Biomedicum Flow Cytometry

Specific news and information about services, instruments and trainings in Biomedicum

Visiting address:

Meilahti campus

Biomedicum 1

Haartmaninkatu 8, room B205 and B204b1


Head of the Biomedicum Unit (Platform chair) Nina Peitsaro, Research Technician Noora Aarnio and Research Assistant Tarja Grundström


Sony SH800 out of order

Unfortunately, Sony SH800 sorter is not working properly at the moment. More news as soon as...


See all Flow Cytometry Unit instruments from instruments tab (Location is mentioned in the description)

In Biomedicum we have 2 Analysers and 4 sorters from user friendly Sony SH800 to image abled spectral sorter Discover S8


Want to become an independent user of one of our instruments?

Get registered to iLab reservation system in Reservation to request a training. Personnel will come back to you with suggested dates and times. In case of a problem contact Biomedicum Flow Cytometry Unit personnel for more info: flow-unit|at|

Keep in mind when visiting us
  • Personnel might be telecommuting. If you need assistance, please contact flow-unit|at|
  • In short notice self use cancellations, please contact tarja.grundstrom|at|
  • The lab space is small so as minimum persons as possible. Remember safety distance and guidelines in flue season.
  • Clean workspace after instrument use.