The University of Helsinki Environmental Humanities Hub studies the multifaceted cultural and relational dimensions of anthropogenic environmental change, which is one of the most pressing challenges that humanity currently faces. The hub aims to create an environmentally centered humanities, social sciences and arts community from across anthropology, archeology, art history, ecocriticism, energy humanities, history, indigenous studies, law, linguistics, philosophy, theology, urban studies, and associated fields.
The program of the Environmental Humanities Month has begun and includes scientific workshops and lectures in hybrid and zoom format, as well as artistic events such as bioart and eco-poetry events.
Upcoming events include for example:
5 November 2021, Friday, 16:15- (Helsinki), Black Belt Sketches: Ecology and Identity in the American South, Fulbright Bicentennial Inaugural Lecture by Mark Hersey, Mississippi State University, University of Helsinki
9 November 2021, Tuesday, 15:30-17:30 (Helsinki), Hunting for Hope: New Perspectives on the History of Game and Fish Management , Online Workshop
16 November 2021, Tuesday, 13:00-14:30 (Helsinki), Reconceptualizing China’s Environmental Challenges Seminar Moderator: Julie Yu-Wen Chen, Professor of Chinese Studies
17 November, Wednesday, 18:00-19:30 (Helsinki) 11:00-12:30 (New York) Eco-Poetics for the More-Than-Human World: A Reading and Conversation. Featuring Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Joseph Bruchac, Cheryl J. Fish, Juan Carlos Galeano, Hanna Ellen Guttorm, and Mary Newell.
And many other programs. Please kindly see detailed program list and descriptions here.