
Physics Days - Fysiikan päivät 2019

Conference Handbook

Abstract Page

Please download the handbook on your device before the conference in order to keep up on the programme and abstracts. The handbook will not be printed to the participants.

Opening/Closing ceremonies as well as most Plenary Sessions will take place in the Great Hall (with exception of Plenary 3, which is in the new side). Parallel Sessions, Exhibition, Lunch and Coffee Breaks as well as other programme will take place in the new side of the main building. Please use the Aleksanterinkatu entrance for the easiest access to the Cloak Room.

Tuesday, March 5th 2019

10:00-18:45 Registration desk open (Aleksanterinkatu entrance)
10:00-18:00 Information desk open (Fabianinkatu entrance)
12:00-18:00 Exhibition open (2nd floor lobby, Fabianinkatu 33)
12:00-18:00 University Museum open (free entry) (3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)
12:00-12:30 Opening, chair Rami Vainio

-opening words by FPS

-FPS Young Physicist Prize

-Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation prize
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
12:30 – 14:00 Plenary session 1, chair Ilpo Vattulainen

-Ole Mouritsen: Gastrophysics of Food and Flavour

-Andela Saric: Proteins Gone Bad: Physics of dementia
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
14:00-14:30 Coffee break (Fabianinkatu 33)
14:30-16:00 Parallel sessions 1

-Applied and Industrial Physics, chair Juha Toivonen

-Physics of Living Systems, chair Maria Sammalkorpi

-Photonics & Optics, chair Goery Genty

-Astrophysics and Space Physics, chair Emilia Kilpua

-New Methods for Experimental Research, chair Kirsi Svedström
(3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33,)

(Room 5)

(Room 6)

(Room 12)

(Room 13)

(Room 10)
16:00-18:00 Poster session A

Posters A101-A242
(1st and 2nd floor lobbies, Fabianinkatu 33)
16:00-17:00 Demonstration of Virtual Reality Outreach software (Aalto Virtual Planetarium) (Room 9)
16:00-17:00 IOP Finland Chapter session, chair Tapio Rantala

-Dr Tajamal Bhutta: Using Context to Engage Students
(Room 13, Fabianinkatu 33)

Meetings of Divisions of Finnish Physical Society

16:00-17:00 Laskennallisen fysiikan jaosto

16:00-17:30 Finnish Young Minds (FYM)

16:00-17:00 Synkrotronisäteilyjaosto

16:30-17:30 Lääketieteellisen fysiikan jaosto

17:00-18:00 Fysiikan opetuksen jaosto

17:00-18:00 Tähtitieteen ja avaruustutkimuksen jaosto

17:00-18:00 Tyhjiötekniikan jaosto
(3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)

(Room 5)

(Room 12)

(Room 6)

(Room 7)

(Room 13)

(Room 6)

(Room 5)
16:00-17:30 Inspiring Physics for School Students (in Finnish only) (free entry)

chair Maija Nousiainen
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
17:30-18:30 Studia Generalia lecture in Finnish, chair Ilpo Vattulainen (free entry)

-J.Louhelainen.: Kaiken takana on DNA: sukujuuret, Viiltäjä-Jack, Bodom-järven murhat ja tapaus Aarnio
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
19:00-21:00 Helsinki City Reception (Banquet Hall of the City Hall) (City Hall, Pohjoisesplanadi 11-13)

[*] Free entry for FPS members


WEDNESDAY, March 6th 2019

08:30-18:00 Registration desk open (Aleksanterinkatu entrance)
08:30-18:00 Information deskopen (Fabianinkatu entrance)
09:00-18:00 Exhibition open (2nd floor lobby, Fabianinkatu 33)
12:00-18:00 University Museum open (free entry) (3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)
09:00-10:30 Plenary session 2, chair Katri Huitu

-David Glowacki: Combining Virtual Reality with Real-time Supercomputing for Molecular Design

-Florencia Canelli: The Standard Model and Beyond: Physics from the LHC
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break (Fabianinkatu 33)
11:00-12:30 Parallel sessions 2

-Scientific Computing, Machine Learning, Big Data: New Tools, chair Adam Foster

-Physics Education & Outreach, chair Maija Nousiainen

-High Energy and Nuclear Physics I, chair Anu Kankainen

-Physics of Materials and Condensed Matter I, chair Karoliina Honkala
(3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)

(Room 1)

(Room 12)

(Room 13)

