
Our Access policy, Guidelines and Fees.
User ac­cess policy

HiLAPS research infrastructures are available for users inside and outside University for helsinki. However, the user fees may differ for clients outside and inside UH and in some services UH internal users may be prioritized. 

User guidelines

Each research infrastructure has its own mode of operation and guidelines. Here are our common preferences:

  1. See infrastructure home pages for specific advance requirements, for example user training or research agreement.
  2. Before sending or processing the first set of samples please contact the infrastructure by e-mail or by phone to make sure that the service is available and to agree on terms of service.
  3. Each new batch of samples should be accompanied by cover letter depending on the service provider preferences. HiLAPS is formulating a unified electronic accompanying note.
User fees His­to­tech­no­logy and LCM

BI Histology Core Facility in Viikki

Fees based on use of instruments or service, examples 


Automatic tissue processing (paraffin embedding station):    50€ / 75€ / run

Sectioning (microtome, cryostat, vibratome):                             4€ / hour 

Service by a technician

Automatic tissue processing (first rack):                                 70€ / 95€ / run

Hands-on training (tissue processing & sectioning):             35€ / hour

Read more on website

Tissue Preparation and Histochemistry Unit (TPHU) in Meilahti

Fees based on time and type of customer, examples

University customers 

sectioning                                    47 €/h

tissue processing to paraffin    41 €/run

External academic customers  (includes VAT 24%)

sectioning                                     66 €/h

tissue processing to paraffin    42 €/run

Read more on website

Finnish Centre for Laboratory Animal Pathology 

Technical service fees are generally based on unit pricing. Hourly fees apply to special tasks. Examples

Service Unit Charge (€) exlc VAT
Embedding incl HE section Cassette 5.00
Frozen sections (up to 5)  Tissue 10.00

Read more on website / Charges


Zeiss PALM Mic­ro­Beam la­ser mic­ro­dis­sec­tion in­stru­ment

An hourly fee of 30€ (University of Helsinki users) / 60€ (other users, VAT 0%).

Basic disposables such as membrane slides and capture tubes can be purchased from the laboratory.

Read more on website / How to get started

User fees Slide scanning

Institute of Biotechnology digital slide scanner in Viikki

Fees are based on objective used and amount of slides. 

Enquire pricing: 

Read more on website

FIMM Digital microscopy and molecular pathology unit in Meilahti

Fees are based on type of customer,  scanner and objective used, and amount of slides. Hourly fee for certain tecniques. 

Read more on website  / e-mail:

GBU Digital Slide Scanner in Meilahti

Fees are based on type of customer, scanner and objective used, and amount of slides. Hourly fee for fluorescent scanning. 

Read more on website (Pri­cing infor­mation)

User fees Ex­pert sup­port/​col­lab­or­a­tion

Finnish Centre for Laboratory Animal Pathology

Expertise  and consultation which are not part of collaborative work:  an hourly fee of €50 (VAT 0%). Collaborative research projects are priced on case by case basis.


Read more on website / Services

Molecular, Cellular and Transgene Neurodegeneration Team

Service, consultation and collaborative research are priced on case by case basis.


Mikko Airavaara,

Dr Andrii Tomanskyi,

Read more on website

Clinical Informatics and Image-based Diagnostics

Service, consultation and collaborative research are priced on case by case basis.

Contact:  Johan Lundin,

Read more on website