Education and Training

Only educated and trained, qualified personnel are allowed to do animal experiments and take care of the animals.

A person carrying out an animal experiment is competent, when he/she has completed a laboratory animal course. Animal caretaker must complete the professional examination or he/she must gain the professional skills with working experience.

In Finland, we are following EU Directive´s (2010/63/EU) minimum requirements to education and training and the requirements for obtaining, maintaining and demonstrating requisite competence for the functions A, B, C and D:

(a) carrying out procedures on animals

(b) designing procedures and projects

(c) taking care of animals

(d) killing animals

EU's Education and training framework

Course for people carrying out procedures

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges a Function A course for researchers "The use of animals in research: the course for  people carrying out procedures on animals" twice a year in English. The course gives legal competence to carry out procedures with mice or rats or with both species (according to Act 497/2013, Decree 564/2013 and Directive 2010/63/EU).The course is accreditated by FELASA - the Federation of Laboratory Animal Science Associations.


The use of animals in research: course for persons carrying out procedures 3.-28.9.2018

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges a course for researchers "The use of animals in research: the course for the person carrying out procedures on animals" at 3 - 28 September, 2018. This course gives the permission to work with mice or rats or with both species (according to Act 497/2013, Decree 564/2013 and Directive 2010/63/EU)

The main topics in the course:

National and European legislation

Ethics and 3Rs

Comparative physiology and anatomy, basic biology (mice and rats)

Genetic quality and GMO


Basic design of procedures and projects

Handling, sampling and procedures in theory, dose calculations

Husbandry and care, enrichment and welfare, transportation

Animal health management and hygiene

Occupational health and safety

Anesthesia, analgesia, pain and distress, humane endpoints, euthanasia

Perioperative care, hygiene practical


The lectures with pain and stitching exercises will be on September 3 - 5 and 10 - 11, 2018 (5 days, 35 hours, 100% attendance mandatory in the lectures and exercises) and the animal hands-on-exercise groups in weeks 38 and 39 (1 day/species/student). The exam will be on September 28, 2018.


Practical exercises with chosen species include the handling techniques, procedures, anaesthesia and euthanasia of animals.

The course fee is dictated by the chosen species (For external customers, 24% VAT will be added to the sum of the invoice):

  UH Outside UH
Only lectures 220 EUR 440 EUR
Mouse 270 EUR 540 EUR
Rat 300 EUR 600 EUR
Both species 320 EUR 640 EUR

Plain theory gives 2 ECTS credits, theory + one species hands-on-exercise 2,5 ECTS credits, theory + two species hands-on-exercise 3 ECTS credits.

PhD students and researchers working at the University of Helsinki are first in line to participate in the course. Places are available on first come, first served bases.

Binding course registrations at June 25 - August 17, 2018:

1. Registered students at the University of Helsinki, by WebOodi (course code 955001)

2. Others: fill the e-form

Please include to your registration

1. Billing information

2. Are you going to carry out the course with a mouse, a rat or both species

3. Shortly, why you need the course.

Further information:

The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects (3 credits)

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges a Functon B course for researchers "The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects" once a year. This course together with the course for the people carrying out procedures on animals and a relevant higher academic degree gives legal competence (according to Act 497/2013 and Decree 564/2013) to design procedures and projects. The course for the person carrying out procedures on animals must be completed in order to be accepted into this course.

Next course: November 2018


Further information:

Course for people designing procedures and projects

The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects (3 credits)

Laboratory Animal Centre arranges a Functon B course for researchers "The use of animals in research: course for people designing procedures and projects" once a year. This course together with the course for the people carrying out procedures on animals and a relevant higher academic degree gives legal competence (according to Act 497/2013 and Decree 564/2013) to design procedures and projects. The course for the person carrying out procedures on animals must be completed in order to be accepted into this course.

Next course: November 2018

Further information: Niina Kemppinen

Other educational events