(Room 5)
12:30-13:30 Lunch (Fabianinkatu 33)
13:30-15:00 Plenary session 3, chair Hanna Vehkamäki

-Jari Louhelainen: From Electrostatics to Nanostrings: Physical Sciences in Forensic Crime Scenes and Laboratories

-Peter Main: Removing Gender Barriers in Physics
(Room 1, Fabianinkatu 33)
15:00-15:30 Coffee break (Fabianinkatu 33)
15:00-15:30 Guided Tour at the University Museum (3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)
15:30-17:30 Poster session B

Posters B101-B242
(1st and 2nd floor lobbies, Fabianinkatu 33)
15:30-16:45 Demonstration of Virtual Reality Outreach sofware (Aalto Virtual Planetarium) (Room 9)

Finnish Women in Physics Annual Meeting (Room 5, Fabianinkatu 33)

Network discussions on 'Improving diversity in Physics' with Peter Main, chair Hanna Vehkamäki (Room 5, Fabianinkatu 33)

Workshop on Teaching Physics in Practice, chair Maija Nousiainen

-Ian Bearden: How to Build a Radiation Detector for Gamma Rays?
(Room 12, Fabianinkatu 33)
17:00-18:00 Academy of Finland session: Novel Applications of AI in Physical Sciences and Engineering research (AIPSE), chair Tommi Laitinen

-Adam Foster: Recognising Molecules in Atomic Resolution Force Microscopy

-Lauri Salmela: Machine Learning Analysis of Extreme Events in Optical Fibre Modulation Instability

-Antti Pihjalamäki: Structure Prediction of Hybrid Nanoparticles via Artificial Intelligence

-Patrick Rinke: Human vs Machine: Deciphering the Structure of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces
(Room 5, Fabianinkatu 33)

Annual Meeting of the Finnish Physical Society (Room 13, Fabianinkatu 33)
19:30-23:00 Conference Dinner, host Kai Nordlund (Restaurant Bank, Unioninkatu 20)

[*] Free entry for FPS members

THURSDAY, March 7th 2019

08:30-16:30 Registration desk open (Aleksanterinkatu entrance)
08:30-16:30 Information desk open (Fabianinkatu entrance)
09:00-16:30 Exhibition open (2nd floor lobby, Fabianinkatu 33)
12:00-18:00 University Museum open (free entry) (3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)
09:00-10:30 Plenary session 4, chair Esa Räsänen

-Christopher Johnson: Tracing the Role of Water in Atmospheric Particle Formation

-Jaan Praks: New space boom - challenges and opportunities for science and business
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break (Fabianinkatu 33)
11:00-12:30 Parallel sessions 3 (Fabianinkatu 33)

-Energy, Environment and Climate, chair Jorma Keskinen

-High Energy and Nuclear Physics II, chair Anu Kankainen

-Quantum Devices & Information, chair Jani-Petri Martikainen

-Nanoscale Physics, chair Jussi Toppari

-Physics of Materials and Condensed Matter II, chair Karoliina Honkala

-Demonstration of Virtual Reality Outreach sofware (Aalto Virtual Planetarium)
(3rd floor, Fabianinkatu 33)

(Room 5)

(Room 12)

(Room 6)

(Room 13)

(Room 1)

(Room 9)
12:30-13:45 Lunch (Fabianinkatu 33)
13:45-15:15 Plenary session 5, chair Jyrki Räisänen

-P. Liljeroth: Artificial Designer Materials

-E. Räsänen: The Physics of Heartbeats & Drumbeats: Fractals Behind Health & Groove
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
15:15-15:30 Enjoying Physics performance, Aino Savolainen and Cyr wheel (Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
15:30-16:30 Vision of Physics in the Future Society, powered by PechaKucha, chair Anne Liljeström

-Elina Hiltunen: Role of Science in the Society in the Future

-Janne Ignatius: The Future Is About Scientific Computing and Data

-Patrick Rinke: AI Physicists: What Are They Like?

-Filip Tuomisto: Materials for energy: can we do better?

-Kimmo Tuominen: Visions of Higher Education

-Katri Saarikivi: Emotions, empathy and the future of humanness
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)
16:30-16:45 Closing Ceremony, president of the FPS

-Hannu Koskinen awards for best talk and best poster

-closing words
(Great Hall, Aleksanterinkatu 5)

Please notice that during the conference you have a great opportunity to visit the University Museum (free entrance). It is open 12:00-18:00, and is situated on the third floor of the building (new side).