Inverted confocal microscope with GaAsP detector, AiryScan (Fast) detector, PicoQuant FLIM detector and full environmental chamber.
Definite Focus hardware autofocus system
Scanning stage for multipoint or mosaic imaging
Location: Room B502b
Technical details: BIU wiki
Reservations: Open IRIS
Upright multiphoton microscope optimized for intravital imaging of anesthetized small laboratory animals.
The system allows acute as well chronic in vivo imaging experiments on internal (e.g. brain, kidney, liver etc.) and external organs (e.g. skin and eye). The system can also be used for imaging of fixed thick tissue samples.
Location: AP30B
Technical details: BIU wiki
Reservations: Open IRIS
Inverted confocal microscope with two HyD detectors, one PMT detector, resonant scanner, and full environmental chamber. The system is equipped with a tunable dual wavelength picosecond light source for multi-photon excitation (CARS, TPEF, SHG).
Location: Room B116a
Technical details: BIU wiki
Reservations: Open IRIS
Inverted confocal microscope with tunable white light laser source, 5 high end HyD detectors, and full environmental chamber. Equipped with additional resonant scanner for fast imaging with relatively low phototoxicity. Motorized stage for montage images.
Location: Room B501b
Technical details: BIU wiki
Reservations: Open IRIS
Fully motorized inverted Nikon Eclipse Ti2 microscope with full environmental chamber and Perfect Focus System for long time series.
Andor Dragonfly 505 high speed spinning disc confocal.
Location: Room A509a2
Technical details: BIU wiki
Reservations: Open IRIS