Training at the Veterinary teaching Hospital

Training at the Veterinary Teaching hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki
Veter­in­ary stu­dents from part­ner universi­ties
  • Please contact the international office at your home university and ask if your home university has an exchange agreement with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Helsinki. 

  • There are 12 places reserved for exchange students from partner universities in clinical training for spring semester (February-May). Please contact your international office and ask to be nominated to Helsinki a year ahead by April 30th.

  • Clinical teaching is offered in English only during the spring semester (February – May). In autumn semester (August-December) language of instruction is Finnish/Swedish.

  • Prerequisites in clinical practice: Students need to be at least at their fourth year of veterinary education and passed the preclinical and clinic preparation courses.

  • More information on applying as an exchange student to the University of Helsinki (Erasmus, Nordplus or other programs which are based on bilateral agreements between universities) can be found from the University’s Exchange Studies website.

  • Read carefully the Information sheet for exchange students
Veter­in­ary stu­dents from non-part­ner universi­ties
  • Teaching hospital takes interns/trainees during the academic year only from universities the faculty has a bilateral student exchange agreement with.

  • Regarding summer training see the paragraph below Training during summer time
Gradu­ated veter­in­ary sur­geons

Teaching hospital requires that graduated interns have a license to work in Finland and are capable to communicate in Finnish with clients. If you fulfill these criteria, please see more information Careers at the University of Helsinki

Train­ing dur­ing summer time

1. Teaching hospital takes interns/trainees for the periods listed in the Information sheet for summer trainees.

Helsinki Veterinary exhange students information sheet summer and winter 2024 

2. Small animal and production animal clinics are available only for Finnish speaking students. Equine clinic has some places for English speaking students.

3. Prerequisites in clinical training: Students need to be at least at their fourth year of veterinary education and passed the preclinical and clinic preparation courses.

4. Apply for summer training by filling in an application for visiting student status according to guidelines. The deadline for applications is 15st of February.

5. Training at teaching hospital in unpaid. Therefore ask for a grant from other resources such as Nordplus or Erasmus + training grant (SMP) from your home university. Please note that minimum stay for Erasmus + trainees is two months.

Erasmus + train­ing (SMP)

See information at the paragrahs of this page

Train­ing/ thesis pro­ject in a research group
  • To find out about internship / research opportunities, please contact the suitable research groups and persons directly, the International Exchange Services are not aware of open positions.
  • If you are interested in coming during the academic year, please search for suitable research groups at the research portal and contact suitable academics directly.
  • Trainees in research groups are not automatically granted a student status at the University of Helsinki. A student status is needed for student discounts on meals and public transportation. For more information, please see the website for visiting studies.