You can find a list of all Helsinki University cores from the Agilent Menu -> Core Facilities
Click on the core to access their services. You will be taken to the core’s landing page.
The landing page is divided into two sections: Service Request and Browse Available Services.
Place your service requests from the Service Request section.
You can find service type descriptions and price information in the Browse available services section on the lower part of the page. All the services are listed here but you cannot place orders from this section.
To place a service request click on the small triangle to expand the service type (for example here “Sanger Sequencing and fragment analysis”), then click on the “request service” green arrow on the right side of the service type you want to use. Service request pages look very different depending on the service. You can find service type specific instructions under each service on our web pages
You can view your submitted requests from View My Requests tab, and sort requests by status by clicking on the triangle in front of the active requests drop down menu.
You may cancel a drafted request by clicking on the pen icon on the right side of the request (marked with a red circle). Any initiated service request will be saved as draft unless it has been properly cancelled. To avoid draft requests, remember to always cancel the initiated request instead of exiting the service request page in some other way.