Services for researchers

Information about services, equipment, and facilities available at TZS. We offer access to coastal ecosystems, several research vessels, sampling equipment, diving facilities, aquarium rooms, laboratories and long-term databases. Our helpful staff is on site all year round to help and assist visiting scientists. Services include also in situ deployments and installations. The use of facilities has to be reserved well in advance and is liable to charge.
Inquiries and bookings

Those who wish to carry out research at TZS are requested to fill in the electronic application form through the link below well in advance. For the busy summer season, the deadline for applications is end of March each year. When planning a larger research project one should always contact the station personnel to confirm availability of resources. Starting in 2023 we will write a User Access Agreement with all projects using the station, detailing the facilities needed, timetables, logistic and analytical services needed, and costs involved. We have also introduced bench fees for all users from outside the University of Helsinki.


TZS has several vessels for coastal research, including the 18.5 m R/V Augusta equipped for heavy-duty sampling, the hover craft Saga for winter studies, and a variety of smaller motorboats with outboard engines. There is also several rowing boats available free of charge for courses and people staying at TZS.

Please follow the link below to read more about the boats available for coastal research and how to book boats at TZS.


TZS has well-equipped diving facilities and boats suitable for scientific diving, and we offer services such as underwater sampling and support for experiments and underwater installations. If you wish to conduct diving at the station or plan any activities involving diving, please follow the links below to read more about diving at TZS.

TZS also hosts the Finnish Scientific Diving Academy (FSDA) through which a range of scientific diving courses are organised. You can read more about the FSDA and dive training on the FSDA page.

Experimental facilities

TZS offers well-equipped experimental facilities such as all year round temperature-regulated rooms and aquarium rooms. The outdoor facilities are suitable for summertime experiments. During the summer season large-scale mesocosm experiments can be conducted in the coastal area near TZS and in addition to these experimental facilities, the station is well equipped for providing logistic support for large-scale in-situ field experiments.

If you want to read more about the experimental facilities, please follow the link below.

Laboratory services and equipment

Laboratory facilities at TZS include a multi-purpose laboratory and laboratories for different analyses, spectroscopy, microscopy, and vacuum filtration. In addition, TZS has a variety of laboratory equipment available for researchers and it is possible to book a space from the laboratory for working.

TZS hosts a duplicate of the Finnish Marine Research Infrastructure (FINMARI) phytoplankton culture collection, managed by the Finnish Environment Institute, including approx. 100 species strains of Baltic Sea phytoplankton, which can be used in experimental work.

Please read more and see the available laboratory resources and FINMARI phytoplankton culture collection through the links below.

Field equipment

TZS offers a large variety of instruments and field equipment, including standard sampling equipment for all-year-round purposes from hand-held probes, plankton nets and water samplers to larger sediment corers.

If you want to see what equipment is available and make a booking, please follow the link below


TZS has a long history of monitoring the environment and the oldest observations date back to the beginning of the 20th century. If you are interested in any of the data please follow the link below to see what we have.

Nature reserve

When planning work at the station it is important to know that the area around TZS is protected as a nature conservation area, which includes the sea and the seafloor. In the nature reserve, only activities related to research and education are allowed. A special permit is required for sampling in the area. Throughout the year it is not allowed to move in the area outside the official waterways or to go ashore any islands. Fishing is not allowed. Visiting islands is only allowed for research purposes. Permits for research can be discussed and applied for through the TZS research coordinator.


Read more about pricing such as bench fees, costs for boat hire, technical assistance, accommodation and dining through the link below.