In the even the students are given an opportunity to take part in scientific discussion. The event is organised on 2.6.2022 at 13-15 at Think Corner Stage and Lounge (Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki). The theme of the event is "Climate change, carbon neutrality and biodiversity loss – what can we do in school communities?"
The event comprises of a panel discussion and student workshop. The panel discussion is a dialogue between sustainability researchers and high school students at Think Corner Stage. After the panel discussion students and researchers will gather at Think Corner Lounge and the students will be grouped to brainstorm sustainability initiatives for school communities and inter-school collaboration.
2-3 students will be chosen from each school to participate in the event on site. We have reserved 40 spots for students. We provide a possibility for high school classes to participate online. The panel discussion will be streamed, and workshop can be followed via zoom. Both Finnish and English will be spoken at the event.
The panel part of HELSUS Youth Forum will be streamed and can be watched here at 13-14:…
13:00-14.00: Introduction of researchers and panel discussion (Think Corner Stage)
14:00-14:10: Snack break
14:10-15:00: Workshop (Think Corner Lounge)
14:10-14:15 Introduction to workshop
14:15-14:45: Group discussions
14:45-15:00: Group presentations
HELSUS Youth Forum Panel is comrised of six presentations in which sustainability researchers approach sustainability and sustainability challenges from different perspectives. Some of the presentation are in Finnish and some are in English.
During the workshop, students are divided into groups to solve different sustainability challenges. Each group has a specific challenge given by a panelist. Groups 1,3 and 5 are guided by Finnish speaking panelists and groups 2,4 and 6 are guided by English speaking panelist.
Miten voitte oppia tunnistamaan globaaleihin muutoksiin ja kestävään kehitykseen liittyviä valeuutisia ja harhaanjohtavia uutisia. Monet yrittävät vaikuttaa sinuun vääristelemällä informaatiota.
How do you learn to recognize fake and misleading news related on global changes and sustainablity? Many try to influence you with misleading information. (Researcher: Markus Jylhä)
Miten kehittäisit viheralueita omassa koulussasi kestävällä tavalla?
How would you develop the green spaces around your school in a sustainable way? (Researcher: Eugenia Castellazzi)
Mitä sinä olisit valmis tekemään kestävän kouluruokailun
edistämiseksi? (Ilmastoratkaisupeli).
What would you be willing to do to improve sustainable school meals? (Researcher: Riina Tykkyläinen)
Miten kouluyhteisö voi edistää ruokajätteen vähentämistä?
How can the school community contribute to solve the food waste burden? (Researcher: Rossana Coda)
Planetaarinen kansalaisuus ja kestävä kehitys. Kuinka lisätä opiskelijoiden onnellisuutta kestävällä tavalla?
Planetary citizenship and sustainable development. How to increase happiness of school students in a sustainable way?(Researcher: Päivi Ahonen)
Millä tavalla sosiaalityötä voitaisiin hyödyntää kouluissa kestävyyden edistämisessä? Miten opiskelijat voivat syrjäytyä kouluissa? Millä tavalla sosiaalityöllä voisi ehkäistä tätä?
In what ways could social work engage with students to create sustainable schools? Why do students feel marginalized in schools? How can social work help to prevent it? (Researcher: Kris Clarke)