
We provide joint services and facilities for tissue processing, slide digitization as well as automated and expert-based tissue evaluation and consultation. Our platform consists of five core-facility units, two research groups and and a laser capture microdissection instrument.
Histotechnology and laser microdissection

The Histology Core Facility in Viikki

  • Self-service: paraffin embedding, sectioning (paraffin, cryo-,  plastic and vibratome), histological stainings
  • Histotechnological assistance,  training and service in the above techniques

FIMM Digital Microscopy and Molecular Pathology Unit in Meilahti

  • Histotecnological services: Tissue processing, sectioning of parrafin blocks and histological stainings
  • Fluorescent IHC on paraffin sections and multiplexed fluorescent IHC
  • Several tools for making tissue microarry blocks

Finnish Centre for Laboratory Animal Pathology and 

LCM instrument in Viikki

  • Histotechnological services:  paraffin embedding, paraffin and cryosectioning, various histological and immunohistochemical stainings (user supplied antibodies can also be used)
  • Zeiss PALM Mic­ro­Beam la­ser mic­ro­dis­sec­tion in­stru­ment for dissection and collection of samples from histological sections and cell cultures
Slide scanning

Institute of Biotechnology digital slide scanner in Viikki 

High throughput whole-slide scanning; bright field

  • 3D HISTECH Scanner 20x (NA 0.8), 40x (NA 0.95) air objectives

FIMM Digital microscopy and molecular pathology unit in Meilahti

High throughput whole-slide scanning; bright field and fluorescence

  • 3D HISTECH Pannoramic 250 Flash II, 20x (NA 0.8), 40x (NA 0.95) air objectives
  • Zeiss Azio Imager Z2,  20x, 40x and 63x  (NA 1.4) oil objectives 
  • Zeiss Azio Scan Z.1 with 20x  (NA 0.8) and 40x (NA 0.95) air objectives. Macroslide (52 mm x 76 mm) scanning possibility 

GBU Digital Slide Scanner in Meilahti

High throughput whole-slide scanning; bright field and fluorescence

  • 3D HISTECH Pannoramic 250 Flash III, 20x (NA 0.8), 40x (NA 0.95) air objectives
Expert support/collaboration

Finnish Centre for Laboratory Animal Pathology

  • Veterinary pathology expertise  and consultation for research projects involving experimental animals
  • Laboratory animal pathology services

Molecular, Cellular and Transgene Neurodegeneration Team

  • CNS image investigation, neuronal stereology consulting and neuronal morphology analysis
  • Extensive and unique set of in vivo and in vitro tools to study neurodegeneration

Clinical Informatics and Image-based Diagnostics

  • Microscopy image based diagnostics
  • High-throughput computer assisted methods for automated analysis of digitized cancer tissue and microbiological samples. Computerized quantification and segmentation of digitized tumour samples.