistic Nordic studies tradition and the exciting comparative and international relations-oriented social science and law research programs.

The series welcomes submissions from a broad range of disciplines across the social sciences, law and humanities, particularly those utilizing interpretations and analytic frameworks moving beyond predominant political economy, welfare studies and legal path dependency approaches. Works can be located within a single discipline but should have some relevance beyond; contributions with a policy dimension are also welcome.

If you have an idea for a new book in Nordic Studies in a Global Context, please send a written proposal to the Series Editors. For guidance on how to structure your proposal, please visit:

Call for submissions: New Routledge Book Series, Nordic Studies in a Global Context

Book Series Editors

Haldor Byrkjeflot, Professor of Sociology at the University of Oslo
Cathie Jo Martin, Professor of Political Science at Boston University and former chair of the Council for European Studies
Eirinn Larsen, Professor of History at the University of Oslo


The book series is supported by:

ReNEW, Reimagining Norden in an Evolving World: An Excellence Hub in Research, Education and Public Outreach
UiO:Nordic, Research initiative on Nordic region and issues in an international context at University of Oslo

List of Titles

The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images
Edited by Haldor Byrkjeflot, Mads Mordhorst, Lars Mjøset & Klaus Petersen
Abingdon, Routledge 2021

Nordic Criminal Justice in a Global Context: Practices and Promotion of Exceptionalism
Edited by Mikkel Jarle Christensen, Kjersti Lohne & Magnus Hörnqvist
Abingdon, Routledge 2022

Nordic Experiences in Pan-nationalisms: A Reappraisal and Comparison, 1840–1940
Edited by Ruth Hemstad and Peter Stadius
Abingdon, Routledge 2023

Associative Governance in Scandinavia: Organizing Societies by “Combining Together”  
Edited by Anker Brink Lund, Haldor Byrkjeflot and Søren Christensen
London, Routledge 2024

Nordic Peace in Question: A Region of and for Peace 
Edited by Christopher S. Browning, Marko Lehti and Johan Strang
London, Routledge 2024

Further forthcoming titles

Cooperation and Confrontation in Nordic Civil Societies since 1800
Edited by Sunniva Engh, Ruth Hemstad and Mads Mordhorst