The number of students applying via the open channel for the right to study for a degree has been rising steadily on Kumpula campus for several years now. This autumn the number rose by 19% compared to last year.
Traditionally, students have gained entry through entrance exams or their final school report. The Open channel is a new kind of opportunity. Students can be accepted e.g. by completing a certain amount of credits as single courses with good enough marks. When they have completed enough credits, they can apply and gain the right to study.
It is also possible to gain entry to computer science studies through the open channel by completing massive open online courses, MOOCs, which are free and open to all. One example of such a course is the immensely popular Elements of AI MOOC, a collaboration between the University of Helsinki and Reaktori.
It has been enabled by the project Digital Education for All, which has offered the first-year university courses in computer science openly for everybody. This year, 17 new students gained entry via the Defa channel. Though the project ended in summer 2021, the open MOOCs and Defa channel will continue as before.
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