High-Content Screening

High-content screening instruments at LMU.
Zeiss Celldiscoverer 7

Celldiscoverer 7 contains widefield fluorescence microscope and LSM900 confocal microscope with Airyscan 2 detector. It is designed for explorative high-content imaging. Machine detects and measures different sample carriers and adjusts for them automatically. Gradient contrast gives high quality transmitted light images and together with wide field fluorescence makes it possible for long term imaging for live samples. LSM900 confocal makes it possible to image 3D data and Airyscan2 detector improves speed or resolution depending on settings comparing to conventional confocal detection. 

Room 2037b

MolecularDevices Micro

MolecularDevices Micro can be used for automated imaging of well-plates and slides (using an adapter). Wide field fluorescence, transmitted light and spinning disc confocal imaging modes. Live-cell imaging is supported.

Room 2037b


Cell-IQ is a continuous cell culturing platform for cell lines, primary cells, co-cultures and monolayer tissue models. It identifies, visualizes and records in real time all changes in morphology and physiology down to the single cell during an incubation and translates the images into graphical outputs. We have two units. One with phase contrast and 3 channel fluorescence immaging and the other with only phase contrast imaging.

Room 2036D