Available post-doctoral fellow positions and job details can be found here:
16.03.2023 – Grateful for the continuing support to the Enhancer Biology lab from The Sigrid Jusélius Foundation!
09.02.2023 – Nice collaboartion paper published in iScience with Kere, Varjosalo and Otonkoski groups!
01.09.2022 – New start of Precision Cancer Epigenomics group as a NCMM group leader at the Oslo Science Park!
29.08.2022 – A toast from my lab members for the new beginning in Oslo. Thanks!
26.08.2022 – Cloudy day for a group summer retreat with kayaking followed by lunch @Pompier Espa!
13.05.2022 – Group presenting their work at the Science day gathering of the Research Programs Unit!
17.03.2022 – Super grateful for the grant to the Enhancer Biology laboraratory from The Sigrid Jusélius Foundation!
01.03.2022 – Awesome news to be recruited as a group leader at NCMM, a Nordic EMBL partner institute at the University of Oslo, Norway!
21.02.2022 – Great start to the new year 2022! Our work on sequence determinants of human gene regulatory elements published and online now in Nature Genetics! And also check the press release in Finnish and in English from the University of Helsinki
24.12.2021 – A short fun break and pre-christmas (pikkujoulu) dinner with group! Thanks to my team members for 2021!
24.11.2021 – Grateful for the research grant support from The Finnish Cancer Foundation!
16.09.2021 – Farewell lunch for Morena. Good luck for your future!
13.09.2021 – Fruitful collaboration with Klefström lab published in Nature Communications (in press).
03.09.2021 – Always nice to take the group out for a small treat. Lunch @Skiffer and a session of Bowling.
04.08.2010 – Awesome work from Aaltonen lab published in Nature on the origin of uterine leiomyomas. Glad to be a part of this journey.
01.07.2021 – Defined molecular approach for human cell transformation is published in Oncogene. And also check the behind the paper story featured in Nature Portfolio Cancer and the press release in Finnish.
25.06.2021 – Small gathering for Mid-summer eve, nice to have labmates for a relaxing barbeque.
03.05.2021 – Thank you Academy of Finland for three-years post-doctoral funding to Jihan Xia. Congrats Jihan!
19.03.2021 – Last massive project from the post-doctoral work in Taipale lab is finally available as preprint in BioRxiv.
15.03.2021 – Nikita Poddar, M.Sc., joins the research group as a bioinformatician/doctoral student. Welcome!
15.03.2021 – Morena Bazelli, from International Hellenic University, Greece joins as an Erasmus student. Welcome!
04.01.2021 – Divyesh Patel, Ph.D., from India Institute of Techonology, joins our group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome!
04.01.2021 – Ville Tiusanen from the Masters program in Genetics and Biochemistry joins our group. Welcome!
18.12.2020 – Group lunch at Biang! for Ting's last week at work. Good luck and all the best Ting!
05.10.2020 – Kerim Yavuz, M.Sc., joins the research group as a student. Welcome!
02.10.2020 – Dr. Biswajyoti Sahu as an official PhD opponent at University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio.
30.09.2020 – Group lunch at Fafas! for Marco's last week at work. Good luck and all the best Marco!
16.09.2020 – Jihan Xia, Ph.D., from University of Oulu, Finland joins the the Enhancer Biology laboraratory. Welcome!
21.08.2020 – Summer retreat with the lab at Korkee adventure park and some good food at Farang!
29.05.2020 – Big funding success and news from Jane and Aatos Erkko foundation!
23.05.2020 – Define molecular approach for human cellular transformation available as a preprint in BioRxiv.
03/2020 – COVID-19 hits worlwide including Finland... Lab and research at the faculty goes into critical activities only....
21.02.2020 – Title of Docent in Molecular Genetics conferred by the Chancellor, University of Helsinki
01.02.2020 – Ting Wei, Ph.D., post-doctoral fellow from Professor Marikki Laiho's lab joins our group. Welcome!
15.11.2019 – Pre-christmas dinner with whole group at Mei Lin!!!!
13.11.2019 – Two-year research grant to the Enhancer Biology laboraratory from The Finnish Cancer Foundation!
01.11.2019 – Konsta Karttunen from the TRANSMED program joins our group for his Master's thesis. Welcome!
09.07.2019 – First lab summer outing with the group, Asian fusion lunch at Hoku!!!
16.06.2019 – Liangru Fei, Ph.D., from China, first post-doctoral fellow to join the Enhancer Biology laboraratory. Welcome!
11.06.2019 – In Brussels for the ERC-StG 2019 interview..... (panel LS2:Genomics, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics)
16.04.2019 – Marco Bardus, M.Eng., first student to join the Enhancer Biology laboraratory as bioinformatician. Welcome!
21.03.2019 – Invitation to the step 2 interview for European Research Council's - Strating grant (ERC-StG 2019)
20.03.2019 – Three-year research grant to the Enhancer Biology laboraratory from The Sigrid Jusélius Foundation!
24.01.2019 – Prinicipal Investigator position in the Applied Tumor Genomics Program of the Research Programs Unit at the Faculty of Medicine
19.11.2018 – First research grant to the Enhancer Biology laboraratory from The Finnish Cancer Foundation!
12.10.2018 – HY-early career award to Dr. Biswajyoti Sahu from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki
11.09.2018 – Prinicipal Investigator at Faculty of Medicine, Medicum, University of Helsinki
01.09.2018 – Dr. Biswajyoti Sahu becomes an Academy of Finland Research Fellow to start his Enhancer Biology laboratory