HELSUS Media Group

We bring together journalists and researchers with the aim of a bold transdisciplinary debate on issues that promote sustainability transformation.

What is HELSUS Media Group?

HELSUS Media group is a small sub-group of HELSUS researchers who are motivated to influence Finnish media discussions by bringing up viewpoints based on sustainability science into the discussion. The group has been discussing, developing and acting for now almost two years to get visibility to sustainability science and scientists in Finnish media. They have come into a conclusion that current media discussions and journalism lacks understanding of strong sustainability and systemic, holistic and solution-oriented approaches. These perspectives are critical in order to create more sustainable societies and culture.

Kone Foundation funding

The Media group succeed to get a Kone Foundation grant funding in December 2024 for upcoming three years. The idea of this project “Media planetaarisilla rajoilla – Tutkijat ja toimittajat kestävän tulevaisuuden mahdollistajina” (Media at the planetary boundaries – Researchers and journalists as enablers of sustainable futures) was established in HELSUS Media Group in spring 2024 and the project will start in 2025.

With the grant HELSUS Media Group is going to create collaboration among journalists and researchers by offering workshops and education around strong sustainability, i.e. involving systems thinking, multispecies sustainability, planetary boundaries, sufficiency and other important concepts. We focus for example on how media could increase news coverage on sustainability transformation, and what journalists and researchers can do to increase more systemic, holistic and solutions-oriented content in Finnish media. Towards the end of the project, we aim to visit sustainability science institutes abroad to inform and inspire them to enhance collaboration between researchers and media.

Who are part of the HELSUS Media Group?

Sustainability experts of the group are Susanna Lehvävirta (PI in the Kone funded project), Anna Lintunen, Tina Nyfors, Toni Ruuska, Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Viola Hakkarainen, Vilma Sandström, Iryna Herzon, Erkki Mervaala and Niina Pietarinen

 HELSUS coordination team member Sini Holopainen coordinates the group.

If you are interested in joining the group, please contact sini.holopainen@helsinki.fi. The group is open for all HELSUS members who are motivated to get visibility for sustainability science and scientists in Finnish media. The group works in Finnish.

What has HELSUS Media Group done?

The group has had meetings with journalists, writing story tips and organized event in collaboration with Puistokatu 4 in April 2024. The event brought sustainability researchers and journalists together to discuss the relationship between media and ecocrisis.