Terms of use for alumni email addresses

Read more about our terms of use for alumni email addresses.

Users of alumni email addresses must be registered as University of Helsinki alumni. You can join the alumni community here.

The first part of the alumni email address must be in the form of firstname.lastname or firstname.letter.lastname. If you want the first part to be in another form, please contact the alumni team.

The user must comply with the provisions of the Acceptable Use Policy for the University of Helsinki.

The IT Centre is responsible for the alumni email address service. Any service problems will be fixed during normal office hours. The supplier has the right to deny access to the service outside these maintenance hours if required due to installation, upgrades or maintenance of information systems or information infrastructure.

The supplier has the right to improve, modify or remove service features and hours, as well as make changes to the terms of use. Users will be notified of any amendments to the terms of use.

The alumni team will provide assistance with service use (alumni(at)helsinki.fi).

Read more about alumni services.

Failure to comply with the terms of use may lead to the termination of the email account.